
  • Creative Design;Originality Design;Idea Design
  1. LOGO创意设计及寓意的文字说明。

    LOGO creative design and the implication of the text description .

  2. 酒店VI模板全新的创意设计思路,让品牌更有新意。

    The new hotel VI template creative design ideas , so that the brand more innovative .

  3. 将设立一项最具创意设计奖。

    There will be a prize for the most innovative design .

  4. 最后,给出了一个相应的Web专家评价模型,并以服装创意设计的评价为例加以验证。

    Lastly , the author brings forward a relevant Web expert appraisal model , and an instance based on costume originality is presented in the end .

  5. 现在,不如来参加BMW内饰创意设计大赛吧,不仅能为自己的创意赢得权威的展示机会,还可以与大家交换设计心得,了解汽车内饰的未来发展方向。

    Then visit the BMW Group Interior Idea Contest , contribute your ideas , evaluate and discuss others'suggestions and find out how future car interiors could look like .

  6. 基于WTK的灌装线主机运动建模德国:饮料包装盒创意设计精美实用

    WTK Based Kinematical Modeling for Main Machines of Beverage Packaging Production Line Beverage Packaging in Germany

  7. 文章介绍了激光原理多媒体计算机辅助教学软件(MCAI)的结构框架,创意设计和整体特征。

    The structure , creative design and the whole characteristics of the MCAI ( multimedia computer aided instruction ) course ware to laser principle are introduced .

  8. 结合笔者指导的一、二、三届CCTV全国大学生机器人电视大赛无锡职业技术学院代表队的比赛机器人的设计制作,阐述竞赛型机器人的创意设计与基本机械结构。

    The text integrates WXIT 's robots'design and making , in which the1st , 2nd and3rd CCTV University Robot Contest are directed by the author , expatiates creative and basic mechanism of contest robots .

  9. DZZO是一家集企业形象设计推广、平面创意设计以及动画、网站设计于一身的专业化设计机构。

    DZZO is a professional design company engaged in corporate image design and promotion , graphic design and animation , web design .

  10. 成功英语口语活动之特征及其创意设计

    The characteristics of successful oral English activities and its creative design

  11. 机械方案创意设计模拟实施实验

    The Experiment for Creative Design and Imitative Practice of Machine Project

  12. 北京工业领域创意设计高级人才队伍状况分析

    The Analysis on Outstanding Creative Designers in Industrial Areas in Beijing

  13. 你没有权利在我缺席的情况下召开创意设计会

    You have no right holding a creative meeting without me .

  14. 离方遁圆与图形创意设计

    Depart from Square or Round in Object and Image Design

  15. 谈外科实验课的创意设计及操作流程

    On creative designs and operating steps of surgical experimental class

  16. 论现代广告创意设计的间接表现策略

    On the Indirect Strategy of Expression in the Design of Modern Advertising

  17. 袜子配色和款式创意设计软件的开发

    Software development for creative pattern design and color - matching of socks

  18. 鲜花在婚礼中消费现象的思考及创意设计

    Thoughts on Flower Consumption Phenomenon in Wedding and Creative Design

  19. 项目其他推广工作所需的创意设计工作。

    Planning and design necessary for other promotional work of the project .

  20. 电视转播与体育赛事开幕式创意设计

    On Telecast and the Creative Design of Opening Ceremony of Sports Games

  21. 所以在发挥创意设计时要适度和适宜。

    Therefore , the creativity and design should be appropriate and relevant .

  22. 因此,体现了企业文化特色的展示创意设计研究就有了非常重要的实践意义。

    Thus , studies on innovative display design are significant in practice .

  23. 感悟包装装潢中的汉字创意设计

    Sensation of Creative Chinese characters Design in Packaging Decoration

  24. 因此,创意设计在很大程度上成为了企业竞争的关键。

    So , creative design has become the key of enterprises ' competition .

  25. 试论汉字的创意设计

    An Inquiry into the Creative Design of Chinese Characters

  26. 中外广告文字创意设计的比较美学研究

    The Comparison Esthetics Research of Creativity Design of Chinese and Foreign Advertisement Character

  27. 什么样的创意设计是个性定制的方案。

    What kind of creative design is customized solutions .

  28. 家用采暖壁挂锅炉的创意设计

    The Creative Design of the Household Heating Use Boiler

  29. 竞赛机器人的创意设计与基本机械结构&Robocon全国大学生机器人电视大赛

    Creative Design and Basic Mechanism of Contest Robots & Robocon University Robot Contest

  30. 国家火炬计划看中澄海成为国内唯一的智能玩具创意设计与制造产业基地

    National Torch Plan Settles on Chenghai as Creative and Manufacturing Base for Intellectual Toys