
  • 网络Weighted average interest rate
  1. 资本化率应当根据一般借款加权平均利率计算确定。

    The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing .

  2. 11月18日,衡量银行间拆借成本的基准7天期回购加权平均利率升至5.94%,为6月份钱荒以来的最高水平,也远远高于今年早些时候3%左右的水平。

    On Nov. 18 , the benchmark weighted average of the seven-day repurchase rate a measure of interbank borrowing costs rose to 5.94 % , the highest level since the June credit crunch , and well above 3 % , where the market hovered earlier in the year .

  3. 11月18日,衡量银行间拆借成本的基准7天期回购加权平均利率升至5.94%,为6月份“钱荒”以来的最高水平,也远远高于今年早些时候3%左右的水平。

    On Nov. 18 , the benchmark weighted average of the seven-day repurchase rate -- a measure of interbank borrowing costs -- rose to 5.94 % , the highest level since the June credit crunch , and well above 3 % , where the market hovered earlier in the year .

  4. 香港瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)发表的一份研究报告显示,中国的实际贷款利率(加权平均贷款利率加上生产者价格通缩)在今年3月升至10.8%,为2009年9月以来的最高水平。

    The real lending rate ( the weighted average lending rate plus producer price deflation ) rose to 10.8 per cent in March , its highest level since September 2009 , according to a research note from Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong ( see chart ) .