
  • 网络industrial spirit
  1. 第二部分探讨了工业精神在英国的演进。

    The second part discusses the evolution of the industrial spirit in England .

  2. 美国金融精神取代工业精神的失败

    On the Failure of American " Financial Spirit " Replacing " Industrial Spirit "

  3. 对当代大学生弘扬核工业精神的思考

    The Reflection on Carrying Forward Nuclear Industry Spirit for Contemporary College Student

  4. 公司要以自主研发、独立创新为基础,发扬优秀的民族工业精神,创出国际品牌,成为中国最好的具有国际一流水平的供应商。

    Moreover , we will carry forward the fine spirit of national industry , create an international brand , and become China 's best world-class supplier .

  5. 18世纪下半叶,工业精神充斥于整个社会,社会日益形成重商、务实、敢于冒险、富于进取的风气。

    In the later part of the 18th century , the industrial spirit flooded in the entire society and the society gradually formed an atmosphere of thinking highly of doing business , being practical , risky and aggressive .

  6. 本文分三个部分对英国工业精神的演进和消极嬗变进行了探究,进而揭示工业精神对英国工业兴衰的影响。

    This article , which is composed of three parts , tries to explore the evolution of British industrial spirit and its negative transmutation in order to demonstrate the influence of industrial spirit on both of the prosperity and declination of British industry .

  7. 市民等级追求财富自由的欲望、清教的宗教意识以及从17世纪就开始的为个人追求私有财产正名的思想运动,这些都促使了英国工业民族精神特别是合理谋利精神的产生。

    Residents'desire for wealth and freedom , religious consciousness of Puritans and the thought movement started from 17th century which encouraged individuals to pursue private property . And all of these impel the birth of national spirits of British industry , especially the spirit of reasonable seeking for profits .

  8. 但有一点很清楚的是,目前工业界在精神病学术上的投资是很普遍的。

    But what is clear is that current pharmaceutical industry investment in academic psychiatry is prevalent .

  9. 加速化工科技进步是化学工业贯彻十四大精神的重要方面,也是化学工业发展的根本途径。

    To accelerate the progress of science and technology is the important aspect in acting in the spirit of the Congress and essential means for the development of chemical industry .

  10. 再次是对工业文明及其伦理精神的剖析。

    Industrial civilization and its ethics spirit were analyzed .

  11. 这是对发达工业文明社会人文精神的总体反思。

    It was total introspection of humanity spirit in developed industrial civilized society .

  12. 工业革命与资本主义精神:两部门的经济增长模型

    Industrial Revolution and Capitalism Spirit : Two-Sector Growth Model

  13. 弘扬张謇创业精神加快南通工业发展国际工业、精神和文化促进组织(工精文国际)

    Giving the Rein to Zhang Jian s Pioneer Spirit to Accelerate the Development of Industry in Nantong ;

  14. 对工业遗产的改造再利用不是对原有旧建筑的简单修缮与使用功能的转换,而是在新的时代背景下追求旧工业建筑物物质与精神层面上更高发展。

    The transformation and re-use is not the history of the original plant construction or supplement the simple reply , but in the new stage and a higher level of development .

  15. 针对我国工业废弃地和后工业景观基本概念、分类和特点,基于景观设计理论及场所理论,提出后工业景观改造的手法及后工业场所精神重构策略。

    Practices and the spirit of the post-industrial establishments of the post-industrial landscape transformation of industrial waste land and the basic concepts of the post-industrial landscape , classification and characteristics , based on the theory of landscape design and place theory proposed reconstruction strategy .