
  • 网络all-round development education;Education for all-round development
  1. 创建绿色大学,实施全面发展教育

    Building a green university to practise the education for all-round development

  2. 人力教育理念与全面发展教育观

    Ideas on Education of Human Resource and Views on Education for All-round Development

  3. 对素质教育与全面发展教育关系的探讨

    On the relation between quality education and all - round education

  4. 德育工作是学校工作的重要组成部分,当前的德育工作面临许多新的问题,如:对全面发展教育方针的冲击;

    Moral education is an important part of school routine .

  5. 劳动教育在学生全面发展教育中的作用

    The Functions of Labor Education in the Students ' All-round Development Education

  6. 论三生教育与全面发展教育的关系

    On the Relationship between " Sansheng Education " and All-round Development Education

  7. 论当代大学生全面发展教育

    A Study of the All-round Development of College Students

  8. 生命视野中全面发展教育的反思与重构

    Reflections on and Reconstruction of Overall Development Education in the Perspective of Life

  9. 素质教育是全面发展教育的深化;

    Quality education deepens the overall developing education ;

  10. 论全面发展教育观之实践意义人的全面发展的实践理念

    Practice Theory on the Overall Development of People

  11. 西方古代全面发展教育的由来及其演变

    The origin and evolution of the education of all round development in ancient West

  12. 数学教育是对学生进行全面发展教育不可缺少的组成部分。

    Mathematics education is an indispensable part of a comprehensive development of education students .

  13. 劳动教育是全面发展教育中的重要一环。

    Labor education is an important part of the students ' all round development education .

  14. 道德教育是全面发展教育中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    The moral education is in the full scale development education the indispensable important constituent .

  15. 我国一直把德育放在德智体全面发展教育的首位,对德育评价问题的研究是当前我国教育界的一大热点。

    Moral education has been put on the top of the overall development of education in our country .

  16. 主体教育理论、全面发展教育理论、个性教育理论构成了创新教育的理论基础。

    And innovation education theory is based on the subject educationtheory , all-round development education theory and personality educationtheory .

  17. 体育课程不是一门学科的课程,而是全面发展教育的一个方面的课程。

    PE curriculum is not a curriculum of a certain course , but a course of an aspect of overall education development .

  18. 心理健康即是全面发展教育的组成部分,又是人的全面教育的必要条件。

    Mental health that is an integral part of overall development of education , but also the all-round education , a necessary condition .

  19. 为了全面发展教育,每个学生都要掌握一门乐器和一门技能,比如缝纫。

    To balance out their education , each student had to master a musical instrument as well as a skill such as sewing .

  20. 美育,是通过审美活动和审美实践有意识地培养人的审美能力,是全面发展教育的必要组成部分。

    Aesthetic is the cultivation of a sense of aesthetics through aesthetic practice and activities , which is a necessary part of education development .

  21. 德育是我国社会主义全面发展教育的重要组成部分,在学校教育工作中居首位。

    Moral education is an important part of the socialist overall developing education in our country and stands at the first place in school work .

  22. 素质教育的研究基于应试教育的种种弊病之上,它同全面发展教育是一致的。

    The quality education has been put forward in view of the various disadvantages of education for examination , and is identical with all round developing education .

  23. 目前,我国高等教育中的大学生艺术团,在实现人的生存和全面发展教育中发挥着重要作用。

    Today , university student art troupe plays a key role in terms of achieving existence of humanity and overall developing education in higher education of China .

  24. 全面发展教育、医药卫生、文化体育等社会事业,促进基本公共服务逐步均等化。

    We will develop a wide range of social programs covering education , medicine , health , arts and sports and promote equal access to basic public services .

  25. 作为素质教育理念支撑下的全面发展教育的重要组成部分一劳动教育,特别是家庭劳动教育对孩子的健康成长和发展至关重要,对孩子整个人生起着不可估量甚至是决定性的作用。

    Education through labor , as an importance element of the all-around development education , plays an important , even a decisive role in the life of a child .

  26. 体育是德、智、体全面发展教育方针的重要组成部分,它是国民体育的基础,是全民健身运动的重要因素。

    Sports is an important component of comprehensive education and the foundation of the development of national sports , and it is an important factor of national fitness campaign .

  27. 人本主义教育理论、个性教育理论和全面发展教育理论构成了中师生创新教育的理论基础。

    The theory of the innovation education for the students from secondary teachers ' schools is based on the humanism education theory , personality education theory and all-round development theory .

  28. 游戏是对幼儿进行体、智、德、美等全面发展教育的有力手段,幼儿园教育以游戏为基本活动。

    Play is the strong means to develop preschoolers ' full-scale development as physical , intellectual , moral , aesthetic education and so on . It is the basic activity in kindergarten education .

  29. 数学教师良好的情绪智力对学生具有潜移默化的影响,它可以促进全面发展教育目标的实现,有利于提高师生创造力水平,并取得良好的数学教育教学效果。

    It helps to facilitate the realization of all-sided development education objective ; to promote the creation capability of teachers and students , which in turn , helps to gain a better education effect .

  30. 美育正逐渐成为全面发展教育的重要组成部分,医学院校是培养直接服务于人、能创造人类美的人才的高校。

    Aesthetic education is becoming one of the most important parts of overall education . Medical college or universities are the places where the talents who will service people directly and create beauty are trained .