
  • 网络stiffness;Stiffness Coefficient
  1. 基于BP神经网络的轧机当量刚度系数的研究

    BP Neural Network-Based Prediction of the Equivalent Stiffness Coefficient of the Rolling Mill

  2. 在计算中使用了有限元软件ANSYS,其中所用的模型可以计入滑动轴承的刚度系数和阻尼系数以及齿轮的啮合。

    ANSYS software is used in calculation . The calculation modeling considers stiffness coefficient and damping coefficient of the journal bearings , and gears engagement .

  3. 利用ADAMS软件对其关键部件&扭转弹簧的刚度系数进行了优化设计。

    Optimization design was carried out on the rigidity coefficient of its key component & torsional spring by means of ADAMS software .

  4. 平面微型弹簧是微机械电子系统(MEMS)中一种常用的弹性元件,其蛄构形状的不同将显著影响其刚度系数。

    The planar micro-spring is commonly used in MEMS , the rigidity coefficient of the spring changes with the structural form of the spring .

  5. 取变截面梁柱单元的挠度函数w为五次多项式,用最小势能原理解w及梁柱的刚度系数。

    Taking a fifth-order polynomial as the deflection function w of a non-uniform beam-column , the stiffness coefficient and w can be determined by the principle of minimum potential energy .

  6. 本文给出了三种以单自由度线性隔振体系的传导比确定其刚度系数k和阻尼比ξ的方法,并给出了每种方法的算例。

    In the paper we give three kinds of method to determine rigidity factor k , damping ratio ξ with transmission ratio of single freedom-degree linear vibration isolation system . We also present each calculation example .

  7. 根据初次碰撞力的试验结果对碰撞力模型进行了评估,准确识别出了所建立的非线性碰撞力模型中的等效质量me和等效刚度系数ke。

    The first contact force is then used to recognize the equivalent mass me and equivalent stiffness ke in the established nonlinear force model .

  8. 利用ADAMS软件的振动模块分析减振系统中环形橡胶径向刚度系数和阻尼液等效粘性阻尼系数对镗杆动态特性的影响。

    The influence of the radial stiffness coefficient of rubber brushes and the equivalent viscous damping coefficient of damping fluid on the vibration system is discussed by using the vibration analyses module of ADAMS .

  9. 自支撑金刚石膜基片既具有天然金刚石最高的弹性刚度系数又具有最高声速的优异性能,使之成为声表面波滤波器(SAW)最佳的衬底选择材料,避免了其它基片散热差的问题。

    The freestanding thick diamond films combine the highest elastic stiffness coefficient and the excellent performance of maximum speed of sound ; it is a reasonable substrate material with the SAW filter , which can avoid the problem of the poor heat than that of other substrates .

  10. 结果表明,当扭转弹簧刚度系数小于某值时,系统不会由于发生Hopf分叉而产生极限环,但数值积分结果表明,在此区域内存在极限环。

    The results show that when the nondimensional linear part of pitching stiffness is less than a certain value , the limit cycle will not occur because of the existence of Hopf bifurcations .

  11. 然后,通过对Boussinesq解进行桩的入土深度修正,导得桩端土的等效刚度系数。

    The Boussinesq solution is modified to include the effect of different embedded depths and then used to derive the equivalent stiffness coefficients of the soil under the pile toe .

  12. 采用直接参数识别方法(DPE)由系统的输入、输出数据识别空间对接机构的物理参数:惯量矩阵、阻尼矩阵和刚度系数矩阵。

    Nonlinear physical parameters of the docking mechanism-inertial , damping and stiffness matrices , are identified by direct parameter estimate ( DPE ) method with input-output data of the system .

  13. 采用DQM求解KelvinVoigt型粘弹性、具有弹性边界约束输液管的临界流速,研究了各系统参数(管液质量比、管材的粘弹性系数和弹性边界约束的刚度系数)对系统稳定性的影响。

    DQM is adopted to solve critical flow velocity of the Kelvin voigt , constraining pipe conveying fluid . The emphasis is placed on the study of the influence of the system parameters to critical flow velocity .

  14. 并通过对Boussinesq解进行桩的入土深度修正,从而导得桩端土的等效刚度系数,并在此基础上建立一种基于荷载传递法的群桩沉降计算方法。

    The Boussinesq solution is modified to include the effect of different embedded depths and then used to derive the equivalent stiffness coefficients of the soil under the pile tips . A method to calculate the settlement of pile groups is then established based on the load transfer method .

  15. 抗弯强度是Ender钉和梅花钉的23倍和14倍,抗弯刚度系数β也明显高于Ender钉和梅花钉(P<001);

    The bending strength of ITNs was 1 4 times than that of cloverleaf nails and 2 3 times than that of Ender nails . The coefficient of bending stiffness (β) of ITNs was significantly greater than Ender nails and cloverleaf nails ( P < 0.01 ) .

  16. 实验结果表明,一般耦合刚度系数Bij绝对值越大,板坯翘曲度越大;并且耦合刚度系数B22,B11对实验设计板坯的翘曲度影响最大。

    The results from experiments showed that , the bigger absolute value of coupling stiffness coefficients ( Bi j ) , the more panel warping ; the coupling coefficients & B1 1 and B2 2 had the major effect on panels warping .

  17. 外延BiFeO3薄膜磁刚度系数的讨论

    Discussion on the magnetic stiffness coefficient of epitaxial BiFeO_3 thin films

  18. 用等效动刚度系数法预测挠性转子的残余振动

    Equivalent Dynamic Stiffness Factor Method Calculating Residual Vibration of Flexible Rotors

  19. 了解了多杆件极限承载力的特点,引入了受损杆件的折算刚度系数。

    Ultimately , a coefficient of the equivalent stiffness is introduced .

  20. 文章对传统微弹性零件刚度系数的测量方法进行了回顾。

    The traditional stiffness test methods are reviewed in this paper .

  21. 动力调谐陀螺仪微弹性零件刚度系数的测量方法

    Stiffness Measurement of the Micro Flexible Parts in Dynamic Tuned Gyroscopes

  22. 考虑裂纹时谐波齿轮传动刚度系数的计算

    Calculation of Stiffness Coefficient on the Harmonic Gear Drive Considering Crack

  23. 建筑基坑支撑结构体系水平刚度系数的计算

    Calculation of Horizontal Stiffness Coefficient of Bracing Structure in Foundation Excavation

  24. 并探讨了辨识切削力刚度系数的两种方法。

    And two methods to identify cutting force coefficients were debated .

  25. 橡胶支座与R/C柱串联隔震系统水平刚度系数

    Horizontal Rigidity Coefficient of the Serial System of Rubber Bearing with Column

  26. 正交异性板弯曲刚度系数的反分析方法

    An Inverse Method for Bending Stiffness of Composite Orthotropic Plate

  27. 岩体节理刚度系数的现场声波测试

    Field Test Method for Determination of Stiffness Parameters of Joints

  28. 大型变压器绕组刚度系数的动力修改方法

    A Dynamic Modification Method of Stiffness Coefficients of Large Power Transformer Winding

  29. 预应力高耸塔筒结构截面刚度系数的探讨

    The Discussion of Stiffness Coefficient about Prestressed Highrise Tower - Silo Structures

  30. 用刚度系数建立汽车的碰撞变形能网格图方法的研究

    The Research of Establishing Deformation Energy Squares of Vehicle with Stiffness Coefficient