
  • 网络Demand;rigid demand;Inelastic demand
  1. 高档住宅是高速经济发展下高收入人群的刚性需求。

    High-grade residence is high-speed economic development in high income people under the rigid demand .

  2. 鼓励性政策效果明显,住房刚性需求得到释放,房地产市场开始迅速发展。

    Encouraged by the positive policies , the housing rigid demand released and the housing market developed rapidly .

  3. 这个价位上,有较强的刚性需求和投资需求。

    This level , there is strong demand and investment demand rigid .

  4. 究其原因,我国现阶段的产业结构决定了其对环境资源的刚性需求。

    The reason is that the industrial structure of our country at this stage to determine its rigid demand for environmental resources .

  5. 我们认为,对于第一类个体:即没有住宅所有权但准备购买的消费者,这类个体最大的特点就是对住宅的刚性需求。

    We believe that , for the first class of individuals , it is the biggest characteristic of the rigid demand for residential .

  6. 其间重点讨论了刚性需求和投资性需求产生的原因及其存在的合理性,进一步分析了它们转化为有效需求的途径和对市场的影响。

    After that , it discussed the reasons and rationality of rigid and investment demands , how they translated into true demands and their effect on the housing market .

  7. 东、中、西三个地区,由于经济发展、开放性等不同导致投机性需求和刚性需求具有明显地域性特征。

    East , middle and west three areas , due to the economic development , and openness to different the speculative demand and rigid demand has obvious characteristic regional .

  8. 我国房价飙升,房地产市场投机行为大量存在,使得一部分刚性需求无法得到满足,影响社会的和谐稳定。

    House prices in China , the real estate market speculation abounds , make part of the rigid demand cannot be satisfied , and affects social harmony and stability .

  9. 在划定了市场结构之后,综合运用相关的寡头竞争市场的供需理论和博弈论模型进行了刚性需求曲线&博弈分析。

    And then , it applies synthetically the pertinent supply and demand theory and game theory model about oligopolistic competition to make the Rigidity Demand Curve & Game Theory analyses .

  10. 通过一些高校相关考试测试证明,基于以上技术体系开发的系统运行稳定性强、灵活易操作性强,完全能够满足高校对考试试题的刚性需求。

    Through some college examination test , based on system stability above technical system development strong , flexible and easy to operate , fully able to meet the rigid demand of College exam .

  11. 去年,澳大利亚的经济确实出现衰弱,但是由于中国额和其他国家对其钢铁和煤炭等商品的刚性需求,澳大利亚并未进入衰退。

    Australia 's economy weakened , but did not fall into recession in the past year , because of strong demand from China and other countries for its commodities , such as iron and coal .

  12. 我国大部分地区的电力规划是按市场的刚性需求制定,但是需求侧管理使市场需求具有了一定的弹性,这对电网规划带来了一定影响。

    In most part of the country network planning is made according to the rigid power demand . But with the implementation of DSM power demand becomes elastic to some extent and this has some effects on the network planning .

  13. 既要保证粮食安全,又要满足建设用地的刚性需求,所以很有必要在城镇和农村之间搭起一座能够缓解建设用地供需矛盾的桥梁。

    Both to ensure food security and to meet the rigid requirements of the construction land , it is necessary to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas to ease the contradiction between supply and demand of land for construction .

  14. 中国正处于工业化与城市化快速发展的时期,对能源存在刚性需求,如何保障经济持续增长的同时实现碳减排目标成为全社会共同面对的重大课题。

    China is in the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization , and there is the rigid demand of energy , how to ensure the continued economic growth while achieving goals for reducing carbon emissions has become a major issue of the whole society to face .

  15. 这个结果一方面证实了患者因为健康刚性需求而导致药品和检查的选择的被动性;另一方面说明医生具有信息优势,有出现道德风险的动机因素。

    This result on the one hand confirmed that the patient causes the drugs and the inspection choice passivity because of the healthy rigid demand ; On the other hand explained doctor has the information superiority , has appears the moral risk to induce the factor .

  16. 因为一方面随着我国城市化的不断推进,对商品房的刚性需求不会减少:另一方面房地产开发商无疑要追逐利润的最大化,因此也会使房价越炒越高。

    On the one hand , the rigid demand of the real estate will not be reduced when the urbanization continus . On the other hand , the developers always want to pursue the maximization of profits . So they will make the price on real estate higher .

  17. 最后,以乳业供应链食品安全为对象,以乳企利润为量化依据,使用政府管制和消费者选择因素的量化指标进行了仿真设计,再结合乳制品刚性需求的特性,分析得出一些结论。

    Finally , the dairy supply chain food safety for the object to milk prices , profits for the quantitative basis , the use of quantitative indicators of government control and consumer choice factors simulation design , combined with dairy rigid demand characteristics , analysis to draw some conclusions .

  18. 我国目前如此之高的糖尿病发病率决定着我国民众对糖尿病生物药品有着刚性的需求。

    The high morbidity of diabetes determines the rigid demand of Chinese people for diabetes drugs .

  19. 本文首次将城市政府信息资源共享需求划分为弹性共享需求和刚性共享需求。

    In this paper , The demands of City government Information Resources Sharing in general can be divided into Flexible demand sharing and Rigid demand sharing .

  20. 特别的,必须要考虑发展中国家的情形:稀缺的资源、刚性的医疗需求和互相竞争的争取投资和研究重点的研究方案。

    In particular , it must take account of the situation in developing countries : scarce resources , intense medical need , and competing alternatives for investment and research focus .

  21. 国家统计局的数据告诉我小阳春的本质并非刚性自住需求的释放!

    The data from National Bureau of Statistic of China ( NBS ) tell me : The essence of Little Spring isn 't the release of rigid demand for home ownership .

  22. 经济中存在的名义刚性对理解从需求方面来调节货币供应量的货币政策有重要意义。

    The nominal rigidity has an important role in understanding the monetary policy that responds to changes of demands .