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jǐn yán
  • careful and precise;serious
谨严 [jǐn yán]
  • (1) [careful and precise]∶谨慎严密

  • 文章结构谨严

  • (2) [serious]∶严肃;不苟且

  • 治学谨严

谨严[jǐn yán]
  1. 文章结构谨严。

    The article is compact and carefully constructed .

  2. 阎尔梅诗歌风格因体裁不同、内容不同而不尽一致,格律诗谨严,声调沉雄;

    Yan 's poems differ in types of literature and contents .

  3. 内部结构谨严,叙事线索分明。

    The internal structure is precise , narrative clues distinct .

  4. 菲茨杰拉尔德的文笔谨严而优美。

    Fitzgerald 's literary style is precise and polished .

  5. 同样,在政治话题上连结相对谨严也是明智的。

    Also , it is advisable to be fairly cautious in political discussions .

  6. 学习相你的优点是坚定不移和谨严。

    TIPS : Patience and caution are your advantages .

  7. 他把计划提交上去接受谨严的审查。

    He submitted the plans to critical examination .

  8. 科学中最谨严而令人信服的一门,数学,就是纯粹形而上学的。

    That most exact and convincing of all sciences , mathematics , is sheerly metaphysical .

  9. 在翻译批评与从译态度上,他提倡客观、谨严、务实的作风。

    Towards translation and translation criticism , he upholds an objective , practical and realistic attitude .

  10. 小说情节曲折,结构谨严,人物形象鲜明,艺术上有了长足进步。

    Thus novels were greatly developed in zigzag plots , reasonable structures , clear characters and artistic features .

  11. 颈部装饰有夔纹,腹部为曲折纹组成的兽面纹图案。纹饰构图谨严,主题突出,凹凸疏密结合自然,产生出强烈的层次感。

    The con-cave and protuberant , the distant and dense patterns were naturally combined to create a clear gradation .

  12. 我们确信,奥金莱克将给尼罗河流域的防务带来新的活力和谨严的作风。

    We feel sure that Auchinleck will infuse a new energy and precision into the defense of the Nile Valley .

  13. 朱自清先生谦逊谨严的文学批评态度,形成了一种纯正朴实的新鲜作风。

    Mr Zhu Zi-qing 's modest and strict manner of literature criticism forms a fresh , pure and common style .

  14. 但是这一工作和编制传统的宣传品一样,都需要我们谨严处理和操持。

    But the work and the preparation of promotional materials as a traditional , all we need careful handling and preparation .

  15. 例句与用法:学校鼓励师生在艺术、戏剧和文学创作上自由发挥.他同时具有创造性想象力和真正的治学谨严学风。

    The school encourages free expression in art , drama and creative writing . He combines creative imagination and true scholarship .

  16. 在艺术上,它以谨严和凝练的艺术特质,克服早期平民化诗歌的弊病,形成了一种坚实质朴的诗风。

    In art , it features a solid rustic poetry by precise and concise to overcome early shortcomings of the civilian poems .

  17. 本文就当前杜甫研究界的现状,提出杜甫研究中讲求谨严治学的必要性和迫切性。

    This article points out the necessity and imperative in the study on Du Fu in accordance with the present study situation .

  18. 但应坚持客观谨严的文学眼光,不宜过分依赖芜杂的地域文献性作品。

    However , it must stick to the objective and rigorous attitude and should not be dependent too much on regional literature works .

  19. 可见肺癌患者谨严且有纪律地摄入磷酸盐对于肺癌的治疗和预防长短常主要的。

    These results suggest that careful regulation of dietary phosphate in lung cancer patients may be critical for lung cancer treatment as well as prevention .

  20. 杜甫研究应讲求谨严治学&为纪念杜甫逝世1230周年而作

    On Stressing the Prudent and Exact Scholarship in the Studies on Du Fu ── to commemorate 1 , 230 anniversary of Du Fu 's death

  21. 《古今图书集成》是一部我国现存最大、最完整、结构最为精善谨严的类书。

    " Complete Collection of Pictures and Books of Old and New Times " is a Genus-book of the most complete and perfect with the most delicate structure of current China .

  22. 在题材所限的范围内几乎达到形式上的完美无缺、处理方法谨严、注意时间和地点的统一,行文简洁而内涵很深。

    Near perfection of form within the limitations of its subject matter , restraint of treatment , regard for the unities of time and place , and evocative simplicity of style .

  23. 消费者必需经常谨严地去采办他们所需的货色或处事,否则他们会落入制假人所设的陷阱。

    Consumers have to be very careful in purchasing goods and services they need ; otherwise they will fall into the traps set by the illegal manufacturers who make fake and inferior products .

  24. 虽然他有吃苦耐劳的谨严态度和坚忍不拔的精神,可是在他身上也有一些特质,不时影响,而且在某些场合上,似乎还会超过其它一切的特质。

    Yet , for all his hardy sobriety and fortitude , there were certain qualities in him which at times affected , and in some cases seemed well nigh to overbalance all the rest .

  25. 可是,银行在投资时更趋于谨严,因为如不美观更高风险的投资吃亏的话,可能要求银行分配更多的资金来填补它。

    However banks tend to be more conservative when it comes to their investments , as higher risk investments may require the bank to allocate more capital to cover it in the event of a loss .

  26. 单就《哲学全书》这书名看来,科学方法在开始的时候似乎本可以不必太谨严,也可以有容许外在编排的余地;但本书的内容实质使得我们必须以逻辑的联系作为基础。

    On the face of it , of course , the title Encyclopaedia could leave room for a lesser degree of rigour in the scientific method , and for the compilation of external parts . But the nature of the matter entails that logical coherence must remain fundamental .