
  1. 立法机构通过投票将该国的前度领导人赶下了台。

    The legislative body had voted to oust the country 's onetime rulers .

  2. 前度:他能象我那样令你笑么?

    Ex-boyfriend : Does he make you laugh like I did ?

  3. 前度。最好不要抱怨你的上段恋情出了什么问题。

    The ex. It 's best not to vomit up what went wrong in your last relationship .

  4. 但不确定你会获得一个新朋友或与前度朋友和解。

    It 's not clear if you have a new partner or if you reconciled with a former one .

  5. 她的第二部作品《前度》(2009)则获邀为第三十四届香港国际电影节闭幕电影。

    Her second directorial feature EX - ( 2009 ) was selected as the Closing Film for the34th Hong Kong International Film Festival .

  6. 连前度女友的姓都忘掉?

    Oh , come on . You don 't even remember the last name of your ex-girlfriend ? I find that hard to believe .

  7. B组和C组内固定器取出后与取出前刚度之比的均值分别为85.51%、74.49%,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The compression stiffness values of those with fixation removal to those with fixation demonstrated 85.51 % , 74.49 % in group B and C respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 终访时,A组平均椎间高度和颈椎前弯曲度较术后早期显著性降低(P<0.05),B组、C组和D组则无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    When the following-up was over , the average of interbody height and interbody angles had significantly reduced compared with early following-up in group A ( P < 0.05 ) . There was no significant difference and complication of implanted material in group B , C and D.

  9. 隔震设计中铅芯橡胶支座(LRB)屈服前刚度取值的研究铅芯橡胶支座隔震桥梁横向地震反应分析

    Study on setting of initial shear stiffness of LRB in seismic-isolation design The Seismic Response of LRB Isolation Bridges under Transverse Earthquake

  10. 这次新月会落在双子座的最前几度,天王星会落在双鱼座的最后几度,这被星相学家称为这两个行星的“out-ofsign”相位。

    This new moon will fall in very early degrees of Gemini , and Uranus is in very late degrees of Pisces , so there will be what astrologers call an out-of-sign cooperation between these two planets .

  11. 方法:对202例398眼实施波前像差引导的个体化切削术,术前屈光度-2.00~-12.00D,散光度0~4.00D。其中角膜厚度不足者136例269眼(67.6%);

    · METHODS : A total of 398 eyes of 202 patients , with myopia of -2.00 to -12.00D and astigmatism of 0 to 4.0D , underwent customized ablation .

  12. 锁定后的结果显示重复频率的锁定达到了TV-Rb钟本身的稳定度,而载波包络相位锁定后比锁定前稳定度提高了三个数量级。

    The experimental results showed that the stability of the repetition rate reached the same level as the TV-Rb clock and that of the CEO frequency was increased by three orders .

  13. 百米钢轨矫前弯曲度与残余应力的研究

    Research of Curvature and Residual Stress before Straightening on 100-meter Rail

  14. 石材加工磨块粒度合理间隔及适宜抛前粗糙度

    Rational Interval of Grit Size of Abrasive Segments for Stone Calibrating and Appropriate Surface Roughness of Stone before Polishing

  15. 因此,可以采用改变屈服后刚度与屈服前刚度比α的简化设计方法,满足桥梁地震响应的要求。

    Therefore , the requirements for seismic responses of bridges can be satisfied by the simplified method of changing the α values .

  16. 影响钢轨平直度和残余应力的因素很多,其中钢轨的矫前弯曲度就是其中之一。

    The impacts of the straightness and the residual stress are very many , and one of which is the curvature before straightening .

  17. 科学家警告称,如果全球气温高出工业革命前2度,那么将造成灾难性,不可逆转的结果。

    Scientists have warned that if global temperatures rise more than 2C above pre-industrial averages , the damage will likely be catastrophic and irreversible .

  18. 在前一向度上,诗歌表现出极端的文体自觉,追求不可能的纯粹的审美体验,割断了与物质现象界应有的现实联系;

    In the former dimension , poetry expresses the extreme consciousness of style , pursuing an impossible pure aesthetical experience and disconnecting its link with material world .

  19. 同时,钢轨的矫前弯曲度还影响矫直力的大小,进而影响矫直机的寿命。

    Simultaneously , the curvature before straightening also affects the size of force on straightening , and it also affects the life span of straightening machine deeply .

  20. 人造金刚石烧结体的磨料粒度配比研究磨头磨料粒度间隔及抛前粗糙度的确定,对加工生产率和工件表面质量有直接影响。

    AN OPTIMIZED FORMULA OF THE GRIT SIZE OF DIAMOND FOR MAKING PCD COMPACT Interval of grit size of grinding segments for stone calibrating and appropriate surface roughness before polishing are of particular importance to the surface quality of stone .

  21. 由于重轨的矫直质量不仅受矫直规程、矫前弯曲度和初始残余应力等自身因素的影响,还受到矫直机性能的影响。

    The straightening quality of the heavy rail is not only affected by the factors of itself , such as straightening regulations , the original curvature before straightening , the original residual stress and so on , but also affected by the capability of the straightening machine .

  22. 华北地区6.0级以上地震前非均匀度CV值异常变化特征

    Variation Feature of Inhomogeneity Anomaly Value C_V before Earthquake with Magnitude M > 6.0 in North China

  23. 与普通钢筋混凝土(RC)梁相比,碳纤维薄板增强RC梁屈服前的刚度提高了6%左右。

    Compared to RC beam , the bending stiffness of the strengthened RC beam is boosted with about 6 percent .

  24. 目的分析LASIK手术对高阶像差的影响,分析LASIK术前近视屈光度与LASIK术后眼的高阶像差的关系。

    Objective To investigate the influence of LASIK surgery on the higher-order aberrations for myopia and analyze the relationship between the higher-order aberrations after LASIK surgery and the myopic diopters before LASIK surgery .

  25. 2003年广东省一次强对流出现前不稳定度发生突变,其主要落区为△θse(500-850)负值中心或梯度大且△θse(500-850)值较小的区域。

    A case of strong convection in 2003 occurred prior to sudden change of instability with major area of precipitation in a center of negative value of △θ se ( 500-850 ), or in an area of large gradient but small △θ se ( 500-850 ) value .

  26. 最后随访时,41例患者(95.3%)Lachman试验阴性,KT-1000检查显示双侧膝关节前向松弛度差值<3mm;

    At the last follow-up for 41 patients ( 95.3 % ), the Lachman test was negative and the KT-1000 examination showed < 3 mm side difference of anterior laxity .

  27. 从Morishita空间丛集度出发,定义出其时间丛集度的表达式,并计算了几次大震前空间丛集度Js和时间丛集度Jt的时间扫描曲线。

    In this paper , according to Morishita 's spatial clustering degree , defined formula of temporal clustering degree and calculated time scanning curves of spatial clustering degree J s and temporal clustering degree J t before some large earthquakes .

  28. 研究表明,当转子系统的前支承刚度不高于1×107N/m,挤压油膜阻尼器的油膜间隙不小于7.0×10-5m时,发动机的动力特性能得到有效的改善。

    The investigation shows that the dynamic characteristics of the engine can be effectively improved if the front support stiffness of the rotor system is not greater than 1.0 × 107N / m and the film gap of the aqueeze film damper is not less than 7.0 × 10-5m .

  29. 药学专业学生实习前职业成熟度特点的调查

    Comparison of Pharmacy College Students ' Career Maturity Characteristics Before Internship

  30. 术前疼痛敏感度与气管插管、切皮应激反应的相关性研究

    Preoperative Pain Sensitivity Predict Patients ' Stress Responses during Intubation and Skin Incision