
  • 网络lei feng;Living Lei Feng
  1. 他被称作是一个活雷锋。

    He is referred to as a living Lei feng .

  2. 活雷锋有需要的时候,Johnny总会出现。

    Johnny on the spot Johnny is always on the spot when wanted .

  3. 你妈真看清那个活雷锋了?

    So , your mom actually saw the vigilante ?

  4. 很快,网民们就认同了他们的工作,还将他们称为活雷锋。

    Netizens have been quick to recognize the work of these translators , calling them " living Lei Fengs " .

  5. 但在遇见戴尔(约翰·坎迪饰)这个活雷锋后,事情出现了转机。戴尔愿意捎尼尔一程。

    But after meeting Del ( John Candy ) , an overeager good Samaritan who 's willing to give Neal a ride , things begin to look up .