
  • 网络The good will
  1. 善良意志与道德权限

    " Good Will " and the bounds Between Moral and Ethics

  2. 康德认为,善良意志是一切道德价值的源泉;

    Kant thought that the good will is the source of moral worth .

  3. 论康德的善良意志

    Try to Discuss Kant ′ s Kind Will

  4. 并且善良意志只能体现在出于职责的动机而履行职责的行为中。

    And the good will showed only through acting from the motive of duty .

  5. 善良意志、绝对命令、意志自律构成康德伦理学的主要内容。

    Good will , categorical imperative and will self-discipline construct the main contents of Kantian ethics .

  6. 要保证行为的绝对的善,就只能是出于纯粹善良意志而行为。

    To ensure the absolute goodness , we should act in according to the pure good will .

  7. 善良意志与道德权限关于善良的哲学思考

    " Good Will " and the bounds Between Moral and Ethics Philosophical Reflections on Kind-heartedness of Man

  8. 以理性规律直接决定人的意志,从而形成善良意志。

    When the rational law directly decides the motivation of people , the good will come into being .

  9. 善良意志即道德价值,是一种超越一切条件之外的无条件的善、绝对的善,它之所以善,是因为善本身。

    Good Will is the moral value which is an unconditional or absolute good beyond any outside conditions . It is good because of the goodness itself .

  10. 其中,善良意志是绝对的自在的善,它通过普遍有效的道德法则实现人为自己立法,并趋向作为最高道德理想的至善。

    As for Kant , all his ethics is built on the holy good will and the innate moral laws and tend to the tiptop moral idea the highest good .

  11. 当善良意志这种纯形式被主观化到经验世界中,就成为善良的道德动机,这是对道德法则的敬重。

    When its pure form gets the subjective form in experience world , the good will becomes kindhearted moral motive , and that is the respect to the moral axioms .

  12. 康德首先提出善良意志是最具有道德价值的善,而善良意志的同义词就是出于责任,于是康德导出了关于责任的三个命题。

    Kant first proposed that the good will has the best moral value and the synonym of he good will is responsibility . Then Kant derived about of three propositions of the responsibility .

  13. 康德的绝对命令是在有所欠缺的经验之上产生的自由意志或善良意志对有所欠缺的经验的批判,其前提和内容都仅仅在于其善良意志之中。

    Kant 's " absolute order " is a criticism from the free will or good will which is born on the demanding experience , to the experience which is a little demanding ;

  14. 康德把道德的基础建立在善良意志之上,阐明了道德的普遍形式特征,高扬了人的主体性,从而实现了伦理学中的哥白尼革命。

    Kant established moral base on the kind will , illustrated moral ( widespread ) formal feature , mainly showed human subject characteristic as to achieve " the ( Copernicus ) revolution " in ethics .

  15. 在自然系统论伦理观中,道德底限是指人凭借善良意志对事物的合理的存在秩序的认识、协调以及在这一过程中形成的基本的行为规范的总和;

    In the natural-system ethics view , the bottom of morality is that people recognize and coordinate the reasonable existence order of the object relying on their good will and the basic action standard in the process of recognizing and coordinating ;

  16. 作为理性的存在,审美主体的内在自由促使其反观自身的生存状态与生命价值,将其自由与道德法则相互联系,通过自身的善良意志,更好地实现主体的自由。

    As rational beings , the intrinsic freedom of the aesthetic subject promotes him introspect about his survival status and value of life , contact his own freedom with moral law , and better achieve the freedom through own good will .

  17. 由此看来,善良的意志甚至是该不该得到幸福的不可缺少的条件

    Thus the good will seems to constitute the indispensable condition even of worthiness to be happy