
  • 网络Cultural transmission;culture transmission
  1. 论英国文学教学中的文化传递

    A Comment on Cultural Transmission in the Teaching of English Literature

  2. 试论影响英汉翻译中文化传递的基本要素

    Some Main Elements of Cultural Transmission in English-Chinese Translation

  3. 翻译不仅是语言转换操作,更是文化传递活动。

    Translation involves not only language transformation but also culture transmission .

  4. 微笑将把我们的文化传递给世界。

    And smile are passing our civilize and culture to the world .

  5. 这些现象表明语言具有文化传递性。

    This shows that language , but they are not mutually intelligible .

  6. 如何将汉语文化传递到外国去成为翻译家们思考的问题。

    Translators are thinking about how to transmit Chinese culture to foreign countries .

  7. 从《红楼梦》熟语的翻译看异化的文化传递功能

    On culture - transferring function of " foreignization "

  8. 印刷媒介数字化与文化传递模式的变迁

    Digitalized Print Media and Changes in Cultural Transmission Pattern

  9. 从美国交警执法谈英语教学的文化传递

    On Cultural Transmission in English Teaching Through the Enforcement of American Traffic Police

  10. 范式与文化传递:宋词翻译双璧

    Stylistic and Cultural Delivery : Double Keys to the Translation of Song Lyrics

  11. 翻译中文化传递的可接受性

    On the Acceptability of Cultural Transmission in Translation

  12. 中西文字在文化传递过程中的作用

    Word forms and their roles in cultural transmission

  13. 计算机辅助教学手段在文化传递领域的运用

    Application of CALL Techniques in Culture Transmission

  14. 并指出译者对原文的正确理解和解读在文化传递的过程中至关重要;

    That the translator 's proper comprehension of the source text is of primary importance ;

  15. 翻译中的跨文化传递

    Cross - Cultural Transfer in Translation

  16. 什么是文化传递性?

    What is cultural transmission ?

  17. 文化传递模式与教育价值取向:一种社会学分析

    The Mode of Culture Transfer and the Tropism of Education Value : A Kind of Sociological Analysis

  18. 并探讨了文化传递过程中译者表达的基本策略。

    And it also discusses some basic ways of expression that translators can adopt in cultural transmission .

  19. 委婉语翻译中的文化传递

    Cultural Transmission in Euphemism Translation

  20. 翻译中的文化传递

    Culture Transference in Translation

  21. 同时也希望译界能引起对隐士文化传递的关注。

    Meanwhile , it hopes that attention will be drawn concerning the transmission of recluse culture in translation .

  22. 正如生物遗传离不开基因,人类文化传递与演化却离不开摹因。

    Just as gene is indispensable to heredity , meme is found inseparable from cultural transmission and evolution .

  23. 从三美再现谈古诗英译中的文化传递

    On Transmission of Culture in the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry : Reproduction of " Three Beauties "

  24. 教育从本质上看是一种文化传递形式。在文化传递的过程中,教育体系烙上了社会结构的印记。

    Education in essence is a form of cultural transmission and education system itself is shaped by the social structure .

  25. 第三章从翻译的文化传递功能方面阐述了汉语中的亲属词语的英译问题。

    Chapter Three dwells upon translating cultural nouns and Chinese kinship nouns in view of the functions of cultural transmission .

  26. 甘肃沿着丝绸之路而延伸,在经济上具有重要的地位,也是文化传递的必经之地。

    Situated along the Silk Road , Gansu was an economically important province and a cultural transmission path as well .

  27. 然而,很多企业的英译文本中存在诸如信息处理,遣词造句,结构布局,文化传递等方面的问题。

    However , there are many problems , which are at lexical , structural and cultural levels in the English version .

  28. 但在翻译中,宋词精华之所在的范式与文化传递往往又难以处理。

    In the process of translation , however , it is hard to handle appropriately the style and culture , its essence .

  29. 此外还分析了体育制度的功能:行为导向功能、社会整合功能、文化传递功能。

    In additions also has analyzed the sports system function : Behavior guidance function , social conformity function , cultural transmission function .

  30. 其中,美学功能是寓言文学的基本功能,文化传递功能是寓言翻译的最终目的,因此,在翻译过程中要尽量保留语言的原味。

    Among them , the aesthetic function is the fundamental function while culture transmitting function is the final purpose of fable translation .