
  • 网络Emu;CAIM;Qaim;Eyam
  1. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校得到了神经学的博士学位后,演员马伊姆-比亚利克(《生活大爆炸》Amy的扮演者)和大家分享了她的学习技巧,这些内容在课堂之外的生活中也能派上用场。

    After earning a Ph.D in neuroscience from UCLA , actress Mayim Bialik shares her learning strategies that also come in handy for life outside the classroom .

  2. 卡拉伊姆人在当今世界人数极少,20世纪初,他们中的一部分人在中国哈尔滨有着一段不为人知的发展历程。

    Nowadays the number of Crimea-Karaites is very few in the world and part of them had a special history in Harbin in the beginning of20th century .

  3. 卡拉伊姆人的主要代表人物,即老巴夺兄弟并非如学者所普遍认为的是犹太人。

    Brother of Lopato who was representative of Karaites is tested not Jews in this article while many scholars of local history regarded Brother of Lopato as Jews .

  4. 没看《生活大爆炸》的人可能不知道,这对书呆子情侣由吉姆·帕森斯和马伊姆·拜利克扮演,关于“他俩会不会那个?”上演了很多有趣的桥段。

    For those of you who don 't watch The Big Bang Theory , the nerdy couple portrayed by Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik provide an interesting spin on the " will they or won 't they ? " story .