
  1. 2011年,美国退役军人福利管理局降低了退伍军人“证明”自已曾遭受性侵犯的证据门槛,这有助于她们获得与创伤后应激障碍(简称PTSD)相关的残疾福利。

    In 2011 , the Veterans Benefits Administration lowered the threshold of evidence for veterans to " prove " they were sexually assaulted , which helps them qualify for PTSD-related disability benefits .

  2. 军人福利的供求均衡分析

    An analysis of supply and demand balance of armyman 's welfare

  3. 战略机遇期军人福利待遇探讨

    Troops welfare and treatment in the period of favourable strategic circumstances

  4. 完善军人福利待遇制度浅探

    Briefly on perfecting armyman 's welfare and treatment system

  5. 从世界主要国家(地区)军人福利待遇看我国军人待遇支出形式

    Armyman 's welfare and treatment of the main states ( districts ) in the world and the payment form of our armyman 's treatment

  6. 建立军人工资福利待遇制度探讨

    On the establishment of armyman 's wage and welfare system

  7. 421家庭结构与独生子女军人的福利保障制度设计问题初探军队离退休干部社会支持度与幸福度相关研究

    Research on the " 421 " Family Structure and Design of Welfare and Security System for Armymen from One-child Family ; Correlation between Social Support and Score of Happiness for Veteran Cadres