
shàn xínɡ
  • benevolent action;philanthropic act;kind deed;good
善行 [shàn xíng]
  • (1) [benefaction]∶慷慨的捐献

  • (2) [mercy]∶使人免受折磨、惩罚或痛苦的仁慈行为

  1. 善行并不是仅限于基督教世界。

    Virtue is not confined to the Christian world

  2. 幸福来自善行。

    Well-being arises from well-doing .

  3. 我想谢谢我的朋友BlairWaldorf对于Ostroff中心的肯定以及他们所做的善行

    I just wanna thank my friend , Blair Waldorf , for recognizing the Ostroff center and all of the good things that they do .

  4. 无论你做什么好好想清楚今天出席的都是什么人deny:否认不用否认了Chuck看到你了大家好我是SerenaVanDerWoodsen我想谢谢我的朋友BlairWaldorfrecognize:认可对于Ostroff中心的肯定以及他们所做的善行

    Whatever you 're doing , think about , who 's standing in this room right now . - Blair : Don 't try to deny it . Chuck saw you . I just wanna thank my , friend , Blair Waldorf , for recognizing the Ostroff center and , all of the good things that they do .

  5. 常言道善行本身就是回报。

    It is often said that virtue is its own reward .

  6. 你还以为这么做是为了伟大的善行之举?

    And you think it 's all for the greater good ?

  7. 一桩善行使他不辞而别,来到了这儿。

    An errand of generosity brought him here unknown to us ;

  8. 你所谓的正义、权力、善行到底是什么意思?

    What do you mean by justice and right and goodness ?

  9. 真正伟大的人,别人会从他的善行感受出来。

    Behavior great man often make people understand his kind behavior .

  10. 特里萨修女的善行是我们大家的榜样。

    Mother teresa 's goodness is an example to us all .

  11. 善行或不善行皆由心所造。

    Both virtuous and nonvirtuous actions are formed in the mind .

  12. 接着,反思你已经做的那些善行。

    Next , reflect on the kind acts you already do .

  13. 农作物情况是定格的大概公平对善行。

    The crop condition was rated mostly fair to good .

  14. 德勒沙修女以善行著名。

    Mother Teresa is very well known for her kindness .

  15. 而要以善行装饰自己,这才合乎称为虔敬天主的女人。

    But as it becometh women professing godliness , with good works .

  16. 你今朝的善行,众人会在明晨淡忘。

    The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow .

  17. 善行如灿烂的星光。

    Good deed will shine as the stars of heaven .

  18. 因为你的善行,生命才得以传承下去。

    There will be generations because of what you did .

  19. 格培多告诉他每一件善行都会得到回报。

    Geppetto had told him that every good deed was always rewarded .

  20. 大多数人来这里,为健康和善行贡献自己的力量。

    Most residents came to help promote health and well-being .

  21. 电影的信息是善行总是赢得邪恶。

    The message of the film is that good always wins evil .

  22. 善行未必与伟大为伍,但是伟大必与善行有关。

    Goodness are not tied to greatness , but greatness to goodness .

  23. 没有人喜欢那种自以为无所不知、希望通过善行改变世界的人。

    Nobody likes a do-gooder know-it-all who wants to change the world .

  24. 忘记我曾对你恶语相向但记住我的善言善行

    Forget unkind words I have spoken Remember some good I have done

  25. 你对看的途径善行或智能想要吗?

    Do you want to passes good looking or wisdom ?

  26. 这伟大的善行人们将永志不望。

    This incredible gesture won 't soon be forgotten by the people .

  27. 在灾难降临的生死关头,这些善行显然是应急之需。

    That 's obviously critical to do when disaster strikes .

  28. 我打算每周做一件小善行。

    I 'm gonna do one small act of kindness every week .

  29. 这象征以善行来净化我们的恶业。

    This symbolises the purification of one 's unwholesome deeds with wholesome deeds .

  30. 善行是赞美自己最好的办法。

    The best way to admire oneself is kindness .