
jí tǐ jīnɡ jì zǔ zhī
  • collective economic organization
  1. 社区集体经济组织改制目标定位与职能重构之法律研析

    A Legal Probe into the Aims and Functions of Community Collective Economic Organization

  2. 关于农村集体经济组织向有限公司转化的问题;

    How to turn collective economic organization into Ltd.

  3. 已经分别属于村内两个以上农村集体经济组织的农民集体所有的,由村内各该农村集体经济组织或者村民小组经营、管理;

    shall be operated and managed jointly by the collective economic organizations of the village or villagers ' groups ;

  4. 第六十五条有下列情形之一的,农村集体经济组织报经原批准用地的人民政府批准,可以收回土地使用权:

    Article 65 In one of the following cases , the rural collective economic organizations may recover the land use right with the approval of the people 's government that gives the approval for the use of land :

  5. 但是,兴办乡镇企业和村民建设住宅经依法批准使用本集体经济组织农民集体所有的土地的,或者乡(镇)村公共设施和公益事业建设经依法批准使用农民集体所有的土地的除外。

    except land owned by peasant collectives used by collective economic organizations for building township enterprises or building houses for villagers or land owned by peasant collectives approved according to law for use in building public facilities or public welfare facilities of townships ( towns ) .

  6. 对国家单位和集体经济组织的外汇管理

    Foreign Exchange Control Relating to State Units and Collective Economic Organizations

  7. 村级集体经济组织审计模式研究

    Study on Auditing Patterns of Village Collective Economic Organizations

  8. 农村集体经济组织收益分配纠纷探析

    On the Dispute of Rural Collective Economic Earnings Distributions

  9. 但不是各个地区的集体经济组织都有足够的经济能力。

    But not every region of collective economic organizations have enough economic ability .

  10. 重在对政府、集体经济组织以及农民方面进行完善。

    On to the government , the collective economic organizations and farmers to perfect .

  11. 农村居民房屋是指在农村集体经济组织所有的土地上建造的属于农民个人所有的房屋。

    Rural residents housing built in rural collective economic organizations belong to individual farmers .

  12. 作为土地承包经营权主体应是集体经济组织的成员。

    Thirdly , members of collective organization is the body of land responsibility manage rights .

  13. 论农村集体经济组织成员身份问题

    On the Membership of Collective Economic Organization

  14. 农业集体经济组织所有的水塘、水库中的水,属于集体所有。

    The waters in ponds and reservoirs possessed by agricultural collective economic organizations are collectively owned .

  15. (二)集体经济组织的财产;

    Property of collective economic organizations ;

  16. 新农村建设中的农村集体经济组织审计模式研究

    The Research on Audit Model of Rural Collective Economic Organizations in New Construction in Rural Areas

  17. 城中村集体经济组织改革模式选择研究

    Study on Selection of Reform Model of Collective Economic Organizations of the Village in the Urban

  18. 第二,改造原有集体经济组织,使之真正摆脱政社合一的旧体制,以股权为纽带,组建新型的股份合作组织;

    Secondly , the existing collective economic organizations should be remoulded into a joint-stock cooperative organizations ;

  19. 壮大农村集体经济组织实力,为农民提供多种有效服务。

    Grow the strength of rural collective economic organizations , to provide farmers with more than effective services .

  20. 农户、农村集体经济组织、农业保险组织可以成为农业保险优惠贷款的借款人。

    Farmers , rural collective economic organizations , agricultural insurance organizations , agricultural insurance can be the borrower .

  21. 农村集体经济组织由于与政府投资具有相似性,故本文对集体经济组织也没有做详细的定量分析,只进行了定性分析。

    For the smaller investment from foreign investors and rural collectivity , the paper explains it with qualitative analysis .

  22. 集体经济组织的补助作用要有经济实力做支撑,要不断增强集体经济组织的经济实力。

    Collective economic organizations aid role must have economic strength , to increase the-economic power of the collective economic organizations .

  23. 鼓励乡村集体经济组织、社会团体和个人出资扶持合作医疗。

    Encourage rustic collective economy organization of organization , society and individual are contributive give aid to cooperative medical treatment .

  24. and(二)农村集体经济组织以及个人从事运输、农副业生产的船舶;

    Ships or boats used for transportation or for agricultural or sideline production by rural collective economic units or individuals ;

  25. 今后北京郊区改革的重点工作是推进土地确权、完善土地征用制度以及社区集体经济组织产权制度改革。

    The emphases of Bei-jing 's suburb reform should be collective land institution , land confiscation and communal collective economy organization institution .

  26. 造成村级集体经济组织负债过高的原因很多,既有外部因素又有内部因素,既有历史因素又有现实因素。

    The reasons for the high debt of a village-level collective economy organization are both the external and internal historical and reality factors .

  27. 集体经济组织在现实中和立法上都非常混乱,不适宜作为集体土地所有权行使代表。

    Collective economy organizations can 't become delegate of collective land ownership because it is very disorder in actuality and law in force .

  28. 应该说农民可以不再担心村乡集体经济组织以各种理由收回他们的土地了。

    In this way , peasants don 't worry about countryside collective economy organization taking back the land in various reasons any longer .

  29. 这个集体经济组织既有别于村委会,也有别于农村的其他各种经济组织。

    And this kind of collective economic organization should be different from a village committee and the other forms of rural economic organization .

  30. 以农村集体经济组织的行为特征为切入点,揭示农村林业发展过程中存在的问题;

    By analyzing the main behavior characters of rural collective economic organization , this paper disclose the problem of development of rural forest .