
  1. 最近社会对电力职工高薪是否合理,垄断福利是否侵蚀利润等展开广泛激烈讨论。

    Recently people to electric power staff high salary are whether reasonable , whether the monopoly welfare does corrode the profit and so on to launch the widespread intense discussion .

  2. 基于RCE条件下双头垄断的福利分析

    The Welfare Analysis of Duopoly Firms Based on RCE

  3. 基于投资报酬率管制下上下游垄断企业福利分析

    Welfare Analysis Based on Rate-of-Return Regulation on Successive Monopolistic Upstream and Downstream Firms

  4. 我国行政性垄断行业的福利腐败治理问题探讨

    Research on Curbing the Welfare-labeled Corruption in Administrative Monopoly Industry of China

  5. 目前我国彩票市场处于双寡头垄断,即福利彩票和体育彩票。

    Now there are welfare lottery and sport lottery in Chinese lottery market .

  6. 反之,寡占或垄断市场的福利更好,因为研发的沉没成本得到了节约。

    On the contrary , the welfare of oligopoly or monopoly market is better because the sunk cost will be economized .

  7. 垄断的间接社会福利效益分析

    The Analysis of Indirect Social Welfare by Monopoly

  8. 传统经济理论认为垄断会导致社会福利的损失。

    Traditional economy theories believe that monopoly should lead to the loss of social welfare .

  9. 市场垄断程度对社会福利的影响&基于价格不确定性角度

    The Impact of the Extent of Monopolization of Market on Social Welfare Based on Price Uncertainty

  10. 对市场绩效的影响:低度、低层次的竞争和高额的垄断利润造成社会福利的损失。

    The influence on market performance : low level competition and high level monoply profit cause the loss of social welfare .

  11. 各国政府以导致垄断从而降低社会福利的名义限制横向并购,并相继出台了相关的反垄断法。

    The governments of various countries limit horizontal merger in the name of resulting in monopolizing to reduce social welfare , have issued relevant antimonopoly laws in succession .

  12. 具体地说,先是从规制经济学角度分析了垄断带来的社会福利的损失,然后结合跨国并购的三种形式:横向、纵向和混合,具体地分析并购带来的反竞争效应。

    In details the article analyzes the welfare loss caused by monopoly from the point of regulation economics , and then respectively elaborates anti-competition according to the three types of cross-border M & A.

  13. 中国基础领域反垄断与弱势群体福利变迁自然垄断行业豁免适用反垄断法是各国的传统,这由自然垄断行业的本质特征决定的;

    Antimonopoly in China 's Infrastructure Industries and Protection of Vulnerable Groups That the natural monopoly trades exempt form the application of antimonopoly laws belongs to the traditional system arrangements of various countries , which depend on the essential characteristics of natural monopoly trades ;

  14. 为解决这一问题,经济学家从专利的保护范围、期限两个方面,对最优专利机制进行了设计,以在专利垄断带来的社会福利损失和激励创新之间寻求平衡。

    Faced with this problem , economists have designed an optimum patent mechanism from three aspects : the length , width and height of patent protection , in order to seek the equilibrium between loss of social welfare and encouraging innovation brought by patent monopolization .

  15. 其次,租金交易成功,寻租人得以建立垄断地位,垄断进而引起社会福利损失和x非效率;

    Second , the rent-seeking part can establish monopolistic status if the deal succeed , which will then causes damage to social benefits and brings x-inefficiency ;

  16. 依照寻租理论中的塔洛克模型,垄断的社会成本包括垄断造成的社会福利净损失和垄断利润。

    According to the Tullock model in the theory of rent-seeking , the social cost of industry administration monopoly includes deadweight social welfare loss and monopoly profits .

  17. 为解决这一问题,上世纪70年代之前的西方学者主张政府对自然垄断产品进行价格管制,借看得见的手纠正垄断带来的福利损失。

    To solve this problem , many scholars before 1970s proposed that the government should regulate the price of Nmps , using the ' visible hand ' to correct the welfare losses due to monopoly .

  18. 寡头垄断市场具有双重市场效果,同时寡头垄断保险市场的资源配置正效率会对市场垄断造成的福利损失产生一定的抵消作用。

    Oligopoly market has dual market effect , but its positive efficiency of resource allocation will counteract the welfare loss derived from monopoly .