
  • 网络one
  1. 因此,应该多加关注,减少所使用的Ajax请求的数量。

    As such , great care should be taken to minimize the number of Ajax requests that are employed .

  2. 多加关注Twitter公司的上市之路,会对首次公开募股有更加技巧性的认识。

    Pay attention to Twitters road to going public to get a greater sense of the mechanics of an IPO .

  3. 旧金山劳动发展专家DavidBach说,求职者能对那些热门雇主多加关注,提高自己的竞争优势。

    David Bach , a workforce development specialist in San Francisco , says job seekers can improve their competitive edge by becoming more aware of the top ongoing employers .

  4. 短期内原油的表现将影响到下游市场的气氛,从而影响PTA市场的心态,有必要对此多加关注。

    Performance of crude oil in the near future will affect the atmosphere of the downstream market , thus affecting the PTA markets State of mind , this is necessary to pay more attention .

  5. 很多人花很多时间发微博、加关注、更新状态。

    Many people spend much of their day tweeting , liking , and posting status updates .

  6. 请对此多加关注。

    Please give it your attention .

  7. 如果不加关注,将会重现日本失去十年的悲剧。

    If not care for , the tragedy of " lost decade " in Japan will reoccur .

  8. 这个过程是和第一次转换相关联的,并且在模型更新中需要多加关注。

    This process is relatively straightforward for the first transformation and requires care during version upgrades of models .

  9. 阴山北部轻度风蚀地区的自然气候变化有增强风蚀作用的趋势,需多加关注;

    The climate changes in lighter wind erosion regions tended to make wind erosion heavier and should be paid more attention .

  10. 总理辛格在周四的会议上表示,针对女性的袭击在各州、各地区均有发生,国家和地方官员应多加关注。

    Prime Minister Singh told a conference Thursday that attacks against women happen in all states and areas . He said they require greater attention by national and local officials .

  11. 结论:控制高血压、端正退休人员心态、家庭和社会对老年人多加关注能减少老年危重急症的发生率;

    Conclusions : Controlling high blood pressure , take a correct attitude towards retirement , family and society show loving care for the aged will reduce incidence of aged critical ill .

  12. 坦白说,它除了作为学习演练之外别无他用,但它确实值得略加关注―它是我花了几天时间搜寻文档的成果!

    Granted , it 's totally useless except as a learning exercise , but it does deserve some respect & it summarizes several days of my time spent searching through the documentation !

  13. 因此,今后我们在帮助对象改变其文化行为方式的时候,更需要多加关注转型过程中农民是如何以及怎样适应外来文化的问题。

    Therefore , in order to help people to change their cultural behavior patterns , we need to pay more attention to the farmers who adapt to the other culture in the process of transition .

  14. 从这次的同伴评估活动中作者发现,同伴评估可以激励学生相互交流,进而极大地提高和培养了学生英语学习热情和兴趣,所以教师要多加关注此项活动。

    And from the peer-evaluation activity , the students were stimulated to communicate with each other , which greatly promoted their passion and interest of English learning , so more attention should be paid to this activity .

  15. 医学文献检索教育宜对循证医学这一新兴学科的研究进展多加关注,并将有关知识内容纳入教学实践中。

    Close attention should be paid to the advances in evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) which is a burgeoning subject in the teaching of medical literature retrieval , and some of its contents should be integrated into the teaching .

  16. 在实验组,关注学生的学习风格,采取激发学生学习风格多样化的多种教学方法;而对照组对学生的学习风格不加关注。

    In control group the students ' teaching teachers who motivate students to adopt the target earning style elicited style , but in comparison group the student 's learning style was not regarded , in this way we investigated the experimental effect of activating student leaning style diversity .

  17. 当今,发展中医心理养生学,应该在挖掘传统医学宝藏的同时,对相关传统文化多加关注,才有益于中医心理养生文化研究的深化。

    Nowadays , in order to promote the development of Health-preserving of TCM Psychology science , we should excavate traditional medicine treasures as well as pay more attention to some traditional culture . Only in this way can we deepen the research of traditional Health-preserving of TCM Psychology culture .

  18. 在LinkedIn上把它加为关注,对联系人中在那里工作的人员进行调查。

    Follow it on LinkedIn , and do a search for people in your network who have experience working there .

  19. 这个假账号迅速吸引了一批粉丝,短时间内已有超过1万人对其加了关注。

    The account quickly gathered followers , attracting more than 10,000 people in a short space of time .

  20. 受欢迎度的计算方式为好友数的一半加上关注者人数的两倍(但是可以根据具体目标调整计算公式)。

    Popularity will be half the number of friends plus twice the number of followers ( though the formula can certainly be adjusted depending on the goal ) .

  21. 欢迎常来我家坐客记着加我好友关注啊!

    Welcome to my home , Remember to make friends with me and pay attention to me .

  22. 砖混结构加层十分普遍,轻钢结构加层作为一种新型的加层技术倍受关注。

    Adding storey on masonry structure is quite popular at present . As an innovative technique , the light-weight structure has been paid more attention .