
  • 网络industrial dispersion
  1. 聚氧化乙烯(PEO),是一种常用的造纸工业用分散剂和助留助滤剂,对植物纤维和化学纤维都有很好的作用效果。

    Polyethylene oxide ( PEO ), usually used as dispersant , retention and drainage agent in papermaking industry , good for plant fiber and synthetic fiber .

  2. 工业全分散智能温控网络系统的研究

    Research on the Industrial Distributed Intelligent Temperature Control Networks

  3. 研究了锌盐在常用工业聚合物分散剂中的溶解性及稳定性。

    Solubility and stability of zinc salt in common polymer dispersants are studied .

  4. 工业的分散成为趋势。目前,上海的工业企业主要集中在工业园区,形成了三环与“1+3+9”的格局。

    In Shanghai metropolitan area , industry shows a dispersetrend , and shapes three rings and " 1 + 3 + 9 " pattern .

  5. 国内外一些专家、学者推测信息时代工业将分散,因而主张重点发展小城市,反对发展大城市。

    Some experts and scholars of Chinese and oversea guess that information age 's industry will be dispersed , so they advocate developing small city and oppose expanding big city .

  6. 手段之二是农村工业由分散向集中布局,集中至小城镇工业园区,增强其聚集效应和规模效益。

    The second way is that the rural industry distribution is from dispersion to concentration . It concentrates to the industrial garden of small town so as to emphasis the gathering affection and the benefits of the scale .

  7. 当前沿海重化工业布局分散、遍地开花,缺乏统一规划,不少重化工项目临近居民区或者在资源环境承载能力薄弱地区上马,加剧环境资源压力。

    At present , the heavy industry has been distributed dispersal , lack of unified planning . A lot of heavy items built near the residential area or the place with weak carrying capacity . All of these increase the pressure of environment .

  8. 国外涂料工业新型研磨分散设备

    New grinding equipment for coating industry abroad

  9. 本文论述了连续工业过程中分散控制结构的综合问题。

    The problem of synthesis of the decentralized control structure in continuous industrial processes is addressed in this paper .

  10. 重庆目前处于工业企业布局分散、郊区化明显、产业化严重滞后的状况。

    For the time being , Chongqing is in a state of dispersed distribution of industrial enterprises , with obvious suburbanization and serious lagged industrialization .

  11. 农村工业化与农村城镇化发展不协调,城镇对生产要素的集聚功能差,农村工业布局较分散且技术落后,空城现象明显;

    Un-coordination between rural industrialization and rural urbanization , with poor gathering function of towns for the elements of production and dispersed layout and out-of-date technology in rural industry ;

  12. 本文介绍了几种有代表性的涂料工业用研磨分散设备的结构、工作原理及特点,为消化吸收引进设备和实现设备技术国产化提供参考。

    This article introduces some typical new type of grinding equipment for coating industry , including its structure , principle and characteristics , to provide the references for the digestion of imported equipment and localization .

  13. 从产业组织角度看,中国工业市场结构分散,部分行业行政垄断、经济垄断与自然垄断并存,不正当竞争大量存在,公平竞争的市场环境受到威胁。

    From the perspective of industrial organization , there are some serious problems , for example the decentralized market structure , the coexistence of administrative monopoly , economic monopoly and natural monopoly in some industries , a large number of unfair competition cases . The fair competitive environment is threatened .

  14. 可编程序控制器(PLC)与工业控制机组成分散控制、集中管理的集散控制系统(DCS)有效地解决了生产设备比较分散地控制和管理问题;

    DCS , which is composed of PLC and industry control machine , effectively solves the problem of scattered control and management of the production equipment .

  15. 比起构成欧洲商业活动主体的中小企业,大众(Volkswagen)这样的工业巨擘更易于分散风险,着力强化企业要塞,以备灾害来袭。

    For industrial giants such as Volkswagen , it is easier to spread risk in an effort to strengthen the corporate fortress against a calamity than it is for the small and medium-sized companies that make up the bulk of European business activity .

  16. 滇越铁路作为线性的工业遗产能够把分散的工业遗产点串联起来,作为整体加以保护。

    Dian-Viet Railway as a linear industrial heritage to a decentralized industrial heritage sites in series , to be protected as a whole .

  17. 城市化是人类生产、生活由传统农业社会向现代工业社会、由分散式向集中式的转变。

    Urbanization is the transition of human life and production from traditional agricultural society to modem industrial society and from the dispersing type to the centralized type .

  18. 造成乡镇工业污染严重的主要原因是乡镇企业规模不经济和乡镇工业布局太分散。

    What make the rural industries so pollutive mainly lie in their under-economy of scale and irrational distribution .

  19. 该部分还分析了农村工业化存在的三大问题:一是农村工业发展造成了农村生态破坏和环境污染;二是农村工业企业布局分散,农村工业集中度不高;三是农村工业重复建设严重。

    The part also digs out the three problems existing in rural industrialization : the destruction and pollution of biological environment , the loose layout of industries and numerous duplicated projects .