
  • 网络structural changes;restructuring
  1. 增加股票供应和允许境内居民投资海外市场等结构性变革仍然在酝酿之中。

    Structural changes , such as increasing supply or freeing locals to invest more overseas , are still in reserve .

  2. 在亚洲城市外围,中国迅速的工业化进程以及日本公司减低成本的压力,带来了结构性变革,推动对大规模配送中心的投资。

    Outside Asian cities , structural changes stemming from the rapid industrialisation of China or the pressures on Japanese corporations to lower costs are fuelling investment in large-scale distribution centres .

  3. 该行业正面临巨大的周期性和结构性变革。

    The sector is facing huge cyclical and structural upheavals .

  4. 全球金融体系变迁趋势与我国金融体系结构性变革

    Global Financial System Evolvement Trend and Financial Restructuring in China

  5. 上海港:结构性变革的成功之路

    Structural reform is the way to success for Shanghai port

  6. 现代金融体系正在发生结构性变革。

    The structure of modern Financial system is changing .

  7. 1949年以来,中国大陆的银行部门经历了几次大规模的改革,对银行和企业关系的结构性变革产生了深远的影响。论德国企业性银企关系制度

    On the Relationship between Firm and Bank in Germany

  8. 转制与应对&论我国不动产登记瑕疵救济模式的结构性变革

    Transform and Reply & A Comment on the Structural Transform of the Remediation Pattern of Registration System

  9. 自此,近代中国政治、经济、社会等各方面都开始发生结构性变革。

    As a result , China went through structural reform in politics , economy , society and other aspects .

  10. 这增强了竞争,使中国获得了国外先进技术和管理经验,并出现了积极的结构性变革。

    These have brought keener competition , access to superior technology and management from abroad and positive structural change .

  11. 但是,他把腐败归咎于中国经济正在经历深刻的结构性变革。

    But he blamed the practice on the fact that " the economy is undergoing profound structural change " .

  12. 长期而言,欧元区需要实施重大的结构性变革,采取发行欧元区共同债券、建立财政联盟和其他举措。

    In the long run , the eurozone will require big structural change : eurozone bonds , fiscal union and other measures .

  13. 国内商业银行的战略转型是一场全面、深层次的结构性变革,其中既包括发展战略的转型,也包括管理体制的转型;既包括经营结构的转型,也包括经营资源的转型。

    This transition is a comprehensive and in-depth structural revolution in development strategy , management system , business structure and operating resources .

  14. 随着发展中国家生活水平的提高,这种根本结构性变革将继续推动农产品需求。

    This is a fundamental , structural change that will continue to support agriculture demand as livelihoods improve in the developing world .

  15. 文明间的接触会给彼此带来相应的影响,甚至带来社会结构性变革,进而改变历史进程。

    Contacts between civilizations will bring a corresponding impact each other , and even lead to social structural change , then change the historical process .

  16. 与此同时,国际法理论也正经历着深刻的结构性变革,私人在国际法中的主体性身份日益得到重视。

    In the meantime , international law theories are experiencing significant structural reforms , more attentions are paid to subjective status of private persons in international law is generally accepted .

  17. 报告没有归咎于一般合伙人,而是投资风险资本但未坚持要求结构性变革的有限合伙人。

    And it lays blame not at the feet of general partners , but rather of limited partners who have continued to invest in venture capital without insisting on structural changes .

  18. 它代表着一种将教师教育关注重心从培养机构下移到教师教育所服务的学区、学校和学生需要的新方向,由此带来的对临床经验的重视必将引发一场教师教育结构性变革。

    It represents a sort of new orientation to shift down the teacher education focus from preparation institutions to the need of school district that teacher education served , schools and students .

  19. 在引进新技术并诱发结构性变革的基础上,煤炭企业家及其二次创业活动正在成为山西资源型经济转型的根本推动力量。

    On the foundation of importing new technologies and introducing structural change , the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship actions are evolving to the radical driving power for the transition of resource-based economy in Shanxi .

  20. 转型一方面促进了乡村社会的结构性变革,但另一方面也对乡村文化的传承与发展造成了猛烈冲击。

    On the one hand , transformation promotes the structural changes of rural society . On the other hand , it results in fierce impact on the inheritance and development of rural culture .

  21. 与经济增长一样,亚洲房地产投资正在受到影响深远的结构性变革的推动,比如在新兴经济体和发达经济体中发生的大规模城市化进程。

    Together with economic growth , investment in real estate in Asia is being spurred by far-reaching structural changes , such as the massive urbanisation taking place in emerging and developed economies alike .

  22. 但对于社会学家和人类学家而言,真正有趣(不过对于那些奢侈品高管而言这点更令人担忧)的一点在于,西方的消费习惯可能在经历更重大的结构性变革。

    But what is really interesting for sociologists and anthropologists - albeit more worrying for those luxury executives - is that consumer habits in the west could be undergoing an even bigger structural change .

  23. 所有这些市场存在的一个共同因素是:亚洲经济体的崛起、生活水平的提高和经济的发展,导致全球需求出现结构性变革。

    The common factor in all of these markets is the rise of the economies of Asia , the improvement in living standards and development of economies that have created a structural shift in global demand .

  24. 工业化要求完成两大结构性变革:一是经济结构的变革,主要以产业结构为代表;二是社会结构的变革,主要以人口结构为代表。

    Industrialization requires two major structure transformations . One is the economic structure transformation , which is typified by industrial economic structure . Another is the social structure transformation , which is typified by population structure .

  25. 本文从三个方面分析了美国教育方法技能课程发展动向,并对我国教育方法技能类课程的结构性变革提出一些建议。

    The paper analyses the trends of the curriculum of teachers ' educational method and skill in America from three aspects , and makes some suggestions on the structural change of the curriculum of teachers ' educational method and skill in our country .

  26. 从管理学的意义上界定,中间组织是一种创新性的组织形态,也可以说是组织变革的方向,是组织为了响应外部环境的震荡和信息科技发展的要求而产生的结构性变革。

    From the role of management science , Inter organization is a kind of innovation of organizations , or we can regard it as the tendency of organization reform and the reaction to the turbulent environment and the desire of information technology development .

  27. 要维持增长、更好地利用目前规模庞大的国内市场、引导经济实现向中等收入过渡相关的结构性变革,降低盈余而又不损及增长,上述两项比率都必须大幅调整。

    A significant change in both these ratios is needed to sustain growth , make better use of the now large domestic market and guide the structural change in the economy associated with the middle-income transition , and to reduce the surplus without damaging growth .

  28. 后现代知识观的兴起对现代大学制度产生了深刻的影响,现代大学制度的核心内容开始发生结构性的变革。

    With the prevailing of postmodernism , the core of modern university system has been structurally changed .

  29. 经验丰富的分析师们曰渐认识到,许多新技术的诞生将给金融市场带来场结构性的变革,而这将威胁到证券业的盈利能力。

    Sophisticated analysts are increasingly speaking of a structural changes in the markets-many resulting from new technology-that threaten to reduce the profitability of the equities business .

  30. 程序保障和保护当事人实体和程序利益的现代民事诉讼目的,要求我国现行的诉讼调解制度进行结构性的变革。

    The aims of guarantee procedure and protection of the substantive rights and procedural interests of the parts require us to reform our current suit mediation system .