
fù shǒu
  • assistant;deputy;sidekick;secondary
副手 [fù shǒu]
  • [assistant] 起辅助或次要作用或职能的人

  1. 我很乐意帮你,克丽丝。当我还是个副手时,别人也帮助我。

    People helped me when I was just an assistant .

  2. 说不定很快就会成为我的副手.“

    Maybe he will soon be promoted to my assistant .

  3. 她委任了谁为她的副手?

    Who has she designated her deputy ?

  4. 她对她的副手很不守信义,使得他的职位岌岌可危。

    She was so disloyal to her deputy she made his position untenable

  5. 他打算把更多的权力交给副手。

    He plans to delegate more authority to his deputies

  6. 总统一职由其副手接替。

    The President was replaced by his second-in-command .

  7. 他的副手,在1983年接替迈克尔·富特成为其最佳竞选拍档的罗伊·哈特斯利也将辞职。

    His deputy Roy Hattersley , elected as part of the dream ticket to succeed Michael Foot in 1983 , will also resign .

  8. 这个公司的董事长派一名副手出席了会议。

    The president of the company appointed a deputy to attend the meeting .

  9. 嘿,伙计们,hill队长的副手打电话来了。

    Hey , guys , deputy chief hill called .

  10. 有三人被当做嫌疑犯拘留。3.deputyn.副手,代理人

    Three men were detained as suspects .

  11. 曾长期担任卢特尔副手的波普(LarryPope)接任首席执行长,但卢特尔仍担任董事长。

    He was succeeded by Larry Pope , his longtime lieutenant , but remained chairman .

  12. 他的副手,美国人JohnLipsky将暂时担任IMF代理总裁。

    His deputy , John Lipsky , an American , will serve as acting managing IMF director .

  13. 亚利桑那州参议员RussellPearce是前郡长副手,他表示支持该法律。

    Arizona 's State Senator Russell Pearce , a former sheriff 's deputy , s the law .

  14. 其副手AugusteKwame,来自象牙海岸,是另一位出色的世行工作人员。

    Her deputy , Auguste Kwame , another terrific bank staffer from Ivory Coast .

  15. 在这方面,近年来最臭名昭著的代表人物可能就是已故的詹姆斯•戈德史密斯爵士(SirJamesGoldsmith)的前副手、绰号“链锯”的艾尔•邓乐普(“Chainsaw”AlDunlap)。

    Possibly the most notorious exponent in recent times was " Chainsaw " Al Dunlap , an ex-lieutenant of the late Sir James Goldsmith .

  16. 她的副手KayaHenderson将取代她的职位,至少是目前为止。

    Her deputy , Kaya Henderson , is taking her place , at least for now .

  17. 在法国,总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)的副手们指出,粮食价格与燃油价格的上涨,是萨科齐的民意支持率出现暴跌的关键。

    In France , aides to President Nicolas Sarkozy point to the rising cost of food and fuel as the key to his slump in the polls .

  18. 他们说伯瑞斯宣誓时,在被问到他是否就该席位批评过州长RodBlagojevich或其副手,他当时撒了谎。

    They say Roland Burris lied under oath when he was asked if he ever talked to Governor Rod Blagojevich or his aides about the seat .

  19. 苹果公司的具体创新工作更多地是由乔布斯的副手掌管,例如负责苹果工业设计团队的高级副总裁乔纳森•埃维(JonathanIve)。

    The hands-on work of Apple 's innovations depend more directly on subordinates such as Jonathan Ive , an Apple senior vice president who oversees the company 's industrial design team .

  20. 当郭士纳/LouGerstner参加他在IBM的第一次会议的时候,他的一名副手使用投影仪和幻灯片对他做简报。

    At one of his first meetings at IBM , Lou Gerstner was listening to a briefing by one of his lieutenants , who was using an overhead projector and transparencies .

  21. 我的同事吉迪恩•拉赫曼(GideonRachman)曾提醒我们,奥萨马•本•拉登(OsamabinLaden)就是一个出自极端富裕家庭的工程师,他的副手也是一名医生。

    My colleague Gideon Rachman has reminded us that Osama bin Laden is an engineer who comes from a fabulously wealthy family and his deputy is a doctor .

  22. 芬克和他的副手罗布卡皮托(robkapito)曾经听说过市场中的这种观点,并反驳了认为贝莱德规模过大难以管理的说法。

    Mr Fink and rob kapito , his number two , have heard this argument before and deny suggestions that BlackRock is too big to manage .

  23. 施洛特的副手、该公司瑞士业务负责人UrsSchäppi将暂时接手公司的管理。

    Urs Sch ä ppi , Schloter 's deputy and head of the company 's Swiss operations , will take over management of the company on an interim basis .

  24. 公司认识到,由Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)的高级副手克里斯·考克斯(ChrisCox)倡导的有关产品问题的新计划,将消除出版商通常安排的与其内容同时出现的广告。

    The company recognizes that the new plan , championed by Chris Cox , the top lieutenant to Facebook 's chief , Mark Zuckerberg , on product matters , would remove the usual ads that publishers place around their content .

  25. 陆克文在接受提名的讲话中向年轻选民示好:请回来吧,再次聆听吧。有了你们的活力,我们就能重焕生机。站在陆克文身边的是他的副手安东尼•阿尔巴内塞(AnthonyAlbanese)。

    The new leader reached out to young voters in his acceptance speech : Please come back and listen afresh , he said , standing next to his deputy Anthony Albanese .

  26. 上世纪90年代中期,艾斯纳先是栽培,随后又连续否决了杰弗里•卡岑伯格(JeffreyKatzenberg)、迈克•奥维茨(MikeOvitz)担任自己在迪士尼的副手,这成为其任期内的污点。

    Mr Eisner 's cultivation and then rejection in turn of Jeffrey Katzenberg and Mike Ovitz as his second-in-command at Disney in the mid-1990s marred his tenure .

  27. 这家美国科技集团将仍由其创始人拉里椠奇(LarryPage)和谢尔盖布林(SergeyBrin)掌管,不过皮查伊晋升为二人最高级别的副手,似乎证实了世界各地的印度侨民取得的卓越成就。

    The US technology group will still be controlled by founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin . But Mr Pichai 's rise to become their most senior lieutenant seemed to confirm the considerable achievements of India 's global diaspora .

  28. 在这场竞争中有决定权的美国人,在公开场合虽未说什么,但私下却似乎愿意拉加德当选。重要的是,他们希望将IMF副手和世界银行的总裁职位都由美国人担任。

    The Americans , kingmakers in this contest , have said little in public but in private seem happy with Ms Lagarde , not least because they hope to keep both the deputy 's job at the fund and the presidency of the World Bank .

  29. 巴格利大使和她的副手,特别代表克里斯·鲍尔德斯顿(KrisBalderston)今晚都在座,他们显然非常乐意回答任何问题。

    And Ambassador Bagley , along with her deputy , Special Representative Kris Balderston , are here tonight , obviously more than willing to answer any questions .

  30. 但是,尽管伯克夏的首席执行官、首席投资官巴菲特和他长期的副手查理芒格(CharlieMunger)展现了他们通常的幽默感,但长期与会者指出会上透露出了更为消极的气氛。

    But while Mr Buffet , Berkshire 's chief executive and chief investment officer , and Charlie Munger , his long-time number two , displayed their usual good humour , long-time attendees noted a more muted tone to the meeting .