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  • 网络cultural resource;cultural assets
  1. 南京历史文化资源存量与价值评估

    The Quantity and Value Evaluation of Nanjing Historic and Cultural Resources

  2. 西安地区宗教文化资源优势及其开发

    The Advantages and Development of Religious Cultural Resources of Xi'an Area

  3. GIS在历史文化资源保护中的应用研究

    Research on Application of GIS in Historical Cultural Resource Protection

  4. 就其技术而言,宽带技术、3G技术、移动互联技术、web技术、云计算等新技术的应用,提供了文化资源公平共享的可能性。

    In terms of technology , the application of new technologies in broadband technology , 3G technology , mobile Internet technology , web technology , cloud computing , offers the possibility of sharing cultural resource fairly .

  5. 内蒙古民俗文化资源的产业化开发

    The Industrialized Development of the Folk Culture Resource of Inner Mongolia

  6. 村民自治中的政治文化资源开发

    Exploitation of the Political Culture Resource of Supporting to Village Self-government

  7. 峨眉武术文化资源开发与产业化运作的思考

    Study on Development and Industrial Operation of Emei Wushu Culture Resources

  8. 衡阳地域文化资源的开发与利用

    On the Development and Use of Regional Culture Resource in Hengyang

  9. 地学文化资源的深度开发与立体传播

    The Exploitation in Depth and Three-dimensional Communication of Geo-science Cultural Resources

  10. 进一步修复整合文化资源和旅游线路;

    To restore and integrate cultural resources and tourist routes ;

  11. 现代陶艺与传统文化资源的思考

    A Meditation on Modern Art Pottery and Traditional Cultural Resources

  12. 传统文化资源与成功学

    The Source of Traditional Culture and the Subject of Success

  13. 永顺县土家族文化资源保护与利用现状调查

    Present Situation of Protecting and Using Tujia Cultural Resources in Yongshun County

  14. 赣文化资源的旅游价值及其开发利用的几点思考

    Reflections on the Travel Value and Development of Cultural Resources in Jiangxi

  15. 奥康纳短篇小说创作与圣经文化资源探析

    The Study on O'Connor 's Short Story Creation and Bible Culture Resource

  16. 历史文化资源的开发与建筑环境创造

    Exploitation of Historic Cultural Resources and Creation of Architectural Environment

  17. 远程教育中应用图像开发优秀传统文化资源

    Applying Image Tool to Explore the Traditional Cultural Resources in Distance Education

  18. 河南具有丰富的历史文化资源。

    There are abundant resources of history and culture in Henan Province .

  19. 这些特性影响并决定着近代历史文化资源的开发与利用。

    It influences and decides the ways of development .

  20. 文化资源与社会主义现代化建设密切相关。

    Cultural resources and socialist construction are closely related .

  21. 深度开发文化资源提升云南民族文化生产力

    Exploitation of Cultural Resources and Development of National Cultural Productive Forces in Yunnan

  22. 试论沙县地方饮食文化资源的旅游开发

    Discussion on Tourism Exploitation of Cultural Resources of Shaxian County 's Local Food

  23. 加强文化资源的整合、保护和开发

    The Conformity , Preservation and Development of Cultural Resources

  24. 青海拥有丰富的民族文化资源。

    Qinghai has a lot of national culture resources .

  25. 铜梁龙文化资源及其开发对策

    Tongliang Dragon Culture Resources and Its Exploitation Strategies

  26. 挖掘城市文化资源打造城市品牌形象

    To Explore the City 's Culture Resources and Establish the City 's Brand Image

  27. 文化资源产业开发及其运作模式

    Cultural Resource Industries ' Exploitation and Operating Modes

  28. 对政府开发利用民族传统文化资源的认识

    On China 's Exploring Traditional Ethnic Cultural Resources

  29. 在丰富的人文旅游资源中,东坡文化资源尤其值得发掘。

    Dongpo culture is deserved to develop especially in the rich humanity tourist resources .

  30. 儒学是包含着中国人生命气质的一种世界性文化资源。

    Confucianism has been a worlds cultural resources which contains Chinese peoples life disposition .