
zhènɡ dǎnɡ zhènɡ zhì
  • party politics;government by the majority party
  1. 他是政党政治的标志性人物。

    He is the human face of party politics .

  2. 总统应当置身于政党政治之上。

    The President should stand above party politics .

  3. 我们并不是说活动家应该把所有的精力和时间都用到政党政治上。

    We 're not saying that activists should put all their effort and time into party politics

  4. 第三部分:构建与发展我国政府公关。政党政治进化与政府绩效

    The Political Progressing of the Party and the Performances of Government

  5. 第二部分:福音派与美国政党政治,主要论述美国政党制度的形成;

    Part Two : Evangelicals and the Party politics of America .

  6. 台湾政党政治的发展历程及其时代特征

    On the Developing Process and Historical Characteristics of Taiwan Party Politics

  7. 浅析民国初年的政党政治实践

    Analysis of the Practice of Party Government in Early ROC Period

  8. 美国利益集团政治与政党政治关系比较研究

    A comparative study of American interest group politics and party politics

  9. 试论冷战后世界政党政治的新变化

    On new changes of post Cold War world party politics

  10. 政党政治是现代政治生活的中心问题。

    Party politics are the central issues of the modern political life .

  11. 世纪之交墨西哥政党政治制度的变化

    Change of Mexican party politics system at the turn of the centuries

  12. 西欧政党政治中的社会保障与国民福利浅析

    Social Security and Welfare in the Western European Party System

  13. 他在12月底作了一次政党政治广播。

    At the end of December he gave a party political broadcast .

  14. 政党政治对现代政府运作的影响

    Influence of Political Party Politics upon Modern Government Administration

  15. 民国初年政党政治探析(1912-1913)

    Analysis on Politics in the Beginning Year of the Republic ( 1912-1913 );

  16. 执政伦理是政党政治出现和发展的产物。

    Governing ethic is the product of the emergency and development of party politics .

  17. 二是从政治学角度考析政党政治思想理论中蕴涵的政治监督含义。

    Secondly , the paper expound the thought of party politic theory from politics .

  18. 依法执政是现代国家政党政治发展的一条普遍规律。

    Rule of law is a general orderliness of modern country 's political party .

  19. 从政党政治特征和国家治理方式看依法治国方略

    Political Party and the Strategy of Ruling the Country in Accordance with the Law

  20. 第一章,印度政党政治发展的主要影响因素。

    Chapter 1 deals with the factors influencing the development of India party politics .

  21. 政党政治与依法治国是当代政治生活的世界性历史潮流,正确处理好党法关系具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Party politics and nomocracy are the world uide historical trend in nowaday political life .

  22. 下面就几种典型的政党政治现代化模式作以比较分析。

    Below makes the comparative analysis on several kind of typical party politics modernization pattern .

  23. 政党政治和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的内涵之一。

    Party politics harmony is one of the connotations of constructing a socialist harmonious society .

  24. 第三,政党政治思想。

    Third , the political Party thought .

  25. 试析美国政党政治的特点及其对美国外交的作用与影响

    Initial Analysis of the Features of American Party Politics and Impact on American Foreign Policy

  26. 拉美政党政治的新变化

    New Developments in Latin American Party Politics

  27. 国大党的兴衰与印度政党政治的发展

    The Development of India Party Politics and the Rise and Fall of India National Congress

  28. 欧洲绿党的发展变化及其对传统政党政治的影响

    The Development and Changes of European Green Party and Its Impact on Traditional Party Politics

  29. 再以波兰和匈牙利为例,在回顾1990年代政党政治发展的基础上,着重分析金融危机前后的政党政治变化,并最后作一比较分析。

    After that , a comparative analysis on Party Politics changes done between Poland and Hungary .

  30. 共识政治是战后英国政党政治史的一个显著特点,其成因不止一端。

    Consensus politics is the main feature of the history of the post-war British party politics .