
  • 网络dihedral group;dihedron group
  1. 二面体群Dn与Zn上的一类全向置换

    The Dihedral Group D_n and a kind of Omni_Direction Permutations on Z_n

  2. 二面体群上的HopfOre扩张及其代数结构

    Hopf Ore Extension over a Dihedral Group and Its Hopf Algebra Structure

  3. 二面体群Dn上的H-圈的一个判别条件

    A discriminate condition of h-cycle on dihedral groups

  4. 二面体群整群环的n次增广理想及其商群结构

    Structure of powers of augmentation ideals and their quotient groups for integral group rings of dihedral groups

  5. 通过对二面体群、正n面体群等指标计算给出一系列组合计数问题的解答。

    This paper give the resolution of a combinatorial calculating problems by ways of calculating the indexes of dihedral group and regular polyhedron group .

  6. 二面体群的小度数Cayley图的同构类的计数

    Enumeration of Isomorphism Types of Cayley Graphs of Small Valencies on Dihedral Groups

  7. 根据分类,非Weyl群的不可约有限Coxeter群有二面体群I2(m)和群H3,H4。

    Dihedral group ( I_2 ( m )) and Coxeter group of group H_3 , H_4 ) are noncrystallographic in irreducible finite Coxeter group .

  8. 同时也证明了三度二面体群上的Cayley图是有理的。

    It is also proved that Cayley graph with 3 degree on a dihedral group is rational .

  9. 毫无疑问,系统的信号传输的时间延迟和空间结构(指关于二面体群Dn作用下的不变性)所引起的无限维性质研究是一项很困难的任务。

    Needless to say , this is a very difficult task due to the infinite-dimensional nature of the problem caused by the synaptic delay and the possible spatial structure of the system ( equivariant with respect to a Dn-action ) .

  10. 讨论如何利用群的特征标表来刻画群的不变子群的方法,给出了2n阶二面体群的所有不变子群。

    In this paper , we have discussed the application of the representation 's theory , especially about the method of applying the feature list of group to seeking to prove its constant sub-group , and depicted all the constant sub-groups of 2n-step dihedron group .

  11. 最后,讨论了与二面体群相伴的李超代数的结构。

    Finally , structure of Lie superalgebra associated with dihedral group is discussed .

  12. 本文通过将二面体群作用在一些具体的阵列空间上,讨论阵列空间的对称性,计算二面体群所对应的循环指标,并且指出循环指标的一些应用。

    Considering the action of dihedral group on some concret array spaces , this paper studies the symmetry of array space , computes the cycle index and points out some applications of cycle index .

  13. 文章先将二面体群作用于阵列的指标集上,计算出对应的循环指标,然后再考虑指标集到集合{0,1}上的映射。

    First , this paper considers the action of dihedral group on set of indexes of array , computes the cycle index respectively , and then considers mappings from a set of index to the set { 0,1 } .