
  • 网络Activities and Participation
  1. ICF提出了一种综合性的残疾模式,它由身体结构与功能、活动和参与以及环境因素等核心结构组成。

    A comprehensive model of disability has been developed by ICF which is composed of core structures like body function and structure , activity and participation , and environment .

  2. 儿童时期接受造血干细胞移植治疗的癌症存活者的活动和参与受限:骨髓移植存活者的研究

    Performance limitations and participation restrictions among childhood cancer survivors treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation : The bone marrow transplant survivor study

  3. 身体活动和参与体育锻炼,增强信心,提高活力,帮助改善思考方式,恢复对生活的自我控制能力。

    Sports and physical training help to boost confidence , enhance vitality and improve the form of thinking as well as recover one 's ability of self-control in life .

  4. 执业律师在其公司客户里担任董事、从事商业活动和参与公共事务也很常见。

    It is not uncommon for the practicing lawyer to serve on board of director of corporate clients , to engage in business , and to participate in public affairs .

  5. 与同行的良性互动较少,社会生态公益活动发起和参与数量较少等问题影响着企业今后的发展。

    With less positive interaction , social ecological initiate and participate in public welfare activities have fewer issues affect the enterprise future development .

  6. 探究性学习是以问题为中心,以学生的积极建构为旨向,强调实践活动和自主参与,重视合作交流。

    The character of inquiry learning is that centering on problem , aiming at construct , emphasizing practice and independent participation and attaching importance to cooperation and communication .

  7. 只有树立学生主体参与观,通过学生自身的操作活动和主体参与,课堂教学才能有效。

    So only when we have had a view of student participation and allow students to practices on their own , can we realize the effectiveness of activities and the subject 's participation .

  8. 引导公众积极投入活动参与和决策参与,让公众真正成为广场的主人。

    Guiding public to put into movement participating and decision-making participating actively , the public become the host of square .

  9. 然而,英语专业与非英语专业学生对课堂互动策略中的小组活动的认识和参与程度存在显着性差异。

    However , there is a considerably big difference about the performances and strategies of classroom interaction in group work between English majors and non-English majors .

  10. 积极配合国家外交事务和国际间的民间交流活动,举办和参与对外展览活动,是我国博物馆的一项重要使命。

    Organizing and participating in the international touring exhibitions as well as operating in coordination with the national foreign affairs and international non-governmental exchanges actively is an important mission for Chinese museums .

  11. 排球运动在家庭体育中开展的程度较低,并且观众的闲暇时间不足,制约着观众参与体育活动的时间和参与体育消费的可能性。

    Sixthly , volleyball-sports are seldom carried out in the home , and due to the transient leisure time , the time and the possibility of the audience in participating in sports-consumption is restricted .

  12. 银企关系因为并购业务对资金的渴求而联系得更加紧密,银行基于并购贷款业务有必要对公司并购活动加大关注和参与力度。

    Relationship between Bank for M A thirst for capital and was more closely linked , bank loans based on M M A activity is necessary for companies to increase interest and participation efforts .

  13. 这一活动对艺术界和参与抵御疟疾的各伙伴都是一种授权的信号。

    This event is a message of empowerment to the artistic community , but also to those partners involved in tackling malaria .

  14. 请介绍一下您的业余活动和你为什么喜欢参与这些活动?通常在这些活动中您的角色如何?

    Tell me about the extracurricular activities that you 've been involved in , why you were interested in participating in them and what role you 've played .

  15. 对促进建设行政主管部门职能转变,摆脱对于微观经济活动直接的控制和参与有重要的意义。

    At the same time , it takes effect in accelerating functional transformation of superintendent departments and breaking away from the direct control and the participation of microeconomic activity .

  16. 特别是在当今构建和谐社会的背景下,许多有条件的城市把公园向公众免费开放,以符合人们休闲活动需求的多样化和参与性。

    Especially nowadays , under the background of building a harmonious society , a large number of cities have already opened their parks to the public free of charge , to satisfy their diverse entertaining needs and raise their participant enthusiasm .