
  • 网络kinetoscope
  1. 答:1894年,托马斯·A·爱迪生(ThomasA.Edison)的活动电影放映机(Kinetoscopes)被引入曼哈顿。这个机器的原理是:胶片被封闭在木柜里,在一个循环的回路上转动,只能通过目镜观看。

    A. While Thomas A. Edison 's Kinetoscopes had been introduced in Manhattan in 1894 , those films , which ran on a loop , were enclosed in a wooden cabinet and viewed only through an eyepiece .

  2. 尽管爱迪生确实为活动电影放映机做出了贡献。

    Although , Thomas Edison does get some credit for the kinetoscope .

  3. 第二年,爱迪生获得了活动电影摄影机和活动电影放映机的专利。人们通过摇晃一个曲柄可以看见活动的相片。

    The following year , Edison patented both a kinetegraph camera and a kinetescope viewer allowing a single individual to view moving pictures using a crank .