
  • 网络humanized nature
  1. 马克思提出了人化自然概念,消除了人与自然的对立。

    Firstly , Marx advanced humanized nature concept that removed from the opposition between human and nature .

  2. 异化劳动逻辑自然前提的二重性特征&马克思人化自然命题探析

    The Dual Character of the Logical and Natural Premises of Alienated Labour & An Analysis on Marx 's Statement of Humanized Nature

  3. 人的自然观与人化自然理论

    Human being 's view of nature and theory of human environment

  4. 语文教学中的人化自然美及美育功能

    The Humanized Natural Beauty and Function of Aesthetic Education in Chinese Teaching

  5. 在这里,自然有其特定含义,即人化自然。

    Here , nature has its particular meaning , namely manned nature .

  6. 马克思人化自然观视阈下当代中国和谐生态文明的构建

    The Construction of Contemporary Chinese Harmonious Ecological Civilization under Marx 's Humanization Natural View

  7. 人化自然与自在自然&对《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的现代性解读

    Humanization of Nature and Nature Itself & An explanation of Economic Philosophy manuscript in 1844

  8. 东方意象/西方意象;社会性意象/人化自然的意象。

    The Eastern images / the Western images , and social images / personified natural images .

  9. 观光农业这种具有典型人化自然特征的旅游形式,对于解决城市儿童活动与城市环境恶化的矛盾,有显著的作用。

    It is the typical style makes Agriculture Tourism a role of solving children problems efficiently .

  10. 流行美学的人化自然论的自然美观存在着人类中心论的偏失。

    Natural beauty found in the humanization of nature in today 's aesthetics takes the sides of human-centralism .

  11. 劳动既创造了作为人的生存条件的人化自然,也以享受的方式创造自身的人化自然。

    Labor not only created man-made nature as the condition of human survival , it also enjoyed the man-made nature .

  12. 它的产生既与指导人们实践活动的思想相关,也与人化自然内部存在着的自然关系和社会关系相关。

    Its emergence is associated with both the thinking of guidance for practical activities , and natural and social relations in human nature .

  13. 体育作为人类的一种社会实践活动的形式,也是人类的历史发展当中的一种文化形式,是属于人化自然的一种成果。

    Sport as a social practice of human form , is also among the historical development of mankind as a cultural form , is one of those kind of natural outcome .

  14. 所谓诚斋体,指的是一种以创新求变为目的,以人化自然为对象,以生活艺术化和情趣喜剧化为核心特征的诗风。

    This style means that a poem style whose key characteristic is aimed at innovating , taken the humanized nature as the target , artistic with life and their comic spice .

  15. 特别是近代以来,马克思人化自然观的创立,在人与自然关系的认识史上树立了一个里程碑。

    Particularly in modern times , Marx established the view of humanized nature which had set a milestone in the history of the understanding of the relationship between man and nature .

  16. 自然不是人的自然,人是自然与社会的人,人作为自然的人与社会的人同属于广义的自然生物意义,即第一自然与人化自然(人为自然或第二自然)。

    Nature isn 't people 's nature , but people as nature and society 's people belong to the broadly-defined natural biological meaning , i. e. first nature and humanization nature .

  17. 接着,在大量文本的基础上,笔者对马克思哲学思想中的人化自然观思想进行了发掘和研究,论证了人与自然环境的辩证关系,探索了马克思解决环境问题的基本思路。

    Secondly , upon the assembly of grave literature , the writer probed into and studied the manmade viewpoint of nature include in Marx 's seeking for ways to resolve environmental pollutions .

  18. 这个相互影响的关系,体现在人以劳动为手段来人化自然时,其自身也为自然所自然化之上。

    That is , once applying labour as a mediator to " humanizing " nature , humans in the meantime are also " naturalized " during the process of labouring over nature .

  19. 美就根源于人化自然过程人的本质力量的对象化,它是人以直观的方式对其本质的把握。

    It is also a process of nature humanization and human naturalization . Beauty origins from the Objection of the Strength of Human Nature which human beings understand in a direct method .

  20. 自然美是人化自然的结果,山水诗画艺术是主体自然美感经验的物化形态。

    Natural beauty is the result of personified nature , and the art of landscape painting and poem is the subjective materialized form of natural beauty through the sensation of personal experience .

  21. 读者普遍的幸福感和舒适感不仅仅是由绿色环保和富有岭南特色环境艺术美感的图书馆建筑物化自然构成,而且还要有更高的协调满足下生存方式的人化自然组成。

    Reader 's happiness and comfort not only come from the green library buildings with rich Guangdong artistic features , but also come from a kind of living mode of high harmony .

  22. 人类从地球上诞生以来就不断同自然界进行物质、能量、信息的交换,实现着自然界由自在自然向人化自然的转化。

    To realize the transform from the nature-in-itself to the nature toward person , when human come into the world in exchange the material , energy , information with the nature continuously .

  23. 随着科学技术的发展,人与自然的这种辩证关系不但产生了人化自然,同时也导致了自然对人的异化。

    With the development of science and technology , the relation between human beings and nature have not only produced human being nature , but also caused the alienation of people from nature .

  24. 自然价值就是人化自然的属性对于人类需要的满足,自然价值具有多重性:生态价值、资源价值、科学研究价值和美学价值。

    Nature value is that the attribute of " human nature " meets the needs of people . Nature value includes : ecology value , resources value , scientific research value , aesthetics value .

  25. 考察“人化自然”命题,要从理解和把握异化劳动逻辑的二重性入手。

    The problem , however , is how to understand the real meaning of this statement , which requires that we should begin with understanding and grasping the duality of the logic of alienated labour .

  26. 从马克思《手稿》的逻辑思路来看,人化自然是作为异化劳动逻辑的自然前提给予设定的。

    From the logical thread of Marx 's script of the year 1844 , we find that the statement of Humanized Nature has been set as a natural premise of the logic of alienated labour .

  27. 这部分主要从人化自然、人与自然的对象性关系以及人与自然的关系和人与人的关系这几个部分进行阐述,深刻揭示人与自然的本质关系。

    This part is about the personification of nature , the relation between man and nature , and the relation between people and people . It deeply reveals the essential relationship between man and nature .

  28. 马克思基于对自然界和社会发展之间的内在统一关系的深刻理解,指出了人与自然之间的实践关系实际上表现为人化自然的关系。

    Marx and social development based on the nature of the inherent unity between a deep understanding of the relationship between that man and nature , the relationship between the practice of fact , the performance of man to nature .

  29. 社会器官既是人化自然的加工厂,又是自然界自然向人生成的社会方式,是人与自然关系同人与社会关系统一的基础。

    Social organ is not only the manufactory of man-made nature , but also the social forms from human nature to human . It is the basis to unify the relationship between human and nature and that of human and society .

  30. 揭示了工业文明以来的实践使人类生存和发展所面对的主要矛盾,已转化为人与人化自然的矛盾,人与自己所创造的世界的矛盾;

    It shows that due to the human practice since industrial civilization the main contradiction faced by human existence and development has transformed into the contradiction between human beings and humanized nature and the contradiction between human beings and the world they themselves created ;