
  1. 可以通过明确家族企业技术创新定位;

    First , define the technological innovation of family enterprise ;

  2. 网络营销创新定位、运行模型及案例分析

    E-marketing : the Orientation of Innovation , Operational Model , and Case Study

  3. 福建农业星火计划的创新与定位

    Innovation and orientation of the China Spark Program of Agriculture in Fujian

  4. 扼要分析了新时期福建农业和星火计划存在的问题,针对福建农业现状,提出星火计划的创新与定位。

    Fujian agriculture and the Spark Program of agriculture in the new era are analyzed , and according to the status of Fujian agriculture , the innovation and orientation of the Spark Program of agriculture are proposed .

  5. 浙江省大型企业技术创新高标定位分析

    Benchmarking for the Technological Innovation in Large Enterprises in Zhejiang Province

  6. 我国政府干预自主创新的职能定位研究

    Study on the Functional Positioning of Government in the Intervention of Independent Innovation

  7. 机床装配技术中的一个创新&论定位胶的应用

    An Innovation of Machine Tool Assembly & Application of High Precision Positioning Adhesive

  8. 面向顾客价值创新的战略定位与分解研究

    Research on the Positioning and Decomposing of Customer Value Innovation Oriented Corporate Strategy

  9. 高校学生课余学术科技创新活动的定位、机制与前瞻

    Position , Mechanism and Prospect of College Students ' Extra-curriculum Academic and Scientific Innovation

  10. 技术创新高标准定位研究:新理论模型构建与分析

    Benchmarking Study on Technological Innovation : The Construction and Analysis of a New Theoretical Model

  11. 产品创新与价值定位;

    Products Innovation and Value Orientation ;

  12. 产品创新的经济定位

    Economy location of product innovation

  13. 处理好学术创新团队的定位、人员组成、团队文化等问题是学术创新团队建设成功的关键。

    Such issues as the orientation , the constitution and the culture of the teams are critical to the successful foundation of them .

  14. 给出了通过陀螺仪定向、编码器反馈及光电定位的创新组合导引定位的设计方法;

    An innovative navigation design method was proposed which combined the gyroscope direction indicator , the distance feedback of encoder and the photoelectric position sensors .

  15. 社区党建在观念创新、功能定位、领导方式、活动空间、基层组织设置等方面实现了对传统基层党建的创新。

    The basic organization building of the party in the city community has accomplished much in the innovations of the traditional basic party organization building .

  16. 电台创新频率新定位之我见&娱乐节目和媒体影响的启发性思考道琼斯工业股票指数最近不断创造新高,频率异常。

    On the Location of Creating a New Frequency of a Radio Station ; The Dow industrials has lately hit new highs with unusual frequency .

  17. 技术创新的市场定位就是企业根据市场需求的范围、强度及层次寻找市场、适应市场、创造市场的过程。

    The market orientation of technological innovation entails the process of searching , accommodating and creating market in the light of the scope , intensity and arrangement of market demand .

  18. 绪论探讨了知识管理下组织员工激励机制创新的目标定位,分析总结国内外有关知识管理激励研究的文献,阐述了研究目的、意义、研究思路和方法,界定了相关概念。

    The introduction discussed the target of staff members incentive mechanism innovation , analyzed and summarized the domestic and foreign related university teacher stimulate research literature , elaborated the research goal , significance , the research mentality and the method .

  19. 世界经济全球化发展使得经济类学科教育呈现出专业复合性和培养目标多元化趋势,对经济类人才培养提出了符合市场需求的复合型、创新型人才定位。

    The world economic globalization development makes economics disciplinary education present a tendency of professional integration and cultivation objective diversification , which brings the integration-oriented and innovation - oriented talent positioning to the economics talent cultivation that fits for the market demand .

  20. 从发展机遇、体制创新、市场定位、功能发挥、文化建园、开拓市场、科学管理和依法经营8个方面论述了市场经济对我国动物园提出的要求。

    Requirement of market economy of our zoos were discussed in eight aspects : opportunity in development , system creation , positioning of zoo in the market , development of zoo function , cultural construction , market exploitation scientific management and operation according to laws .

  21. 企业技术创新的高标准定位研究

    Studies on Benchmarking of technological innovation in Chinese enterprises

  22. 实施高标定位,明确目标;法国公司创新的高标定位

    By using benchmarking clearing the target ; Benchmarking Innovation Practices on Firms in France

  23. 非营利科研机构在科技创新体系中的定位与作用研究

    To Study on the Orientation and Function of Non-Profit Scientific Research Organizations in Science and Technology Innovating System

  24. 随着实践的发展,特别在现代科技革命和知识经济条件下,大学生科技创新活动应该重新定位。

    With the progress of science and technology and the rising of knowledge economy , college students'activities of scienficand technological invention should be repositioned .

  25. 高职院校创新创业教育人才定位与培养模式

    Role of Culture-based Quality Education and Cultivation of Creative Ability ; Talents Orientation and Training Mode of Innovatively Starting Enterprises Education in Higher Vocational Colleges

  26. 要解决这些问题,最主要的是要加强节目创新,准确节目定位,打造名牌栏目。

    In order to address these problems , the most important is to strengthen the innovative programs , accurate positioning programs , and building famous column .

  27. 以哈尔滨市小城镇为研究对象,提出了建立创新体系的目标定位,构建了创新体系的系统结构,分析了各个主要经济主体的相互作用关系,探讨了实现创新体系有效运行应当建立的若干机制。

    The small town innovation system and its construction interaction among main economic bodies , and some mechanism to realize the innovation system effectively are discussed in detail .

  28. 地方高师教育是师范教育,创新教育的目标定位应立足于师范性,着重培养学生创新意识、创新思维、创新品性和创新技能技法等创造性素质。

    The education in local teachers ' colleges is teacher-training education . The aim of the creativity education should be based on students ' creative abilities in ideology , mode of thinking , moral character , technical ability and skills .

  29. 要使我国文化产业获得较大的发展,当务之急是要在观念创新、文化体制创新、战略定位、开展对外文化交流等方面下大功夫。

    To make the industry develop rapidly , the pressing matter of the moment is to devote great efforts to notional and cultural innovation and develop cultural exchanges with other countries .

  30. 以先有客户独立存管制度有效实施,确保中介服务的安全性后,才能考虑创新收益,作为持续健康发展的创新定位;

    After implementing the independent client trusteeship system and insuring the security of agent services , the innovation gain can be considered , and the successive development of innovation could be positioned .