
  • 网络creative technique
  1. TT-HS创造技法的优化设计

    Optimum Design of TT-HS Creative Technique

  2. 创造技法中范示思维的自觉应用

    Conscious application of the model-demonstrating thought in the creative technique

  3. 基于CAI软件的打孔机创新设计研究基于创造技法的计算机辅助创新软件开发

    The research of new ideas using in software making Creative Design of Boring Hole Machine Based on CAI Software

  4. 基于创造技法的创新例子库的组织与开发

    Organization and Development of Innovation Example Library Based on Innovation Methods

  5. 阐述了工程技术人员创造力的开发和创造技法。

    Expound the development of creative power and creative skills .

  6. 程序设计类课程教学中创造技法的探索

    Reserch to Creative Technique in Teaching of Computer Programming

  7. 头脑风暴法自奥斯本提出以来一直是一种应用广泛的创造技法。

    Brainstorming is a widely used technique to increase creativity since it is brought out by Osborne .

  8. 阐述了中学化学实验装置创新的意义、原则和常用创造技法;

    By explaining the significance and principles of innovating experimental devices in secondary school chemistry , the article explains some commonly used innovative techniques .

  9. 从梳理创造技法历史脉络入手,剖析了创造技法的特点,对其分类问题进行了反思。

    Carding creative techniques from the historical context , beginning with analyzing the creative techniques to the characteristics of their classifications reflect the issue .

  10. 设计的本质就是创造性的思维与活动,创新设计对现代机构设计尤为重要.本文综合论述了机构创新设计的思维方式和创造技法,并以实例予以诠释。

    The essence of design is the creative thoughts and activities , and the innovational design is more important for the design of modem mechanism . The mode of think-ing and the skill of creation are systematically and actively discussed using examples in this paper .

  11. 创造技法的研究和应用是培养创造性人才、创建创新性国家、发展创造教育的重要环节之一,知识经济的发展和创造性人才的培养离不开创造技法的合理应用。

    The research and application of creation techniques are important elements of culturing creative people , creating innovative country and developing excellent education . In one important aspect , the development of knowledge economy and creative talents can not be separated from the rational application of creative techniques .

  12. 在本文第三章当中作为案例的七巧板以及鲁班锁在创造学的技法中可以找到其应用的方法。

    In the third chapter of the puzzle as well as a case in which Luban lock in creating learning techniques can be found in the method of its application .

  13. 超现实主义创造的形式和技法,对现代招贴广告设计具有非常重要的意义。

    Its form and technique are wildly applied in poster design , and plays an important role in modern poster design .

  14. 以创造工程学中的创造技法为主线,以物理学原理和教学论思想为指导,结合典型实例对物理演示教具的几种创新思路进行了探究。

    According to the creating technique of the creating engineering and guided by the principle of physics and the teaching theories , we studied in this paper the general thought of bringing forth new ideas for teaching aids of physics demonstrating .

  15. 创造学中归纳了许多创造技法。

    The creation conclude many creative techniques .

  16. 创造教育的主旨并不是培养各种创造技法,而是培养创造性人格,创造性人格是创造性的动力和源泉。

    Creation education is aimed at the culture of creative personality rather than merely at the improvement of creation skills or techniques .

  17. 学前期是个体人格的奠基时期,要开发学前儿童的创造潜能,绝不能仅仅培养和训练儿童的创造技能与技法,还应关注其创造人格的塑造。

    Preschool period is the founding stage of forming individual personality . To develop the creative potential of preschool children can not be acquired only by training children with creative skills and capabilities .