
  • 网络structural ratio
  1. 为了适应WTO规则要求,我国对进入的外资金融机构放宽并取消了地域限制,提高了市场准入标准,优化了资本运作的结构比率。

    In order to meet the needs of WTO regulations , we broaden and cancel regional restriction , improve the standard for allowance to market and optimize the struture rate of capital operation for financial agencies of foreign capital .

  2. 从各向同性的半方差模型的参数来看,柽柳(Tamarixchinensis)属于聚集性分布的球型模型,其空间结构比率高,这表明在这一地区柽柳的冠幅分布变化较小,25m的抽样步长合适;

    According to parameters of the isotropic semivariance model , The spatial distribution of Tamarix chinensis can be described with spherical model of cluster distribution and proportion of spatial structure was high , which indicated less change and the lag of 25 m is appropriate at this area .

  3. 所以,总体上,企业的资产结构比率与盈利能力相关性不显著。

    So as a whole , the relation between assets structure and performance of manufacturing company is not significant .

  4. 通过拟合在不同A官能团转化率下结构单元比率的实验数据,我们成功得到该聚合体系不同结构单元的反应活性比。

    Through fitting the experimental data about the A conversion dependence of structural units , the reactivity ratio of groups for different units was obtained .

  5. 然后,他们必须评估目标公司的价值,研究其债务结构负债比率较高的公司,总是拥有各种不同级别的债务,每种债务有各自的清偿次序。

    Then they have to determine how much a company is worth and examine how its debt is structured as highly leveraged groups invariably have different classes of debt , each with its own place in the creditors ' pecking order .

  6. 结合案例,对现金流量的结构和财务比率进行分析,为报表使用者衡量企业的财务状况提供有效的方法。

    To analyze the structure of cash flow statement and financial rate based on case study .

  7. 结果表明,修剪使所有树种地上部分的光合与非光合结构生物量比率(P/NP)立即下降,下降程度随修剪强度的升高而增大。

    Pruning decreased instantaneously the mass ratios of photosynthetic structures to non_photosynthetic structures ( P / NP ) of all three tree species , the reduction in P / NP was strengthened with pruning intensity .

  8. 最优资本结构与流动比率、非债务类税盾、净利润率及成长性负相关,与公司规模,有形资产占比,公司成熟度正相关,且存在年份与行业的差别。

    The optimal capital structure is negatively related to current ratio , non-debt tax shield , net profit ratio and growth , and positively related with the size of the company , the proportion of tangible assets , and the survival time .

  9. 本文认为租赁融资方式对企业具有缓解债务负担、便捷融资、降低融资成本、增强资产流动性、优化负债结构及财务比率、利用税收好处、改善公司治理结构等好处。

    The study educes the conclusion that the lease financing could lowers the financing cost , relieves the debt burden , facilities the financing , benefits the asset fluidity , beatified the balance sheet and cash ratio , uses the tax benefits and improve the firm management .

  10. 为了提高企业现金流量管理能力,必须从结构、流程、比率三方面对现金流量作出动态分析与控制。

    To improve enterprise cash flow management , it is imperative that cash flow be dynamically analyzed and controlled from three perspectives : structure , workflow and ratio .

  11. 皮层与木栓层在茎结构中所占比率可作为核桃休眠期枝条抗寒性鉴定的形态结构指标。2.电导法研究表明展叶期不同核桃种质间抗寒性差异较大,但种间抗寒性差异较小。

    The rate of cork and cortical layer thickness in annual branch could be a morphological structure index of cold resistance . 2 . There was much difference of the cold resistance of walnut germplasms in leafing date by conductivity method .

  12. 从构件水平对针阔混交林、蒙古栎林和次生杂木林3个生境的刺五加种群各功能构件的生物量结构及生物量比率与年龄之间的关系进行了定量分析。

    In this paper , a quantitative analysis was conducted on the functional modules ' biomass structure and the relationships between biomass allocation and age of Acanthopanax senticosus population in three different habitats of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest , Quercus mongolica forest , and secondary miscellaneous forest .

  13. 这说明,金融发展的确对山西省的产业结构调整有促进作用,而金融结构比率的提高对产业结构调整的促进作用最为显著。

    So one can see that the financial development has promoting effect on the industrial structure adjustment in Shanxi , meanwhile , the improvement of financial structure ratio has the most significant effect on industrial structure adjustment .

  14. 成本计算方面的指标有:薪酬结构构成比例、薪酬结构与直接成本比率、订单与薪酬结构比率。效益计算方面的指标有:薪酬结构与利润系数,薪酬结构与销售收入系数等。

    Cost indices used include ratio of wage structure composition , ratio of wage structure to direct cost , ratio of sales order to wage structure ; Effectiveness indices used include coefficient of wage structure to net profit , coefficient of wage structure to sales .

  15. 相比于建筑结构生产的费用,维护结构与地板的比率使得维护结构的费用增倍。

    The ratio of envelope to floor area is such to make even a doubling of the cost of the envelope marginal when compared with the cost of producing the structure of the building .