
  • 网络monopoly agreement;cartel
  1. 从垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中三个方面详细说明了ICT产业反垄断政策应该如何做出调整。

    He described how to make adjustments in the antitrust policy of ICT industry from three aspects of monopoly agreements , abuse of market dominance , concentration of business operators . 5 .

  2. 经营者达成垄断协议;

    Monopoly agreements reached between business operators ;

  3. 纵向垄断协议兼具积极效果和负面效果。

    Vertical monopoly agreement has positive and negative effects .

  4. 专利联营的纵向垄断协议表现形式主要有转售价格维持和排他性许可。

    Vertical agreement of patent pool includes resale price maintenance and exclusive license .

  5. 垄断协议的主要表现形式有协议、决定和协同行为。

    The main types of the act are contact , decision and the cooperative behavior .

  6. 专利联营能够通过横向垄断协议、纵向垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位来形成垄断。

    Patent pool act through horizontal agreement , vertical agreement and abusing of dominant position .

  7. 规范垄断协议是世界各国反垄断法的重要内容,也是反垄断法中最受关注、制裁最为严厉的部分。

    Regularizing the monopoly agreement is an important content of antimonopoly law all over the world .

  8. 我国出口垄断协议豁免制度虽然确立,但这种简单与原则性的规定缺乏可操作性。

    The release system of export-monopolization in China is lack of feasibility with simple and primary rules .

  9. 但是,这里的禁止也并非绝对禁止,横向垄断协议也不是一种绝对违法行为。

    But the forbiddance here is not absolute and the horizontal agreement is not an absolutely illegal behavior .

  10. 比如,体育赞助垄断协议就是其他体育赞助垄断行为的基础,换言之,这些体育赞助垄断行为之间既有区别也有着内在联系。

    For example , monopoly agreement of sports sponsorship is the foundation of the other sports sponsorship monopoly behavior .

  11. 专利联营的横向垄断协议表现形式有:固定价格、限制产量、划分市场及联合抵制交易。

    Horizontal agreement of patent pool includes fixing price , reduce output , allocation of markets and group boycotts .

  12. 全文共分四个章节,其主要内容概括如下:第一章,纵向垄断协议概述。

    Its main contents are summarized below : The first chapter is about the overview of the vertical monopoly agreements .

  13. 公司与下游经销商达成的协议属于纵向垄断协议中的限定向第三人转售商品的最低价格的协议。

    The agreement concluded by Company A and Company C and D belongs to the fixing goods prices agreement under the horizontal agreement .

  14. 对纵向垄断协议的认定和豁免的确具有其独特性,因为此类协议并不像横向垄断协议那样对竞争有普遍的危害性。

    The recognition and immunity of vertical price monopoly agreement are unique , because they will cause less harm comparing with horizontal monopoly agreement .

  15. 适用“当然违法原则”和“合理原则”对垄断协议进行规制。

    Both " the illegal per se rule " and " the rule of reason " will be applied in dealing with monopoly agreements .

  16. 现实运用中,垄断协议的表现纷繁复杂,豁免申请却很少提起。

    In the performance , the type of monopoly agreements is varied and its content is complex , but the exemption application is rarely mentioned .

  17. 我国认定纵向价格垄断协议时应采用合理性原则,并在豁免条件和程序上加以体现。

    The recognition of vertical price monopoly agreement in China should adopt principle in terms of reasonableness and demonstrate relevant implementation regarding exempt conditions and procedures .

  18. 纵向垄断协议,是指处于不同生产经营环节或者链条上的企业间达成的排斥其他竞争者竞争的一种协议。

    The vertical monopoly agreement refers to an agreement which is made by diverse corporation in different productive chains to keep the competition from exotic company far away .

  19. 第二部分是通过对美、德、日相关规定的考察,概括出垄断协议豁免制度的基本立法模式,即具体列举模式与抽象标准模式。

    In the second part , basic patterns of legislation of exemption system are concluded after doing some research on the relevant provisions of USA , German and Japan .

