
  • 网络Second-hand house transaction;secondhand housing transactions
  1. 一二手房交易比例逆转上海房产市场成熟了?

    Housing transactions a second-hand property market in Shanghai reverse proportion mature ?

  2. 二手房交易税调控效果及税收调控策略研究线性控制器正比控制器

    Regulation and Control Effects of Tax on Transaction of Second-Hand House and Taxation Strategies

  3. 中介企业二手房交易风险分析与对策研究

    Analysis of Risks on Second-hand Housing Transaction and Researches into Countermeasures in Intermediary Business

  4. 专业从事:二手房交易买卖、政策咨询、银行按揭、代办过户、低压贷款。

    Specialized in : second-hand housing transaction policy advice mortgage banks transfer agents low-pressure loans .

  5. 当然,北京的二手房交易仍然有许多的发展空间。

    Of course , Beijing 's second-hand housing transactions there is still much room for growth .

  6. 一时间,有关二手房交易税的是是非非被炒得沸沸扬扬。

    For a time , the second-hand housing transactions tax controversies surrounding this subject in seething hot .

  7. 并对二手房交易信息成本的实际内涵进行界定。

    Subsequently , the definition of the actual meaning in second-hand housing transaction costs will be given .

  8. 而在二手房交易市场中,一房二卖甚至一房多卖的行为屡禁不止,诉讼不断。

    And the housing transactions in the secondary market ," a number sells " behavior is banned repeatedly more than , constantly proceedings .

  9. 最后,设计并实现了二手房交易网上交易系统的信息发布、信息查询、投诉及业务咨询和附属交易等功能模块。

    Finally , a second-house trade system with information issue , information query , complaint and trade consult , attached trade management and so on is developed and realized .

  10. 对二手房交易市场网上交易系统进行了总体设计,并在此基础上对各功能模块的设计与开发进行了详细的研究,对系统所涉及的相关数据表进行了设计。

    Secondly , the design and development of each functional module are studied in detail as well as involved data tables based on the conceptual design of secondhand-house trade system .

  11. 我国个人二手商品房交易偷税法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problem of Tax Evasion in Individual Second-hand Housing Transaction in China

  12. 二手房的交易价格通常经过买卖双方的讨价还价来确定,国家没有统一的规定。

    Secondary transactions of second-hand housing prices are usually determined by the seller and the buyer bargaining , the state will not have a uniform .

  13. 与二手房直接交易市场相比,二手房经纪市场由于房地产经纪的参与有效降低了买卖双方的交易成本,是一种更为有效的交易市场。

    Compared to the second-hand house direct exchange market , the second-hand house brokerage market can efficiently save buyers ' and sellers ' transaction costs with real estate brokers ' service , so it is a more efficient exchange market .

  14. 进入二十一世纪以来,伴随着商品房市场的繁荣,住房三级市场正在加速发展,二手房超越新房交易规模已经成为现实。

    In the 21st century , with the prosperity of commercial housing market and rapid development of tertiary housing market , it has become the reality that the sales of second-hand houses surpasses that of the new houses .

  15. 其次,再利用二手房议价模型,对比分析二手房交易中买卖双方的博弈过程,分析买卖双方在交易中存在的比较优势,以及可能对买卖双方最终收益产生的实际影响。

    Secondly , by the second-hand housing bargaining model , comparative analysis of the game process and the comparative advantage between buyers and sellers in second-hand housing transactions , in order to tell the possible actual impact of the final income of the buyers and sellers .

  16. 特别是沈阳25条新政解禁二手房五年大限后,沈阳二手房市场的交易量也将进一步得到拉升。

    Especially , the25 new policies , which lifted the five-year-ban of second-hand house trade as well , will further boost the trading volume of the second-hand housing market in Shenyang .

  17. 最后提出构建二手房中介PPP模式(公私伙伴关系),从而达到减少交易成本、稳定二手房交易市场的目的。

    The final proposal of building a second-hand housing intermediary PPP model ( public-private partnerships ), so as to reduce transaction costs , the purpose of stable second-hand housing market .