
  • 网络feedforward control system;feed-forward control;feed-forward control system
  1. 零位高度的偏离可通过设置前馈控制系统、调节进排风量差来进行补偿和调整。

    According to the principle of adjusting the volume-difference between supplied and drawn air , the deviation of zero-position can be quickly regulated by setting feed-forward control system .

  2. 将辨识模型的传递函数应用到前馈控制系统中,采用仿真和实验的方式来验证通过递推最小二乘法辨识出的模型的有效性。

    Applied the transfer function of the identification model to the feed-forward control system , we take advantage of simulation and experiment to verify the validity of the model identified by recursive least squares method .

  3. 同时,针对复杂控制系统中应用最为广泛的串级控制系统与前馈控制系统,提出了与其相适应的PID参数自整定策略;

    Meanwhile , the auto-tuning strategies focused on cascade and feedforward control systems are put forward as well .

  4. 针对目前DVR前馈控制系统阻尼弱,稳定裕度不够,负载适应性差的缺点,提出了前馈加PD校正的前馈PD控制方法。

    A new control method , feed-forward integrated with PD adjustment , is proposed to resolve the current defects of DVR feed-forward control system .

  5. 为进一步提高原水流量大幅变化时的响应速度,加入流量比例前馈控制系统,使响应时间小于30s,并作为辅助控制手段,以提高系统的稳定性。

    In order to further improve response speed when raw water flow change greatly , flow feed forward control was added as assistant control method .

  6. 广义分散前馈控制系统有穷固定模的研究

    Research on finite fixed modes in singular feedforward decentralized control systems

  7. 热阴极微波电子枪预测式自适应前馈控制系统

    A prediction based self adaptive feed forward control system for thermionic cathode microwave electron gun

  8. 永磁型无轴承电机悬浮力前馈控制系统研究

    Study on Feed Forward Control System of Levitation Force for a Permanent Magnet Type Bearingless Motor

  9. 针对前馈矢量控制系统中由于电机参数与速度检测小误差造成磁场定向错误,提出了一种新的自适应校正策略,该策略采用PRBS在线辨识技术,算法简单,不需要额外的传感器。

    A new adaptive correction strategy used PRBS on-line identification technique is proposed .

  10. BISRA变刚度厚度控制系统与监控、前馈厚度控制系统也是相容的,但它们之间有相互影响。

    BISRA gauge control method and monitor , feedforward system are also compatible one another , but there are some influences of one on the other .

  11. 热连轧前馈厚度控制系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Feedforward-AGC System in Hot Strip Rolling Mills

  12. 车辆换挡过程的变结构前馈模糊控制系统仿真

    System simulation of changeable structure feed forward fuzzy control for vehicle shift

  13. 减温减压装置前馈温度控制系统设计

    A design of feedforward attemperator control system for a pressure reducer and attemperator

  14. 异步电动机磁场定向前馈解耦控制系统的研究

    Research on the system of the rotor field-oriented forward-feed decouple control for induction motor

  15. 简单前馈结构控制系统的镇定

    Stabilization of Simple Feedforward Systems

  16. 提出应用速度、加速度复合前馈控制抑制系统多余力矩、提高加载性能的方法。

    The idea using compounding feedforward to constrain the additional torque and improve the system performance is put forward , and some experiments on the equipment are carried out .

  17. 基于Taylor基数法和预测控制方法,研究了既适用于反馈控制系统又适用于前馈-反馈控制系统的时滞补偿方法一直接展开补偿法和一步预测补偿法。

    Based on the Taylor series expanded and predict control method , two methods for time delay compensation are put forward , which can be used not only in feedback control system , but also in feedforward-feedback control system .

  18. 提出一种基于CMAC神经网络与PID的并行控制器的设计方法,利用传统PID实现反馈控制,保证系统的稳定性,且抑制扰动,利用CMAC神经网络控制器实现前馈控制,确保系统的控制精度和响应速度。

    Introduced a new design of parallel controller based on CAMC and PID . This method realized the feedback control by using traditional PID controller and realized the feed forward control by using CMAC neural network to increase the response speed and control precision .

  19. 带前馈广义分散控制系统的固定模

    On the fixed modes of the Singular Decentralized Systems with feedforward control

  20. 基于神经模糊系统的自适应前馈-反馈控制系统设计

    Adaptive Feedback-Feedforward Control Scheme Design Based on Neuro-Fuzzy System

  21. 500m/m四辊液压轧钢机微电脑厚度前馈和反馈控制系统

    A Computerized Thickness Control System in the 500m / m Four Roll Hydraulic Mill

  22. 设计直流蒸汽发生器的串级前馈&反馈控制系统。

    These main jobs completed are included : The cascade feedforward-feedback control system of the once-through stream generator is advised .

  23. 研究结果为前馈式通风控制系统实施提供重要的基础资料。

    The fruits of the research are providing some important fundamental information for the implementation of a feed forward ventilation control system .

  24. 在此基础上,发展了不仅适用于反馈控制系统而且适用于前馈-反馈控制系统的时滞补偿算法。

    Based on the prediction of wave force and structural response , the optimal prediction of active control force is used to perform time delay compensation .

  25. 并通过分析转速输出曲线,提出了加入模糊速度前馈控制环的系统改进方案,系统稳定性得到较大提高。

    An improvement which adds fuzzy speed feedforward controller to the system is described after analyzing the output curve of rotor speed . Remarkably , the stability of system is enhanced .

  26. 本文分析了螺杆式制冷压缩机在部分负荷下功率因数下降的原因,并提出了采用一个前馈-反馈控制系统,在压缩机负荷下降时同步降低供电电压,从而提高功率因数的方法。

    The reason of the power factor descending of screw compressor under part load operation condition was analyzed in the paper , and an improving method of reducing supply voltage synchronizing with load decreasing by a feedforward feedback control system was proposed .

  27. 微反应槽PCR芯片阵列前馈-串级控制系统

    Feedforward-Cascade Control System for the Array of Micro-reactor Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR ) Chips

  28. 在弥补PI的控制不足的基础上结合前馈控制,然后对系统的控制效果进行分析。

    PI control strategy to make up for deficiencies on the feed forward control strategy to increase , then the control system analysis of the effects .

  29. 基于磁通观测器的电压前馈型解耦矢量控制系统

    Feed Forward Voltage Decoupling Vector Control System Based on Flux Observer

  30. 具有电流误差补偿的电压前馈型解耦矢量控制系统

    The Voltage Feedforward Decoupling Vector Control System with Current Error Compensation