
jí tǐ fú lì
  • collective welfare
  1. 职工集体福利的理论分析与制度建构

    On Doctrinal Analysis and Institutional Construction of Employee Collective Welfare

  2. 政府兴办集体福利事业。

    The government initiates collective welfare work .

  3. 用于集体福利或者个人消费的购进货物或者应税劳务;

    Goods purchased or taxable services used for group welfare or personal consumption ;

  4. 为国家创造财富多,个人的收入就应该多一些,集体福利就应该搞得好一些。

    As more wealth is created for the state , personal income and collective benefits should also be increased somewhat .

  5. 公司提取的法定公益金用于本公司职工的集体福利。

    The company 's statutory common welfare fund is used for the collective welfare of the company 's staff and workers .

  6. 第三层次:将事务所的剩余在第二层次分配的基础上,提取集体福利、发展基金和财产股的分配;

    The third level : on the basis of assigning in the second level , draw collective welfare , development funds and property stock ;

  7. 拿工人讲,工人的劳动生产率提高了,他们的劳动条件和集体福利就需要逐步有所改进。

    Take the workers for example . As their labour productivity rises , there should be a gradual improvement in their working conditions and collective welfare .

  8. 用人单位应当创造条件,改善集体福利,提高劳动者的福利待遇。对福利院工作人员进行职业培训,提高素质;

    Employers shall create the conditions to improve the welfare and raise the welfare benefits of the workers . 3 training the staff for boost their diathesis .

  9. 其次,总结出农村社会福利的模式主要经历了家庭福利集体福利家庭+现代社会福利制度三个阶段的转换。

    Secondly , the model has experienced three stages model conversion , namely family welfare mode , collective welfare model , family + modern social welfare system welfare model .

  10. 因此说,它是一种传统型集体福利,但它发挥了潜在的普惠型福利模式的功能,与经济发展并没有形成良性互动关系。

    Therefore , it is a kind of traditional collective benefits but it plays a potential universal type of welfare model , not forming a good interactive with the economic development .

  11. 第二十六条工会协助企业、事业单位、机关行政方面办好职工集体福利事业,做好工资、劳动保护和劳动保险工作。

    Article 26 Trade unions shall assist the administrative authorities of enterprises , public institutions and government organs to organize employee collective welfare matters and wage , labour protection and labour insurance work .

  12. 社区服务业不仅为下岗失业人员再就业提供了良好的机遇,而且使他们失去的职工集体福利也有可能通过新的途径和新的方式实现。

    The community service trade not only provides the out-of-work and out-of-post people with good re-employment opportunities , but also can make them possibly obtain their lost collective welfare for workers and employees through new ways .

  13. 只有充分发挥各利益相关者在乡村旅游发展中的职能和作用,促进利益相关者之间多元关系的良好互动,才能实现共同决策和集体福利的帕累托效率。

    Only give full play to the functions and roles of various stakeholders in the development of rural tourism , to make good relations between diverse stakeholders will achieve the " Pareto efficiency " of codetermination and collective welfare .

  14. 我国旧的职工福利制度是计划经济和国家福利的产物,必须在理论反思基础上,就职工集体福利的资金筹集、管理机构和供给方式等方面予以制度重构。

    The old employee collective welfare in our country is the outcome of the planned economy and national welfare , so it is essential that institution of funds collective , management organization and supplement way etc will be set up on the foundation of theories .

  15. 每个人都活在他自己的世界中,他们没有真正想到集体、福利和其他人的健康,地球或任何事情。

    Everybody was in his own world and they were not really thinking about the group and the welfare and wellbeing of others , the planet or anything .

  16. 研究公共物品的理论意义在于公共物品相对于私人物品而言,更贴切地反映了整个社会或集团的需要,更接近社会集体的福利实现。

    Compared with private goods , the theory meaning of studying public goods lies in it reflects the need of whole society or group , realizes welfare of society or collective .

  17. 它是国家及各种社会群体、举办的各种公共福利设施、发放津贴补助、进行社会服务及兴办集体、福利事业。

    It is country and all sorts of all sorts of society groups , held public weal establishment , extend subsidiary allowance , have social service and initiate collective , welfare work .

  18. 在农地城市流转中农民集体内部福利优化必须保障农民家庭的参与权、收益权和法律赋予的自治权。

    In rural-urban land conversion , the precondition of welfare optimization within farmers collective was to protect the farm families ' right to participate in public affairs , income rights and the right of autonomy .

  19. 最后引入同意一致性的概念,并将其作为实现农民集体内部福利优化的必要条件,并大致勾画了一个通过共识决策实现同意一致性的过程。

    Finally . I introduced " consent agreement " concept and regarded it as a necessary condition to realize the welfare optimization within farmers collective , and outlined a general process of achieving consent agreement by " consensus decision " . On the base of previous chapters .

  20. 对实行计划生育家庭在分配集体经济收入、享受集体福利、划分宅基地、承包土地、就业、就医、及子女入托等方面给予优待。

    The family that carries out family planning will be offered preferential treatment in allocating economic income of the collectives , enjoying collective welfare , dividing the field for house-building , contract for land management , employment , medicare , and sending their children into the kindergarten .