
  • 网络entrepreneurial finance
  1. 基于自组织理论的创业金融体系构成、演化及发展对策研究

    Study on the Constitution , Evolution and Development Suggestions of Entrepreneurial Finance System : Perspective from Self-organization Theory

  2. 作为JA志愿者,你将通过实战模式课程引导学生有关就业预备、自主创业和金融知识。

    As JA volunteer , you will educate students about workforce readiness , entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential , hands-on programs .

  3. 论对下岗职工再创业的金融支持加速创业与就业的措施

    The Financial Supports to the Job Recreation of the Laid off Workers Measures on speeding up self-employment and employment

  4. 该学院已设有创业、金融、it和物流/制造中心,还将开设房地产/基础设施中心和营销中心。

    It already has centres in entrepreneurship , finance , it and logistics / manufacturing . Still to come are real estate / infrastructure and marketing .

  5. 创业资本、金融创新与新经济

    Venture Capital , Financial Innovation and New Economy

  6. S&T周期理论。风险投资与创业企业的金融成长周期

    Venture Capital and Venture 's Finance Growing Cycle

  7. 大学生创业教育实践:金融危机背景下的探索

    The Exploration of the College Students ' Entrepreneurship Education under Financial Crisis

  8. 2013届毕业生中,17%的创业者选择了金融行业,13%选择了互联网服务业,另有11%选择了媒体和娱乐行业。

    Seventeen per cent of class of 2013 entrepreneurs went into finance , 13 % into Internet services , and 11 % into media and entertainment .

  9. 风险投资的特征及其运作过程反映出风险投资是一种创新金融形式,与其推动创业企业发展的金融功能相符合。

    Venture capital 's characteristic and the venture capital cycle show its ' innovative financial quality , accompanying with the function to promote the development of VC backed companies .

  10. 而影响返乡农民工创业的因素包括创业金融支持、创业政策、政府创业项目、创业教育和培训、当地的基础设施状况、市场环境以及创业文化氛围七个方面。

    The key dimensions of returned peasant laborers ' entrepreneurial influencing factors include financial support , entrepreneurial policies , governmental entrepreneurial programs , entrepreneurial education and training , local infrastructure , entry regulation and entrepreneurial culture norms .

  11. 创业投资机构作为支持创业企业发展的金融机构,能够为高校科技成果转化企业提供资金,帮助改善企业发展的内外部环境,对促进高校科技成果转化起着非常重要的作用。

    Venture capital organizations , as the finance organization supporting development of the start business , play very important role in the marketization and industrialization of high-tech products .

  12. 由此构建农民工返乡创业的政策支持体系、创业服务体系、金融支持体系、技能支持体系、创业教育培训体系、法律支持体系等。

    In the end , construct the financial support system , skills support systems , entrepreneurship education training system , the legal support systems etc. .

  13. 制定知识产权质押融资、创业贷款等方法,完善支持高层次艺术人才创业金融服务。

    Development of intellectual property impawn financing , business loans and other methods , improve support high-level art talent business financial services .

  14. 创业基金是以基金化投资形式进行创业投资的金融工具,综合了风险投资和投资基金两者各自的优势。

    Venture fund is a financial means to deal with venture investment by fund capital form , it synthesises the advantage of both venture capital and investment fund .

  15. 本文以创业企业的信息透明程度为特征,划分创业企业的金融成长周期,分析了金融资源限制对创业企业成长的影响,指出风险投资在创业企业成长周期不同阶段承担着重要的作用。

    Based on information transparency of ventures , this paper divides finance growing cycle into several stages and makes an analysis of the effects of financial resource constraints on venture 's growth and the role that venture capital plays in different stages of venture 's growth .

  16. 随着我国创业投资实践的不断深入,创业投资保险制度作为创业投资金融保障体系的重要内容,大力推进创业投资保险制度构建具有重要作用。

    With the unceasingly developed practice of our venture capital , establishing the insurance system of our venture capital has vital role because it will be the important content of the finance safeguard system .

  17. 基于政府层面:(1)改善创业环境,促进农民创业;(2)加强创业培训,提升农民创业能力;(3)构建农民创业金融保障体系。

    Based on the government level : ( 1 ) to improve the business environment and the promotion of entrepreneurial farmers ; ( 2 ) to enhance entrepreneurship training , to enhance the entrepreneurial capacity of farmers ; ( 3 ) farmers venture to build the financial security system .