
  • 网络Multiplayer;Online game
  1. Internet上出现了一些新式应用,例如分布式会议系统,共享白板,远程教学,协同工作和基于Internet的联机游戏等。

    New applications such as distributed conferencing system , shared whiteboard , remote learning , cooperative work and Internet-based games have already emerged .

  2. 会议系统、联机游戏和备份服务器都是基于组的通讯。

    Meeting system , on-line game back up server based on group communication .

  3. 目前时下最受玩家欢迎的联机游戏型态!

    On-line entertaining attitude welcomed by the player the most at present at present !

  4. 你的朋友将可以在自己的局域网联机游戏中看到你建立的主机。

    Your friends will see your game in the LAN game and be able to join it .

  5. 今年联机游戏同样有许多的变化。当你不在聊天室的时候,别人给你发信息时,系统会进行通知。

    There aren 't too many changes to the network game this year , but you are now notified when you get chat messages from other managers and you aren 't in the chat room .

  6. 多人联机扑克游戏架构及其实现

    Design and Implementation of Multi-player Poker Game

  7. 公司1982年在弗吉尼亚州维也纳成立时名叫录象控制公司,起初计划从事联机电脑游戏服务。

    Founded in1982 in Vienna , Va. , as Control Video Corp. , the company initially planned to become an online computer-games service .

  8. 据电子游戏研究公司Newzoo的总裁彼得•瓦尔曼称,全球绝大多数玩家玩的都是“多人联机在线竞技游戏”(MOBA),即多支参赛队伍在虚拟场景中捉对厮杀。

    According to Peter Warman , President of video game research firm newzoo , the majority of gamers around the world play the MoBa ( multiplayer online battle arena ) game that pits teams of Champions against one another within a fantasy setting .