
chuàng yì guǎng gào
  • Creative advertising;initiative advertisement
创意广告[chuàng yì guǎng gào]
  1. 下面这些海报有特色的创意广告是这类广告的最佳例证。

    Creative advertising posters featured below are an excellent example of such advertising .

  2. 在任何成功的创意广告中,创新和新颖是必不可少的因素。

    There must be innovation and creativity involve in any successful creative advertisement campaign .

  3. 作为我们的深圳酒店广告设计,我们的设计创意广告就是这么开始的。

    As part of our design , our design creative advertisement is just the beginning .

  4. 创意广告往往能够奏效,让商品看起来比起其他品牌更吸引人。

    Creative advertising often does the trick , making one product appear more interesting than others .

  5. 然而创意广告可以体现于多方面,包括画面,尺寸,文字,图象等多方面构成的。

    However , creative advertising can be embodied in many areas , including picture , size , text , images and other aspects of composition .

  6. 第二,即便是创意广告也必须以高效地制作出来并投放出去,以实现通过提升品牌形象带动产品销售的基本目标。

    Second , even creative adverts have to be efficiently produced and delivered so they meet the basic goal of selling products by advancing the brand image .

  7. 斯德哥尔摩的奥登普兰广场上竖立的创意广告牌正试图帮助路人完成最常见的新年决心之一:戒烟。

    An innovative billboard in Stockholm 's Odenplan square is trying to help passers-by with one of the most common New Year 's resolutions : Quit smoking .

  8. 有的放矢投入广告、广告内容避免低俗、打造创意广告、增加公益题材等。

    Have a definite object in view of advertising , and avoid the vulgar of advertising content , to create creative advertising , and increase the theme of public interest .

  9. 戛纳电影节对于好莱坞的意义正如戛纳国际创意广告节一直以来对于纽约麦迪逊大道的意义&以及如今对于硅谷的意义。

    What the Cannes Film Festival is to Hollywood , the Cannes Lions International Festival of creativity has long been to Madison Avenue & and now to Silicon Valley too .

  10. 为了更加生动地展现在了解消费者心态和紧抓住观众注意力,两者之间的联系和重要性,大卫向大家展示了他过去为汇丰银行拯救泰国虎的宣传活动所做的创意广告。

    David presented HSBC 's Save The Tiger in Thailand Campaign , his previous experience in the industry that further demonstrated the need to connect with the customer and to catch the viewer 's attention .

  11. 独有和新颖是创意广告的优势所在,它剔除了普通广告单调乏味的重复性信息传达路径,使广告的内容和形式都得到了创新性的发挥。

    The unique and innovation are the advantages of the creative advertising . It removed the tedious repetitive message broadcasting path of the originally advertising , and it makes the innovative show of the advertising content and form .

  12. 该公司最近在巴西为男士香水Axe(在英国的名字是凌仕(Lynx))推出了“程序化创意”广告,它会自动从10万个画面中选取画面,为观看者制作个性化的广告短片。

    It recently ran a " programmatic creative " campaign in Brazil for Axe , the men 's deodorant known as Lynx in the UK , which automatically drew from 100000 vignettes to create a short commercial individually tailored to the viewers watching .

  13. 现代广告设计中,创意是广告作品成败的关键。

    Creativeness is the key to success for modern ads designing .

  14. 你会知道他喜欢创意的广告活动。

    You would have known he wanted a flashier campaign .

  15. 图形创意在广告艺术设计中的重要性研究

    Graphic Art Design Creative Advertisement at the Importance of Research

  16. 有创意的广告才能获得成功。

    The advertisement that has Creation can get success .

  17. 创意是广告传播活动中最核心的环节。

    Creativity is the core activities of advertising communication .

  18. 广告创意是广告活动的一个关键环节。

    Creation of advertisement is one of the key links in the advertising .

  19. 商业广告创意是广告业的生存与发展的独特属性。

    Commercial advertising creative advertising industry , survival and development of unique attributes .

  20. 有创意的广告需要智力与想像力。

    A creative advertisement requires intelligence and imagination .

  21. 广告创意在广告活动中的重要性

    The Importance of Meaning Creation in Advertisement Activities

  22. 创意:广告摄影的灵魂最佳创意广告

    On the Creative Ideas of Advertising Photography Advertisement

  23. 2006年台湾知名报刊广告创意述评广告公司与广告奖项

    Renowned 2006 ' Taiwan newspaper advertising creative Commentary

  24. 用创意创新广告产业

    Ad Industry can be Innovated by Originality

  25. 其实一个好的传播创意和广告创意,在你有一些经验后是较容易成形的。

    A good communication or advertising idea is easy to spot if you have some experience .

  26. 广告标语创意是广告企业文化精神的外在体现。

    Company 's cultural spirit .

  27. 唐坊广告提供全系列的充满创意的广告和图文设计;

    TangDesign offering a full range of original concepts , creative advertising , and innovative graphic design .

  28. 创意&广告的灵魂

    Creativeness-the Soul of Advertising

  29. 作为广告设计者,需要有创造性的思维,具有一定的创造力,才能生产出有创意的广告。

    As a modern ads designer , one needs creative thinking so as to produce ads with creativeness .

  30. 首先认为语言对抗贯穿广告创意、广告表现等过程之中,其次讨论语言对抗在广告创作中的作用。

    It first raises the opinion that contrary language penetrates the processes such as advertising inspiration and advertising expression .