
  • 网络niche product
  1. 在清洁产品中,利基产品例如不锈钢专用清洁剂和木地板清洁皂的销售有所下滑,因为家庭开始选择使用多功能的Cif清洁剂。

    In the cleaning aisles , sales of niche products such as specialist stainless steel cleaners and soaps for wood floors are declining as families opt for multi-purpose Cif cleaners .

  2. 而创新的销售方法,营销方式和公共关系则是开拓利基产品的关键。

    Innovative sales , marketing and PR are vital to exploit these niche products .

  3. 超便携个人电脑体型小,重量轻,具备很强的连接功能,售价在2000美元或更高,投入市场几年来一直属于利基产品(nicheproduct)。

    UMPCs are small , light computers with strong connectivity features that can cost US $ 2,000 or more and have remained a niche product after several years in the market .

  4. 波恩西盟帕特内咨询公司(simon-kucher&partners)的董事长赫尔曼西蒙(hermannsimon)表示,依赖于强调创新,有能力生产其它制造商几乎无法媲美的范围相对狭窄的利基产品,也将是非常重要的。

    An ability to make products in relatively narrow niches that few others can match , backed by an emphasis on innovation , will also be important , says Hermann Simon , chairman of simon-kucher & partners , a Bonn consultancy .

  5. 它将把你从利基产品选型,以彻底消灭你的竞争对手。

    It will take you from niche selection to totally annihilating your competition .

  6. 而卡西欧的成功不仅仅是因为其生产了时髦的利基产品。

    But Casio 's successes are not only because of its nifty niche products .

  7. 传统杂货店正重新组合,创造利基产品跟上零售气势。

    Traditional grocery stores are reinventing product mixes and creating niches to keep up with the retail powerhouses .

  8. 他还青睐能源、农业以及所谓专注于利基产品(比如手机外壳)的特殊情况股票。

    He also likes energy , agriculture , and so-called special situations stocks that focus on niche products such as mobile phone covers .

  9. 制造老年人专用的利基产品也许是从他们身上赚钱的一种方式,但可能并不是主要方式。

    Making niche products for the elderly may be one way to make money out of them , but perhaps not the chief way .

  10. 只有营运成本低的公司或是一些受到保护的利基产品才有可能有长期获利成长的机会。

    In such a commodity-like business , only a very low-cost operator or someone operating in a protected , and usually small , niche can sustain high profitability levels .

  11. 平板电脑和普通个人电脑一样贵,所以一直是一个利基产品,主要用于医疗和建筑行业。

    Instead the devices , which cost almost as much as proper PCs , have remained a niche product used primarily in industries such as health care and construction .

  12. 您可以方便地添加更多的功能,结合成一个新的搜索引擎优化工具,或将它集成到利基产品提供您所需要的研究竞争的网站。

    You can easily add more features , combine it into a new search engine optimization tool , or integrate it into a niche product where you need to research competing websites .

  13. 对英特尔来说,与一家领先的移动设备厂商合作,对于其芯片得到采用是至关重要的一步,尽管上述宣布似乎表明,两家集团初期将聚焦于利基产品,相关设备的类别尚未确立。

    For Intel , a partnership with a leading mobile player is crucial to adoption of its chips although the announcement suggested the groups would focus on niche products initially in categories of devices yet to be developed .

  14. 这两家结盟的法国、日本汽车制造商,正以比其它大型汽车制造商更为积极的态度进军纯电池驱动电动汽车领域,尽管其竞争对手和行业分析师普遍认为,此类汽车不过是一种利基产品。

    The Allied French and Japanese carmakers are pushing more aggressively than other big car producers into pure battery electric vehicles , despite a widespread view among their competitors and industry analysts that they will be little more than a niche product .

  15. 尽管初级商品仍占据输华商品的较大比重,加工食品,饮料和一些利基特制产品也有不俗的表现。

    While commodities still dominate our export basket to China , processed foods and beverages and some niche manufactured goods have also performed well .

  16. 宏达电首席财务官郑慧明表示,这些数据反映出一个大趋势,即随着智能手机从一种高端利基市场产品,转变为在欧美发达市场具有大众吸引力的产品,智能手机销售已进入快速增长期。

    Cheng Hui-ming , chief financial officer , said these numbers reflected the more general trend of smartphone sales entering a period of very fast growth as it transformed from a niche , high-end product to one with mass consumer appeal in developed markets in Europe and the US .

  17. 标准普尔公司对特斯拉的企业信用评级为B-,比投资级别低了6个等级,标普称特斯拉汽车利基市场的产品范围较窄,与大型汽车公司相比运营多样性有限。

    The firm rates Tesla six levels into junk , at a B - corporate credit rating , citing concerns about the auto company 's niche market that has a very limited product range , and operating diversity compared to significantly larger and stronger rivals .

  18. 兰色的线条表示的是来自量小的利基市场类的产品收入。

    The blue line represents income from those products in the low volume niche market category .

  19. 他们给“长尾”现象带来福音,把利基用户和利基产品联系到一起。

    They bring out the good news of the " long tail " phenomenon , which we all know , connects niche audiences with niche productions .