  20. 第一部分为关于垄断协议豁免制度的基础理论,在界定了垄断协议、豁免等概念的基础上又分析了垄断协议豁免产生的经济学及法学依据。

    The first part is about the basic theory on exemption system , including defining monopoly agreement and exemption , and the economic and legal basis for the exemption system .

  21. 我国应借鉴和吸收英美及欧盟国家在这方面的经验,在纵向垄断协议行为的列举、协议合法性判断的标准以及协议的法律责任等方面完善对其的规制。

    We should develop the rule of the vertical agreements in China from the types , the assessment criterion and legal responsibility on the foundation of the experience of European countries and U.S.A.

  22. 中小企业也是如此,它们通过此类垄断协议的联合可以缓解在单独进入市场时所面临的资金、技术等压力,增强其在与大企业竞争过程中的优势。

    The same is true of SMEs , their joint through Monopoly agreement can ease the pressure when they enter the market alone , and enhance their advantages in competition with the large enterprises .

  23. 本文中提到的三个垄断协议,我国《反垄断法》所对应的规定都有其不足之处,笔者将在分析研究的基础上提出一些可行性建议。

    As relevant provisions in anti-monopoly law in China to the three types of monopoly agreements mentioned in this thesis do have some deficiency , the author provides some advice after analysis and some research .

  24. 据悉,《指南》将针对与知识产权有关的垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位和经营者集中等行为,细化《反垄断法》相关条款,特别是对于何种情形可以主张豁免给出具体指引。

    Targeting monopoly agreements related to IPR , abuse of market dominance and concentration of undertakings , the guidelines aim to detail relevant provisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law and offer guidance on when one can claim an exemption .

  25. 纵向垄断协议作为垄断协议的一种,与横向垄断协议在行为主体、协议目的及其协议存在的方式等方面均存在不同。

    As one kind of monopoly agreement , the Vertical Agreements has a lot of differences with the horizontal agreements , such as the subject , the aim and the form of existing of the agreement and so on .

  26. 纵向垄断协议在阻碍品牌内部竞争的同时,却促进了品牌之间的竞争,并用能够提高商品的售后服务和经济效率,因而不能简单地运用本身违法原则去规制。

    The vertical monopoly agreement hinders the inter-competition ; however , it urges the competition among the binders as well as the increasing of after-sales service and economical efficiency . So it cannot be simply banned for its surface illegal .

  27. 是推出2013年试酿的酒,还是静等2014年酿出的酒(根据双方签订的垄断协议,香格里拉酿酒厂将是唯一的中间加工厂),目前还不得而知。

    No decision has been taken as to whether to launch with the experimental 2013s or to wait for the 2014s in which the Shangri-La winery will be involved as a transactional intermediary only , thanks to that monopoly agreement .

  28. 垄断协议是指两个以上的经营者(包括行业协会等经营者团体),通过协议或者其他协同一致的行为,实施固定价格、划分市场、限制产量、排挤其他竞争对手等排除、限制竞争的行为。

    " Monopoly Agreement " is such a conduct used for more than two business operators ( including trade associations ) to eliminate or restrict competition by price fixing , market allocation , restrict output , subdue rival or other conducts .

  29. 但问题并不仅限于此,由于纵向垄断协议与滥用市场支配地位大都是在上下游企业之间发生的垄断行为,所以难免出现相互重合、交叉的问题。

    Because vertical monopoly agreements and the abuse of a dominant position both are monopolized activities between upstream and downstream firms , it is unavoidable to come up over-lapped problems . There are maybe two different kinds of affirmations for the same action .

  30. 基于此,我国应采用依附式的立法模式,规定垄断协议罪、滥用市场支配地位罪以及行政垄断罪,并按不同的罪名设置相应的刑罚。

    Based on this point , China should adopt a dependent legislative model to fix the crime of monopoly agreements , the crimes of abusing the dominant market position and the crime of administrative monopoly , then to set the appropriate penalty according to different charges .