
  1. 在刺激消费方面,则应采取积极调整消费税、征收垄断经营税调节垄断行业高收入、进一步减少农民税费等措施,激活庞大的潜在消费市场。

    In stimulating consumption , we should actively adjust consumption tax , impose monopolistic tax to regulate high income in monopoly industry , further reduce peasant taxation expenses . all this measures is to activate the huge potential consumer market .

  2. 以后随着纸币代替金属货币,而纸币的发行权由政府垄断,铸币税也就成了国家的一大收入。第三部分:构建与发展我国政府公关。

    Afterward with the replacement of specie by banknotes whose issue was monopolized by the government authority , the seigniorage covered a large part of national revenue .