
jūn ɡōnɡ qǐ yè
  • Military enterprises;enterprises of military industry
  1. 本文的研究内容是PDM系统在军工企业实施的方法。

    This paper discusses how to establish the PDM system in a ordnance enterprise .

  2. 军工企业产品数据管理(PDM)研究与应用

    Research & Application on Product Data Management ( PDM ) in War-industry Manufacturing Enterprises

  3. XX军工企业是第一家实施国外大型ERP软件的军工企业。

    XX is the first military industry enterprise that has implemented foreign big ERP software project .

  4. H公司是国家从事二次雷达系统设备的科研、生产的大型军工企业,其产品广泛的涉及嵌入式软件。

    H is the major military enterprises in researching and manufacturing Secondary Surveillance Radar equipment . its products involve a wide range of embedded software .

  5. 基于MVC模型的军工企业成本会计管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Cost-accounting Information Management System Base on MVC Model for a Defense Industry Enterprise

  6. 然而,随着市场经济进程的加快,特别是加入WTO以后,我国军工企业所面临的内外部环境发生了巨大的变化,机遇与挑战并存。

    With China 's entry into WTO , both internal and external environments that MRDM is facing have changed tremendously , which creates opportunities and challenges in the meantime .

  7. 自军工企业于1999年开始体制改革及中国加入WTO,以中国北方工业公司为代表的军工产品研发制造单位开始走出计划经济体制,以独立市场主体身份进入到市场竞争环境中。

    Research and manufactory companies of military industry represented by NORINCO started to step out of the planned economic system which kept for decades to enter the market competition environment as an independent market player .

  8. 其次,本文结合SWOT理论,从优势、劣势、机会和威胁四个方面对当前军工企业面临的主要问题进行了分析。

    Secondly , by application of SWOT , approach will be taken from Strength , Weakness , Opportunity and Threat to analyze existing issues in military production industry .

  9. 本文的研究设计有较强的针对性,并对未来发展做了适当展望,对于今后在陕西军工企业全面建立EAP体系具有很强的理论指导和实践参考价值。

    It has the very strong theoretical guidance and practical reference value to the building EAP system in Shaanxi military enterprise comprehensive in future .

  10. 本文结合HX公司实际情况,从理论上揭示了作为航天军工企业的HX公司基于EVA的绩效评价系统的作用机理。

    Based on the actual situation of HX company , the thesis elucidates theoretically the mechanism of performance evaluation system of HX company based on EVA as a aerospace military industrial enterprise .

  11. 在禁止与美国进行业务来往的八家军工企业中,就有卡拉什尼科夫集团(KalashnikovConcern)。该公司是AK突击步枪及其民用版本赛加(Saiga)的生产商。后者在美国市场上颇受欢迎。

    Among the eight military industrial companies banned from doing business with Americans was the Kalashnikov Concern , the maker of AK assault rifles and their civilian variants , called Saigas , which are popular in the United States .

  12. 与国内其它军事科研机构、军工企业的军转民相比,ZW院既有与他们相同的特点,遭遇了相同的困难,但同时也有其固有的特殊之处。

    Compared with the transformation from military to civil industry of other military scientific research institution and other military enterprises , ZW academe has the common characters and has encountered the common difficulties , meanwhile has its own features .

  13. 论述CALS内涵的演变及其基本思想,结合虚拟运作组织方式、并行工程等技术,生成CALS集成武器装备研制系统,以提高我国军工企业的快速反应能力和社会适应能力。

    This paper discusses on the evolution of CALS connotation and its fundamental thought and creates integrated digital data environment of weapon equipment combined with virtual enterprise and collateral engineering with CALS to increase the quick-response and the adapting-social ability of the war industry in our country .

  14. QF集团公司位于成都市东郊工业区,其前身是一家1958年成立的三线建设军工企业,拥有46年的发展历史,但在改革开放后的20多年里才得到快速发展。

    The predecessor of the QF Group Company is a Three-Lead constructive military enterprise founded in 1958 with 46-year development , located in the eastern suburban industrial estate of Chengdu . But it had developed by leaps and bounds in 20 years after reformation and opening to the outside world .

  15. 第五部分主要是阐述军工企业在供应链环境下的库存管理模式。

    Part five discusses the stock management modes in military industry .

  16. 专利引文分析在军工企业中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Patent Citation Analysis in Defense Firms

  17. 西安军工企业品牌运营障碍性因素分析

    The Barrier Factor Analysis of Brand Operation of Xi'an Military Enterprises

  18. 军工企业发展民品的战略选择探析

    Analysis on Strategy Options for Defense Enterprises to Develop Civilian Products

  19. 军工企业竞争力评价指标体系和评价方法研究

    A study on the indices and methods for defense enterprise competitiveness

  20. 大型军工企业投入产出分析

    Analysis of input and output for large - scale military enterprises

  21. 军工企业实行军民一体化模式的因素关系分析

    Research on Factor Relation of Civil-Military Integration Mode in Military Enterprise

  22. 军工企业信息化建设和改造势在必行

    Inevitability of Information-Based Construction and Reform of the Soldier Work Business Enterprise

  23. 提高竞争力推动军工企业管理模式创新

    Improve Competitive Power and Promote Management Mode Innovation of Military Industrial Enterprises

  24. 国有军工企业转型的管理思路与对策

    Management Thinking and Countermeasure in the Transition of the State-Run Military Enterprise

  25. 外向型军工企业投资经营审计之我见

    On Auditing of investment for export - Oriented Military Enterprise

  26. 军工企业产权改革的目标模式是什么?

    What are goal modes of property rights reform of military enterprises ?

  27. 大型军工企业如何推行知识管理

    How to Push the Knowledge Management for Large Military Enterprises

  28. 我国军工企业管理创新研究

    The Research on Our National Military Enterprises ' Administration Innovation

  29. 质量管理体系在军工企业产品生产中的应用

    Quality Management System in the Military-industrial Enterprises in the Application of Producing

  30. 浅谈军工企业实施项目管理中存在的问题及实施方法

    Problems in Project Management in Military Enterprises and the Solutions