
  • 网络careful;Be Careful;caution;Cautious;wariness
谨慎小心 [jǐn shèn xiǎo xīn]
  • [watch ones step] 非常小心地进行;谨言慎行

  • 如果处理大量消息的专栏作家要避免歪曲事实,他必须经常谨慎小心

  1. 老师叮嘱说:“外地的官不容易做,应当谨慎小心些才好。”

    His teacher warned him : " It is not easy to be an official outside the capital . You should be prudent2 and careful . "

  2. 他一直谨慎小心,力求对每一个人都彬彬有礼。

    He 'd been careful to be civil to everyone .

  3. 会谈时,日本人谨慎小心,从不冒险。

    At meetings , the Japanese play close to the vest .

  4. 隋欣说,这个故事让我在搭便车时更加谨慎小心。

    This made me more cautious about hitchhiking , she said .

  5. 启程之日我是多么谨慎小心,

    How careful was I , when I took my way ,

  6. 当你看见警告信号时,你就必须谨慎小心了。

    You must be cautious when you see warning signs .

  7. 今后,对于如何做这件事你一定要谨慎小心。

    Next , you must be careful of how you do it .

  8. 在斜坡上转向的时候,务必格外谨慎小心。

    Always use extreme caution when changing direction on slopes .

  9. 我们必须谨慎小心,别说任何诽谤性的话。

    We must be careful not to say anything libellous .

  10. 有时候谨慎小心是最稳妥的办法。

    Sometimes being cautious is the best way to go .

  11. 谨慎小心的驾驶者严格遵守交通规则。

    A careful driver is observant of the traffic rules .

  12. 当我们享受网络的时候,应该谨慎小心。

    We should be careful when we enjoy the Internet .

  13. 他太谨慎小心,使人难以真正信任。

    He was too discreet to invite real confidence .

  14. 在出入境或是去外国旅行的时候,要特别谨慎小心。

    Be very careful while in transit or while traveling in foreign countries .

  15. 你过于奢侈铺张,这与谨慎小心的金牛格格不入。

    Your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull .

  16. 不过,欧洲央行行长特里谢告诫人们还是要谨慎小心。

    But European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet offered a word of caution .

  17. 我得谨慎小心,不能说过头。

    I 'm being careful not to overdo it .

  18. 我谨慎小心地游过杂乱无章的狭窄通道和凌乱地散布着杂物的空间。

    I swam cautiously through a confusion of narrow corridors and cluttered spaces .

  19. 最后,你应该学会做任何事都要谨慎小心。

    Lastly , you should learn to be discreet in everything you do .

  20. 谨慎小心的人近于明智。

    A cautious mind is the half of wisdom .

  21. 彼得斯的开朗露齿的笑容是谨慎小心,难以捉摸的。

    Peter 's wide grin was wary and uncertain .

  22. 但是人们在乐观的同时也不无谨慎小心。

    But the optimism is tinged with caution .

  23. 艾扬格瑜伽非常谨慎小心。

    Iyengar yoga is very cautious and mindful .

  24. 他在球场上谨慎小心,像个绅士。

    He played carefully , like a gentleman .

  25. 事实上,彼得雷乌斯和博德维之间的在互通电邮时十分谨慎小心。

    In fact , Petraeus and Broadwell were very discreet when communicating by e-mail .

  26. 谨慎小心是安全之源。

    Caution is the parent of safety .

  27. 在使用这以方法的时候要谨慎小心,以免发生溢流现象。

    Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow ( should ) occur .

  28. 我们必须谨慎小心,兔得消息过早地走漏出去。

    We had to be very careful lest the the news should become known early .

  29. 把一切谨慎小心都抛开。

    Let caution fly to the winds .

  30. adj.1.正直的2.谨慎小心的稍不正直的人就不会将钱送还给失主。

    scrupulous A less scrupulous man wouldn 't give the money back to its owner .