
  1. 人民教育家徐特立制定的教育思想、教育方针、办学特色、教育内容及学院双师型师资结构队伍,无不体现了当代高等职业教育的特色。

    People 's educator Xu Teli 's educational thoughts , policy characteristics , contents and " double-teacher " teaching staff embodies the characteristics of modern vocational education .

  2. 对免费教育师范生的职业理想教育状况,直接关系到免费师范生职业理想的确立,关系到能否把免费师范生培养成为优秀的人民教师和教育家。

    Career education of tuition-free normal university students has a direct relation with the establishment of their career aspirations and the cultivation of outstanding teachers and educators .