
  • 网络Educational views;education concept;outlook on education;education perspective
  1. 智力研究的两种思路与教育观的转变

    Two Perspectives on Intelligence Study and Their Influence on the Changing of Educational Views

  2. 试论新课标下儿童文学教育观的重新构建

    On restructuring educational views of children 's literature under the context of new curriculum standards

  3. 精英教育观与Boyer学术观是支持研究型大学本科教育改革的重要理念。而研究型大学的本科教育正是在不断改革之中逐渐形成创新型人才培养模式的。

    Elite education concept and Boyer 's academic idea contribute much to the reform of undergraduate curricular for innovative students in research-oriented colleges and universities .

  4. 从大教育观的角度看我国大学英语教学改革

    College English Teaching Reform Based on the World View of Education

  5. 要素主义的天才教育观及其启示

    Thinking on Educational Conception of the Gifted and Talented in Essentialism

  6. 论新世纪教师的教育观

    Some Views on Teacher 's Pedagogical Concept in the Naw Century

  7. 可持续发展的教育观与高校体育改革

    On Continuative Development Education Idea And High Physical Education Reform

  8. 钱伟长大学素质教育观及其时代意义

    A Study of Professor Qian Weichang 's Concept on College Quality Education

  9. 转变传统体育教育观,塑造新型体育人才

    Transforming Traditional Concept of Physical Education and Cultivating Sportsmen with New Cultures

  10. 中国公民教育观发展脉络探析

    Exploration on the Developmental Track of Chinese Civil Educational Outlook

  11. 试论开放、兼容的现代教育观

    An Initiatory Comment on Opening and Compatible Modern Educational View

  12. 以人为本的教育观和大学德语教学

    On the People - oriented Education View and the College German Teaching

  13. 适合学生主体发展的教育观述论

    On the Educational Outlook Suited to the Development of Students Main Bodies

  14. 浅析大系统教育观之特征

    On the Characteristics in the Concept of General Systematic Education

  15. 王夫之进步教育观论略

    Brief comment on Wang Fu-zhi 's progressive views on education

  16. 卢梭自然主义教育观的若干启迪

    The Enlightenments of the Principles of Rousseau 's Natural Education

  17. 创新教育观是实施创新教育的先导

    Innovative Educational View & Forerunner of Implementing Innovative Education

  18. 可持续发展的知识经济的教育观

    The education viewpoint of knowledge economy of sustainable development

  19. 可持续发展教育观的系统思考

    The Integrative Cognition on Educational Opinion of Sustainable Development

  20. 通识教育观指导下的校园文化建设

    Construction of Campus Culture Guided by General Educational Philosophy

  21. 使学生树立先进的数学观与数学教育观。

    First , let students establish advanced concepts about mathematics and mathematical education .

  22. 后现代道德教育观及其启示

    The post-modernist moral education and its revelation to the moral education in China

  23. 论徐特立的群众本位教育观及其当代价值

    On Xu Teli 's " People-Oriented " Educational Outlook and Its Contemporary Value

  24. 试论多元智能理论下的家长教育观

    On Parents'Educational Beliefs about the Theory of Multiple Intelligence

  25. 坚持以人为本的教育观促进人的全面和谐发展

    A on People-oriented Educational Outlook for the Comprehensive and Harmonious Development of People

  26. 素质教育观下的高等师范钢琴教育

    Piano Teaching at Teachers'Colleges from the Viewpoint of Quality

  27. 分析机遇和挑战,提出五条对策:解放思想,树立现代教育观;

    There are five pieces of countermeasure : to set up modern education concept ;

  28. 论全面发展教育观之实践意义人的全面发展的实践理念

    Practice Theory on the Overall Development of People

  29. 素质教育观下的数学课堂教学

    Math Teaching from the Perspective of Quality Education

  30. 论完整的科学教育观

    Discussion on the integrated science education idea