
  1. 浮浮沉沉中的东北论东北经济的结构性危机

    On the Structural Crisis of Nor the ast China 's Economy

  2. 世界体系的结构性危机与世界的未来

    The Structural Crisis in the World-System and the Future of the World

  3. 失业危机很大程度上是工作技能方面的结构性危机。

    The unemployment crisis is largely a structural crisis of job skills .

  4. 除了生产相对过剩的传统危机外,还有结构性危机,金融危机,以及正在来临的多种危机。

    Besides the traditional crisis of relative overproduction , there is structural crisis , financial crisis and the approaching multiple crises .

  5. 8已经警告,假如在2050年前相关支出没有翻倍,全球粮食危机“将演变成结构性危机”。

    The G8 has warned that , without a doubling of spending by 2050 , the global food crisis " will become structural " .

  6. 极端“理性化”的现代化过程酿成了极为严重的主体意义危机、生态伦理危机及社会伦理生态的结构性危机。

    The modernization process of extreme rationalization brings about three serious crises , i.e. , the corpus-meaning and the ecosystem-ethics crises and the structural crisis of social ethics-ecosystem .

  7. 现代世界体系正处于结构性危机之中,人类社会已经进入变革时代,即一个分岔和混乱时期。

    The modern world system is in a structural crisis , and we have entered an " age of transition ," that is , a period of bifurcation and chaos .

  8. 短期内大宗商品周期结束产生的地缘政治影响,以及长期内石油时代告终带来的结构性危机,有可能使俄罗斯经历严峻的经济滑坡,就像上世纪后半叶的苏联。

    Russia could experience a severe economic correction resulting in geopolitical repercussions once the commodity cycle ends in the short term , and a structural crisis once the age of oil ends in the longer term .

  9. 社会危机管理结构性社会危机中的政府行动

    Government Action in Structural Social Crisis

  10. 全球化使得当代管理的发展遭遇到结构性的危机。

    The structural crisis obviously hinders the further development of contemporary management in the course of globalization .

  11. 德国经济经历了1992&1993年周期性和结构性双重危机的考验,其内在的强弱点都得以充分显露。

    Test of both cyclical and structural crises in 1992-1993 . Now its strong and weak points are fully displayed .

  12. 在2008年的结构性信贷危机前,曾反复出现抵押贷款和房地产危机,还有拉丁美洲的债务危机(劳埃德等银行都受到了影响)。

    Before the structured credit crisis of 2008 , there were repeated mortgage and property crises and the Latin American debt crisis ( which caught up Lloyds Bank among others ) .

  13. 全球化进程中世界经济的结构性失衡是金融危机蔓延的重要原因。

    In the process of globalization , structural Disequilibrium of world economy is the key reason for financial crisis spread .

  14. 这些结构性产品也比危机前流行的那种“野猫”票据更简单。

    The structures , too , are tamer than the type of wildcat notes that were popular before the crisis .

  15. 在西欧,社会经济变迁产生的结构性需要与内外危机的刺激构成了政治现代化的动力机制。

    In Western Europe , the structural needs of the changes in society and economics and the stimulations of internal and external crisis formed the motivations of political modernization .