
  • 网络HR Supervisor;HR manager;HR Executive;Human Resources Supervisor;HR generalist
  1. 沃尔玛宣布,其中国区CEO及人力资源主管因“个人原因”辞职。

    Walmart announced that its China CEO and local head of HR were resigning for " personal reasons . "

  2. 我记得与一位医疗器械行业的CEO就其人力资源主管提出的一项管理人才开发计划所进行的交谈。

    I remember a conversation with a CEO in the medical device industry about a management development program proposed by his head of human resources .

  3. 百事饮料公司(pepsibeverages)人力资源主管约翰贝里斯福德表示,讲故事同样有助于招聘员工。

    Stories can also aid hiring , says John berisford , head of human resources at Pepsi beverages .

  4. bupaukmembership人力资源主管海伦霍尔(helenhall)表示,引荐计划是有用的,但有必要制定一些规则。

    Referral programmes are useful , but certain rules are necessary , says Helen hall , human resources director for Bupa UK membership .

  5. 人力资源主管在调查求职者时会查看其博客、Twitter和LinkedIn等专业社交网站,他们对搜索结果是否满意是很重要的。

    Human-resources executives scour blogs , Twitter and professional networking sites such as LinkedIn when researching candidates , and it 's important that they like what they find 。

  6. 克莱斯勒集团(ChryslerGroup)制造领域人力资源主管格兰・沙根纳(GlennShagena)说,他经常收到10到50份简历来应聘同一职位,而他欣赏那些内容精炼、文字准确的简历。

    Glenn Shagena , director of manufacturing human resources at Chrysler Group , says it 's common to receive 10 to 50 resumes for an open spot . He appreciates conciseness and precision .

  7. 杜福尔曾在菲利普莫里斯公司(PhilipMorris)、卡夫公司(Kraft)以及其他大型公司长期担任人力资源主管。

    Dufour , a longtime HR chief at Philip Morris ( PM ), Kraft ( KFT ), and other large companies , now runs executive recruiting and development at Bacardi .

  8. 这与超市连锁J.Sainsbury人力资源主管伊梅尔达•沃尔什(ImeldaWalsh)所领导的一项独立调查的建议一致。

    This was in line with recommendations made by an independent review headed by Imelda Walsh , human resources director of supermarket chain J. Sainsbury .

  9. 信息技术和管理服务公司OSCExportServicesPvt的人力资源主管露娜•梅特拉(RunaMaitra)说,一些非正式的信息可以通过私人邮件来传递。

    You can always use your personal email for casual messages , says Runa Maitra , director of human resources at OSC Export Services Pvt. , a provider of information technology and management services .

  10. 即使你对面前的机会并不那么感兴趣,也要把这种想法埋在心底。这是纽约公关公司5W公司人力资源主管大卫•加斯宾(DavidGaspin)的警告。

    But if you aren 't really excited about an opportunity , keep it to yourself , warns David Gaspin , director of human resources at5W Public Relations in New York .

  11. 电脑可以为运营主管监测、分析数据,为采购经理管理供应链,在施乐(xerox)和沃尔玛(walmart)等公司中为人力资源主管评估、筛选候选人,并偶尔确定入围名单。

    Computers monitor and analyse data for operations chiefs , run the supply chain for procurement managers and assess , filter and occasionally shortlist candidates for human resources officers at companies such as Xerox and Walmart .

  12. 安全服务提供商杰富仕公司(G4SPLC)负责北非、中东、南亚区域的人力资源主管帕克尔(ZakParker)说,应聘者不应该主动提出薪水问题,因为这会让人觉得你满脑子只想着钱。

    Candidates should not begin the salary discussion because that makes them ' come across as being too money-minded , ' says Zak Parker , regional HR director of North Africa , Middle East & Southern Asia for security services firm G4S PLC .

  13. 顾资人力资源主管埃尔莎克里奇利(ElsaCritchley)表示,在无私人银行背景的人中找出那些具备正确人际关系技巧或财富管理之外某特定领域经验的人,是一种成功的招聘方式。

    Seeking out those with a non-private banking background who may have the right relationship skills , or have experience in a particular area outside the world of wealth management , has been a success , says Elsa Critchley , head of HR at Coutts .

  14. 作为人力资源主管,我解雇过几个员工。

    As an HR head , I have fired several employees .

  15. 少数人力资源主管也在受访之列。

    A smaller number of human resources directors were also interviewed .

  16. 资讯传达的方式是人力资源主管在决定的。

    Communication is central to the role of human resources manager .

  17. 但人力资源主管就擅长写作吗?

    But can HR directors write ?

  18. 我与前任留给我的人力资源主管之间存在着一些问题。

    I have a problem with my HR Director , who I inherited from my predecessor .

  19. 如此多的人对谷歌人力资源主管的新书感兴趣,是有原因的。

    There 's a reason so many people are interested in the new book from Google 's human resources chief .

  20. 一天,一位非常成功的人力资源主管在穿过街道时被一辆公交车撞到,不幸丧生。

    One day while walking down the street a highly successful human resource was tragically hit by a bus and she died .

  21. 最佳工作软件工程师保险精算师人力资源主管牙科保健员理财规划师听觉矫正专家职业治疗师网络广告经理计算机系统分析员数学家

    Best Jobs Software Engineer Actuary Human Resources Manager Dental Hygienist Financial Planner Audiologist Occupational Therapist Online Advertising Manager Computer Systems Analyst Mathematician

  22. 人力资源主管可以从供应链管理中借鉴另一种降低风险的策略,即投资组合的运用。

    Another risk reduction strategy that talent managers can borrow from supply chain managers is an application of the principle of portfolios .

  23. 在2004年的一项调查中,美国大公司的人力资源主管表示,写不出像样语句的员工比例多达三分之一。

    Human resources directors at leading US companies told a 2004 survey that up to a third of their employees could not write properly .

  24. 一位读者发给我一份来自她的人力资源主管的内部备忘录,里面充斥着撇号使用不当和单数主语搭配复数动词的现象。

    A reader sent me an internal memo from her head of HR , complete with misplaced apostrophes and singular subjects matched with plural verbs .

  25. 公司没有法定义务向员工提供福利,完全是出于公司董事和人力资源主管的决定。

    There 's no legal obligation to provide benefits for staff – it is entirely the decision of the company 's directors and Human Resources specialists .

  26. 这项对100名人力资源主管的调查表明,只有3%的人“对这种事情不管不问”。

    Only three percent " simply turn a blind eye to such matters ," added the study , based on a survey of100 human resource executives .

  27. 而且,如今的高管团队成员不再是业务部门的总经理那么简单,他们的身份更偏重于各自领域的专家&市场营销高手、技术达人、人力资源主管、设计师等。

    That top team is now far more heavily weighted toward functional specialists marketers , technologists , HR chiefs , designers and less toward general managers of business units .

  28. 菲利普斯表示,许多人力资源主管和学习主管都回避进行这类衡量,因为他们担心这会危及到自己的饭碗。

    Phillips says many human resources heads and learning directors avoid producing these kinds of measurements because they fear for their jobs , but he says the worrying is misguided .

  29. 目前,许多人力资源主管开始意识到,他们可以从公司内部挖掘人才,接任高层管理职位,而不是从公司外部招聘。

    Instead of looking outside a company for successors to high-ranking positions , many heads of human resources are now realizing they can mine for top talent from their own ranks .

  30. 百度人力资源主管郑斌表示,为了争夺应届人才,今年很多网络公司都提前举行了校园招聘。

    According to Zheng Bin , director of HR at Baidu , companies in the Internet industry launched earlier campus recruitment campaigns this year in order to snap up fresh talent .