
  • 网络Liu Haifeng;David Liu
  1. 刘海峰还呼吁高校应该为来自农村家庭的学生提供补贴或奖学金,以保障其接受高等教育的权利。

    Liu also urged universities to provide subsidies or scholarships to students from rural families in order to guarantee the right of higher education .

  2. 刘海峰是为数不多的在中国内地(而非香港)安家的中国投资者之一,他帮助该公司强调其本地联系。

    Mr Liu is one of the few China investors who has his home on the mainland rather than in Hong Kong , helping the company emphasise its local ties .

  3. 厦门大学教育研究院院长刘海峰表示,物价的上涨伴伴随着更高的工资,这意味着高校上涨经费维持正常运转是可以理解的。

    Liu Haifeng , the president of the Institute of Education at Xiamen University , said rising prices coincide with higher salaries , meaning it is reasonable to increase tuition fees for universities to continue to operate normally .