
lì tā zhǔ yì zhě
  • altruist
  1. 利他主义者希望看到证据,而温暖的光辉型捐助者只是想感受到那种关联。

    While the altruist would want the evidence , the warm-glow giver just wants to feel the connection .

  2. 利他主义者不是继续进行无私的行为,而是试图强迫违反者改变。

    The altruist , instead of continuing to perform selfless acts , will try to compel change in the offender .

  3. 约基奇,本质上的利他主义者,成了破坏者。

    Jokic , altruistic in nature , became a destroyer .

  4. 我对你的子女是否是贝克-巴罗式的利他主义者感到怀疑。

    I doubt your children are Becker-Barro altruists .

  5. 穷人目前也变得更穷,因此利他主义者的捐助可以起到更大的作用。

    The poor are also poorer now , so altruists can achieve more with their donation .

  6. 穷人是唯一利他主义者;他们把他们所有卖掉而拿去给富人。

    The poor are the only consistent altruists ; they sell all that they have and give to the rich .

  7. 它的天性来自于亚当斯密的“无形的手”而很少来自于公共团体的利他主义者。

    Its " goodness " stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from Adam Smith 's invisible hand .

  8. 从这种程度上讲,和这两位亿万富翁相比,与一个要饿死的朋友分享自己面包皮的穷人当然是个更伟大的利他主义者。

    To that extent , a poor man who shares his crust with a starving friend is surely a greater altruist than either billionaire .

  9. 最上面的25%是利他主义者,提供的此类社会支持最多,最下面的25%提供的最少。

    Work altruists , the top 25 % , give the most , while work isolators , the bottom 25 % , provide the least .

  10. 从那时起,把斯密看作伦理学上的利他主义者和经济学上的利己主义者,就几乎成了研究斯密的传统信条;

    From then on , it became the traditional creed that taking Smith as the altruism in the ethics and the egoism in the economics .

  11. 选择不同受益者,游戏结果大大不同,同时自称是利他主义者的学生的反应更为强烈。

    The students reacted differently depending on whether they won for themselves or for charity with the ones who described themselves as altruistic responding more strongly .

  12. 或许说不实在太容易了。在被提前告知的情况下,利他主义者的捐款额往往更为可观,也更经得起危机的考验。

    Perhaps it was just too easy to say no. Altruistic donations , solicited during the forewarning run , tended to be larger and held up better during the crisis .

  13. 假设你的子女都是贝克-巴罗式的利他主义者,这意味着他们关心的不是自己赠予多少钱,而是他们的孩子能够从各种来源获得的总额。

    Assume your children are Becker-Barro altruists . This means that they care not about how much cash they give , but about the total sum their children receive from all sources .

  14. 为了使利他主义者不被非互惠者们利用,可以预期,互惠利他主义只能在查明和惩罚“骗子”的机制都存在的情况下发生。

    In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters , it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish " cheaters " .

  15. 在提前被告知的情况下,真正的利他主义者更有可能捐款,这与你如果知道包裹到达的时间,届时更有可能在家接收的道理差不多。

    Genuine altruists would be more likely to give if forewarned , for much the same reason that you are more likely to be in to receive a delivery if told what time it will arrive .

  16. 事实上,坚持各级政府及其公务人员都是纯粹的公共利益代表者和天然利他主义者观点的传统公共政策理论在现实公共政策实践过程中受到了挑战。

    In fact , adhere to all levels of government and its civil servants are pure representatives of the public interest and the natural altruistic point of view of traditional policy theory in reality , the process of policy practice has been challenged .