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  1. 因此,美国的大自然保护协会发起了一场激烈的野猪清除战役,甚至还用上了直升飞机和神枪手。

    So the Nature Conservancy launched a   fierce   war against the pigs , complete with helicopters and sharp shooters .

  2. 路虎举办了第一届“路虎G4挑战赛”,一项有特别版揽胜,发现和神行者支持的全球顶级户外探险竞赛。

    Land Rover runs the first'Land Rover G4 Challenge ' , an extreme adventure competition using specially-adapted Range Rovers , Discoverys and Freelanders with Defenders in support .

  3. 得到以下主要结论:用THF对兖州煤和神府煤进行抽提,兖州煤的抽提率为14.00%,神府煤的抽提率为10.72%。

    The research mainly includes the following conclusions : The extraction experiments of Yanzhou coal and Shenfu coal shown that the extraction rate of Yanzhou coal is 14.00 % and that of Shenfu coal is 10.72 % .

  4. 我和神说话时别打断我。

    Don 't interrupt me when I 'm talking to god .

  5. 我和神之间毫无障碍。

    The only thing between me and God was ... nothing .

  6. 但我想他和神终于和平共处。

    But I think he made his peace with god .

  7. 对你忠心的大祭司和神的传话者。

    Your devoted high priest and speaker for the gods .

  8. 当罪在我们和神之间竖立起障碍。

    When sin erects a barrier between us and God .

  9. 我已经成为了自己和神相连的人。

    I 'd become my own source of connection to the divine .

  10. 武术套路演练的形和神

    The Drilling Body and Spirit of a Set of Action in Wushu

  11. 但是罪却来到人和神的中间成了隔墙。

    But sin has come between man and his God .

  12. 其实这部电影就是和神无关的。

    In fact , the film is nothing to do with God .

  13. 小高:墨西哥人把他们尊崇的偶像和神刻在皮肤上。

    Mexicans tattooed their idols and gods on their skin .

  14. 我感到我和神的关系有所不同。

    I perceived differently my relations with the divine .

  15. 人和神的凶险邪恶的敌人。

    The viciously satanic enemies of man and god .

  16. 特别对已个年轻女郎来说,就如同和神交会一般。

    Especially to a young person , it 's like fornicating with god .

  17. 丧亲之痛和神恩赐福此起彼伏让我们悲欢交替

    Bereavements and blessings one following another make us sad and blessed by turns

  18. 他用一年时间来学习英语,然后上了大学和神学院。

    He spent a year studying English and then attended college and seminary .

  19. 基本上,我们和神生活在一起。

    Essentially , we live together with the gods .

  20. 如果阻塞了,我怎能和神交通呢?

    Blockade the road , and how can I communicate with the Great King ?

  21. 我想要和神有终身的体验,我告诉他。

    I want to have a lasting experience of God , I told him .

  22. 语篇的形和神&隐喻的语篇功能分析

    The Form and Spirit of Discourse & From the Perspective of Cognitive Metaphorical Theory

  23. 耶稣让我们和神和好需要得以满足。

    Jesus has taken care of our spiritual need to be reconciled to God .

  24. 如果你觉得沮丧,花时间与圣经和神在一起吧。

    If you are depressed , spend time alone with your Bible and God .

  25. 正是罪使我们与神和神的家隔开。

    And it is sin that keeps us away from God and His family .

  26. 其中第一部分包括福克纳小说中人物的圣经原型和神喻型意象与魔幻型意象两个方面;

    This thesis include two parties , one is Biblical archetype in Faulkner 's fiction ;

  27. 让我们渴慕单独和神亲近。

    Covet to get alone with God .

  28. 电针百会和神庭穴对恢复期精神分裂症患者认知功能的影响

    Effect of electroacupuncture at baihui and shenting on cognitive function of patients with convalescent schizophrenia

  29. 沉浸在神圣的空间里是最容易和神接近的方式。

    Being in the presence of your God is the easiest way to become awakened .

  30. 莎士比亚的法律观体现了他的人法和神法的统一观。

    His views on law are of the unity of human law and divine law .