
  • 网络Human Right Movement;The Human Rights Campaign;civil rights movement
  1. 他是人权运动的积极参加者。

    He is an active participant in the civil rights movement .

  2. 一九五O与一九六O年代的人权运动,帮助黑人得到许多宪法中所保障的权利.一九五四年最高法院的一个判决,决定了在公立学校里不准实行种族隔离政策.渐渐地,美国的教育制度越来越公平了.一九五五年,

    The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s helped black people secure many of the rights promised in the Constitution . A 1954 Supreme Court decision ruled that segregation had no place in public schools . Gradually , American education became more fair .

  3. 同性恋权利游说组织“人权运动”(HumanRightsCampaign)对迪尔的决定表示欢迎,称此事是一次“胜利”。

    The Human Rights Campaign , a gay rights lobby group , welcomed Mr Deal 's veto as a " victory . "

  4. 赖纳把舍克介绍给查德·格里芬(ChadGriffin)。格里芬曾担任克林顿的白宫副官,现在是“人权运动”组织(HumanRightsCampaign)的主席。

    Mr. Reiner introduced Ms. Schake to Chad Griffin , a former aide in the Clinton White House who is now the president of the Human Rights Campaign .

  5. 谢谢Chad,谢谢您的美言,更要谢谢您和人权运动基金会。对LGBT群体的殷切关怀,为在座与美国各地年轻朋友所做的一切。

    Thank you Chad , for those kind words and for the even kinder work that you and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation do every day - especially on behalf of the lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender young people here and across America .

  6. 然而,尽管Robeson的激进主义使他盲目崇尚早期冷战偏执、黑名单、以及麦卡锡主义,Belafonte则更幸运:他事业的成就或多或少与他参与美国人权运动有关。

    But whereas Robeson 's activism ran headlong into early cold-war paranoia , blacklists and McCarthyism , Mr Belafonte was luckier : his career rose more or less in tandem with the American civil-rights movement .

  7. 塔布曼是美国人权运动先驱之一,她去世的同一月罗莎·帕克斯出生了。

    Tubman is one of America 's first civil-rights activists.In the same month she dies , Rosa P arks is born .

  8. 诺贝尔和平奖得住埃利-威塞尔曾在奥斯维辛集中营中有过令人难以想象的经历。此后,他一直致力于维护人权的运动之中。

    Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel survived the unthinkable at Auschwitz and went on to champion human rights .