
  • 网络maturation
  1. NR受体基因发生突变,产生对乙烯不敏感的突变体,其果实不能自然成熟。

    NR was the first gene that confirmed to be a ethylene receptor gene from fruit .

  2. 对相同饲养条件下经产虹鳟和初产金鳟亲鱼自然成熟产卵群体生物学特性及其成熟鱼卵中四种不饱和脂肪酸(亚油酸、亚麻酸、EPA、DHA)组成含量进行分析比较。

    The biology characteristic of female mature fish Salmo gairdneri Richardson 、 Oncorhynchus mykiss and content of four polyunsaturated fatty acid ( PUFA ) in its spawn were analysed and studied .

  3. 574.在乡下自然成熟的番茄具有这种性质。

    574 . In the rural the naturally matured tomatoes have this nature .

  4. 经过3个多月蓄养,泥蚶自然成熟,自行产卵,成活率和孵化率均在80%以上。

    The incubation rate and the larval survival rate both were above 80 % .

  5. 方法试验分为两个阶段,第一阶段,在相同外界条件下,对经过人工接种的滤柱与自然成熟的滤柱进行去除率对比;

    First compare the removal rate between the inoculated pillar and naturally formed pillar under the same outside condition .

  6. 杏果实自然成熟过程中,色素代谢十分活跃,叶绿素和类黄酮含量显著降低,类胡萝卜素显著增加,花色素苷含量极显著上升。

    The levels of chlorophyll and flavonoids were obviously decreased , a lot while the contents of carotenoid and anthocyanin were considerably increased .

  7. 研究了在自然成熟和催熟条件下,大久保桃果实硬度与乙烯、脂肪氧合酶、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶及相关代谢的研究。

    The relationships between the peach fruit firmness and ethylene , Lox , PG and related metabolism were studied during natural and accelerating ripening .

  8. 这些含气体的蕃茄是可以食用的,但味道却无法与自然成熟的蕃茄相提并论。

    Gassed tomatoes are edible , but they are no match to the flavor of a vine-ripened tomato that is allowed to mature slowly .

  9. 纳他霉素对细菌没有抑制作用,因此它不影响酸奶、奶酪、生火腿、干香肠的自然成熟过程。

    Natamycin has no effect on bacteria , so it does not prevent in the natural maturing process of yoghurt , cheese , fresh Ham , sausage , ect .

  10. 幼儿园新教师大多经历着自然成熟的过程,缺乏有效的指导,更缺乏专业成长的自觉意识和明确的专业成长目标。

    Most of new preschool teachers have only experienced process of natural maturity , and are lack of valid guidance , consciousness of professional growth and specific professional growth targets .

  11. 采用自然成熟度系列与其预热残渣系列样品相结合方式,通过热解模拟方法,对煤中有机质二次生烃迟滞性显现特征和化学反应动力学机制进行了探讨。

    In this study , the coal sample series are analyzed with both natural and artificial maturity series . Then the pyrolytic simulation method is employed to address the lagging and reaction kinetic mechanism of the hydrocarbon regeneration from the organic matters in coals .

  12. 对四川香肠自然发酵成熟过程中的理化特性和微生物的变化规律进行了测定和分析。

    The changes of physicochemical and microbial properties were determined and analyzed during the ripening process of Sichuan sausage under natural fermentation in present study .

  13. 结果表明,按照肉制品生产的标准剂量添加发色剂,广味香肠自然发酵成熟过程中亚硝酸盐残留量在2·59~27·25mg/kg范围内,均未超过国家标准。

    The results revealed that the nitrite reside of Guang flavor sausage , in which the chromogenic reagent was added according to the standard of meat products manufacturing , was in the range of 2.59 ~ 27.25mg/kg not beyond the government standard during the natural fermentation and ripening process .

  14. 结果表明,传统中式香肠自然晾挂成熟过程中的水分活度和水分均在干燥前16d迅速下降,然后缓慢降低;

    The moisture and water activity of Chinese-style sausage dropped significantly during the first 16 days of natural air-drying , followed with slight decrease ;

  15. 研究结果表明,在传统中式香肠自然晾挂成熟过程中,好氧菌总数、厌氧菌总数、嗜冷菌总数、酵母和霉菌总数从第1d至第12d逐渐上升,然后下降;

    The results showed that the total number of aerobic plate , anaerobic plate , psychrotrophic , yeasts and molds in chinese-style sausage rose gradually from the 1st to 12th day , and then declined during natural air-drying .

  16. 自然场景下成熟水果的计算机视觉识别

    Recognition of Mature Fruit in Natural Scene Using Computer Vision

  17. 传统中式香肠自然晾挂成熟过程中生理生化特性及微生物的变化

    Physicochemical , biochemical and microbiological changes of Chinese-style sausage during natural air-drying

  18. 研究在自然场景下成熟水果的识别技术。

    A recognition technique of mature fruit in natural scenes was researched in this paper .

  19. 有些时候,虽然没有明显原因,美西蝾螈也会自然地发育成熟。

    At other times , the change can occur spontaneously , for no apparent reason .

  20. 在这个巨大的信息源面前,人们自然希望利用成熟的数据库技术对感兴趣的数据进行方便的查询、分析和报告。

    Users would like to apply mature database technology to query , analyze and report data of interests from this huge information source .

  21. 因为随着年龄的增长,学的知识多了,看的多了,了解的多了,自然的就会成熟的。

    Because of the growth as the age , learned knowledge is much , those who look is much , of understanding much , natural can mature .

  22. 我们已经开发的这个屋顶的多层系统,在很多环境很差的城市中,还是促进了植物的自然生长以及成熟。

    The layered systems we have been developing encourage , and in many cases improve the natural processes of growth and maturity within the generally more hostile urban environment .

  23. 光谱图像技术结合SAM算法识别自然场景下的成熟柑橘

    Recognition of Mature Citrus in Natural Scene Using Spectral Imaging and Spectral Angle Mapper

  24. A组为自然周期的卵泡成熟后采用IUI治疗;

    In group A , when the eggs ripe in natural period , IUI was used .

  25. 自然条件下番茄成熟度机器人判别模型

    Judgment Model on Maturity of Harvesting-tomato for Robot under Natural Conditions

  26. 利用计算机视觉对自然场景下的成熟西红柿进行识别

    Discriminating Mature Tomatoes in Natural Outdoor Scenes by Computer Vision

  27. 设计和构建了自然环境下葡萄成熟度采前无损检测子系统。

    Designed and constructed the nondestructive measurement before harvest subsystem of grape under natural environment .

  28. 物理学是自然科学中最成熟的一门科学,它是自然美的集中反映,是自然科学美的典范。

    Physics is the most mature science in natural sciences . It is the reflection of natural beauty and the mirror of natural science beauty .

  29. 提出了基于颜色特征对自然场景下的成熟西红柿进行识别的方法及对其质心位置的确定。

    Proposing discriminating methods that discriminated the red color of the tomato based on color features in natural outdoor scenes and finding the tomato 's centroid .

  30. 此类刺激往往意味着向国有的重工业注入大量资金,从而扰乱中国经济自然地向更成熟、服务业主导的结构转型。

    Such stimulus efforts tend to flood the state-owned , heavy industrial sector with money , unbalancing any natural transition in the economy to a more mature , service-led structure .