
  1. 310年,刘渊死,其子刘聪杀兄自立为帝。

    In 310 , Liu Yuan died , his son Liu Cong killed his brother and secured the throne .

  2. 308年(永嘉二年),刘渊称帝,迁都平阳(今山西临汾县),接着派大军进攻洛阳。

    In 308 , Liu Yuan declared himself emperor and move the capital to Pingyang ( southwest of now Linfen city , Shanxi ) and waged his army to attack Luoyang .

  3. 304年(永兴元年),刘渊开始起兵。很快发展到五万人,定都于离石(山西离石),建国号“汉”,自称汉王,胡、汉各族很多人归附他。

    In 304 , he launched a campaign to overthrow the Jin government and soon his armies expanded as much as 50000 . Establishing capital at Lishi ( now Lishi in Shanxi province ) .

  4. 石勒出身羯族,曾被卖为家奴,刘渊称汉王时,他参加起义。

    Liu Yuan assumed himself King of Han and the Han and other minorities were all his subjects . Shi Le , sold as family servant , was Jie minority and attended the uprising while Liu Yuan called as King of Han .